#![cfg(feature = "blocking")] use testcontainers::{ core::{ logs::{consumer::logging_consumer::LoggingConsumer, LogFrame}, wait::LogWaitStrategy, CmdWaitFor, ExecCommand, Host, IntoContainerPort, WaitFor, }, runners::SyncRunner, *, }; fn get_server_container(msg: Option) -> GenericImage { let msg = msg.unwrap_or(WaitFor::message_on_stdout("server is ready")); GenericImage::new("simple_web_server", "latest").with_wait_for(msg) } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct HelloWorld; impl Image for HelloWorld { fn name(&self) -> &str { "hello-world" } fn tag(&self) -> &str { "latest" } fn ready_conditions(&self) -> Vec { vec![WaitFor::message_on_stdout("Hello from Docker!")] } } #[test] fn sync_can_run_hello_world() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let _container = HelloWorld.start()?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "http_wait")] #[test] fn sync_wait_for_http() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use crate::core::wait::HttpWaitStrategy; let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); use reqwest::StatusCode; let image = GenericImage::new("simple_web_server", "latest") .with_exposed_port(80.tcp()) .with_wait_for(WaitFor::http( HttpWaitStrategy::new("/").with_expected_status_code(StatusCode::OK), )); let _container = image.start()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn generic_image_with_custom_entrypoint() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let generic = get_server_container(None); let node = generic.start()?; let port = node.get_host_port_ipv4(80.tcp())?; assert_eq!( "foo", reqwest::blocking::get(format!("http://{}:{port}", node.get_host()?))?.text()? ); let generic = get_server_container(None).with_entrypoint("./bar"); let node = generic.start()?; let port = node.get_host_port_ipv4(80.tcp())?; assert_eq!( "bar", reqwest::blocking::get(format!("http://{}:{port}", node.get_host()?))?.text()? ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn generic_image_exposed_ports() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let target_port = 8080; // This server does not EXPOSE ports in its image. let generic_server = GenericImage::new("no_expose_port", "latest") .with_wait_for(WaitFor::message_on_stdout("listening on")) // Explicitly expose the port, which otherwise would not be available. .with_exposed_port(target_port.tcp()); let node = generic_server.start()?; let port = node.get_host_port_ipv4(target_port.tcp())?; assert!(reqwest::blocking::get(format!("{port}"))? .status() .is_success()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn generic_image_running_with_extra_hosts_added() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let server_1 = get_server_container(None); let node = server_1.start()?; let port = node.get_host_port_ipv4(80.tcp())?; let msg = WaitFor::message_on_stdout("foo"); let server_2 = GenericImage::new("curlimages/curl", "latest") .with_wait_for(msg) .with_entrypoint("curl"); // Override hosts for server_2 adding // custom-host as an alias for localhost let server_2 = server_2 .with_cmd([format!("http://custom-host:{port}")]) .with_host("custom-host", Host::HostGateway); server_2.start()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn generic_image_port_not_exposed() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let target_port = 8080; // This image binds to, does not EXPOSE ports in its dockerfile. let generic_server = GenericImage::new("no_expose_port", "latest") .with_wait_for(WaitFor::message_on_stdout("listening on")); let node = generic_server.start()?; // Without exposing the port with `with_exposed_port()`, we cannot get a mapping to it. let res = node.get_host_port_ipv4(target_port.tcp()); assert!(res.is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn start_multiple_containers() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let image = GenericImage::new("hello-world", "latest").with_wait_for(WaitFor::seconds(2)); let _container_1 = image.clone().start()?; let _container_2 = image.clone().start()?; let _container_3 = image.start()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn sync_run_exec() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let image = GenericImage::new("simple_web_server", "latest") .with_wait_for(WaitFor::log( LogWaitStrategy::stdout("server is ready").with_times(2), )) .with_wait_for(WaitFor::seconds(1)); let container = image.start()?; // exit code, it waits for result let res = container.exec( ExecCommand::new(vec!["sleep".to_string(), "3".to_string()]) .with_cmd_ready_condition(CmdWaitFor::exit_code(0)), )?; assert_eq!(res.exit_code()?, Some(0)); // stdout let mut res = container.exec( ExecCommand::new(vec!["ls".to_string()]) .with_cmd_ready_condition(CmdWaitFor::message_on_stdout("foo")), )?; let stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout_to_vec()?)?; assert!(stdout.contains("foo"), "stdout must contain 'foo'"); // stdout and stderr to vec let mut res = container.exec(ExecCommand::new([ "/bin/bash", "-c", "echo 'stdout 1' >&1 && echo 'stderr 1' >&2 \ && echo 'stderr 2' >&2 && echo 'stdout 2' >&1", ]))?; let stdout = String::from_utf8(res.stdout_to_vec()?)?; assert_eq!(stdout, "stdout 1\nstdout 2\n"); let stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr_to_vec()?)?; assert_eq!(stderr, "stderr 1\nstderr 2\n"); // stdout and stderr readers let mut res = container.exec(ExecCommand::new([ "/bin/bash", "-c", "echo 'stdout 1' >&1 && echo 'stderr 1' >&2 \ && echo 'stderr 2' >&2 && echo 'stdout 2' >&1", ]))?; let mut stdout = String::new(); res.stdout().read_to_string(&mut stdout)?; assert_eq!(stdout, "stdout 1\nstdout 2\n"); let mut stderr = String::new(); res.stderr().read_to_string(&mut stderr)?; assert_eq!(stderr, "stderr 1\nstderr 2\n"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn sync_run_with_log_consumer() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(1); let _container = HelloWorld .with_log_consumer(move |frame: &LogFrame| { // notify when the expected message is found if String::from_utf8_lossy(frame.bytes()) == "Hello from Docker!\n" { let _ = tx.send(()); } }) .with_log_consumer(LoggingConsumer::new().with_stderr_level(log::Level::Error)) .start()?; rx.recv()?; // notification from consumer Ok(()) } #[test] fn sync_copy_bytes_to_container() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let container = GenericImage::new("alpine", "latest") .with_wait_for(WaitFor::seconds(2)) .with_copy_to("/tmp/somefile", "foobar".to_string().into_bytes()) .with_cmd(vec!["cat", "/tmp/somefile"]) .start()?; let mut out = String::new(); container.stdout(false).read_to_string(&mut out)?; assert!(out.contains("foobar")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn sync_copy_files_to_container() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let temp_dir = temp_dir::TempDir::new()?; let f1 = temp_dir.child("foo.txt"); let sub_dir = temp_dir.child("subdir"); std::fs::create_dir(&sub_dir)?; let mut f2 = sub_dir.clone(); f2.push("bar.txt"); std::fs::write(&f1, "foofoofoo")?; std::fs::write(&f2, "barbarbar")?; let container = GenericImage::new("alpine", "latest") .with_wait_for(WaitFor::seconds(2)) .with_copy_to("/tmp/somefile", f1) .with_copy_to("/", temp_dir.path()) .with_cmd(vec!["cat", "/tmp/somefile", "&&", "cat", "/subdir/bar.txt"]) .start()?; let mut out = String::new(); container.stdout(false).read_to_string(&mut out)?; println!("{}", out); assert!(out.contains("foofoofoo")); assert!(out.contains("barbarbar")); Ok(()) }