[package] name = "test-span" version = "0.8.0" authors = [ "Jeremy Lempereur ", "Benjamin Coenen ", ] edition = "2021" description = "macro and utilities to do snapshot tests on tracing spans" repository = "https://github.com/apollographql/test-span" keywords = ["tracing", "span", "log", "test", "snapshot"] categories = ["development-tools::testing"] license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" [features] default = [ "serde_json/preserve_order" ] [dependencies] daggy = { version = "0.8.0", features = ["serde-1", "stable_dag"] } serde = { version = "1.0.131", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1.0.72" tokio = { version = "1.14.0", features = ["full"] } tracing = "0.1.29" tracing-futures = "0.2.5" tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.6", features = ["env-filter"] } test-span-macro = { version = "0.8.0" } # { path = "../test-span-macro" } indexmap = "2.2.0" derivative = "2.2.0" once_cell = "1.9.0" tracing-core = "0.1.21" linked-hash-map = { version = "0.5.4", features = ["serde_impl"] } [dev-dependencies] insta = { version = "1.8.0", features = ["json"] } futures = "0.3.19" [[test]] name = "tests" path = "tests/tests.rs"