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Integration tests for the `Ping` network behaviour. use tet_libp2p_core::{ Multiaddr, PeerId, identity, muxing::StreamMuxerBox, transport::{self, Transport}, upgrade }; use tet_libp2p_mplex as mplex; use tet_libp2p_noise as noise; use tet_libp2p_ping::*; use tet_libp2p_swarm::{Swarm, SwarmEvent}; use tet_libp2p_tcp::TcpConfig; use tet_libp2p_remux as remux; use futures::{prelude::*, channel::mpsc}; use quickcheck::*; use rand::prelude::*; use std::{num::NonZeroU8, time::Duration}; #[test] fn ping_pong() { fn prop(count: NonZeroU8, muxer: MuxerChoice) { let cfg = PingConfig::new() .with_keep_alive(true) .with_interval(Duration::from_millis(10)); let (peer1_id, trans) = mk_transport(muxer); let mut swarm1 = Swarm::new(trans, Ping::new(cfg.clone()), peer1_id.clone()); let (peer2_id, trans) = mk_transport(muxer); let mut swarm2 = Swarm::new(trans, Ping::new(cfg), peer2_id.clone()); let (mut tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::(1); let pid1 = peer1_id.clone(); let addr = "/ip4/".parse().unwrap(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm1, addr).unwrap(); let mut count1 = count.get(); let mut count2 = count.get(); let peer1 = async move { loop { match swarm1.next_event().await { SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr(listener) => tx.send(listener).await.unwrap(), SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { peer, result: Ok(PingSuccess::Ping { rtt }) }) => { count1 -= 1; if count1 == 0 { return (pid1.clone(), peer, rtt) } }, SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { result: Err(e), .. }) => panic!("Ping failure: {:?}", e), _ => {} } } }; let pid2 = peer2_id.clone(); let peer2 = async move { Swarm::dial_addr(&mut swarm2, rx.next().await.unwrap()).unwrap(); loop { match swarm2.next().await { PingEvent { peer, result: Ok(PingSuccess::Ping { rtt }) } => { count2 -= 1; if count2 == 0 { return (pid2.clone(), peer, rtt) } }, PingEvent { result: Err(e), .. } => panic!("Ping failure: {:?}", e), _ => {} } } }; let result = future::select(Box::pin(peer1), Box::pin(peer2)); let ((p1, p2, rtt), _) = async_std::task::block_on(result).factor_first(); assert!(p1 == peer1_id && p2 == peer2_id || p1 == peer2_id && p2 == peer1_id); assert!(rtt < Duration::from_millis(50)); } QuickCheck::new().tests(10).quickcheck(prop as fn(_,_)) } /// Tests that the connection is closed upon a configurable /// number of consecutive ping failures. #[test] fn max_failures() { fn prop(max_failures: NonZeroU8, muxer: MuxerChoice) { let cfg = PingConfig::new() .with_keep_alive(true) .with_interval(Duration::from_millis(10)) .with_timeout(Duration::from_millis(0)) .with_max_failures(max_failures.into()); let (peer1_id, trans) = mk_transport(muxer); let mut swarm1 = Swarm::new(trans, Ping::new(cfg.clone()), peer1_id.clone()); let (peer2_id, trans) = mk_transport(muxer); let mut swarm2 = Swarm::new(trans, Ping::new(cfg), peer2_id.clone()); let (mut tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::(1); let addr = "/ip4/".parse().unwrap(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm1, addr).unwrap(); let peer1 = async move { let mut count1: u8 = 0; loop { match swarm1.next_event().await { SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr(listener) => tx.send(listener).await.unwrap(), SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { result: Ok(PingSuccess::Ping { .. }), .. }) => { count1 = 0; // there may be an occasional success } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { result: Err(_), .. }) => { count1 += 1; } SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { .. } => { return count1 } _ => {} } } }; let peer2 = async move { Swarm::dial_addr(&mut swarm2, rx.next().await.unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut count2: u8 = 0; loop { match swarm2.next_event().await { SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { result: Ok(PingSuccess::Ping { .. }), .. }) => { count2 = 0; // there may be an occasional success } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(PingEvent { result: Err(_), .. }) => { count2 += 1; } SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { .. } => { return count2 } _ => {} } } }; let future = future::join(peer1, peer2); let (count1, count2) = async_std::task::block_on(future); assert_eq!(u8::max(count1, count2), max_failures.get() - 1); } QuickCheck::new().tests(10).quickcheck(prop as fn(_,_)) } fn mk_transport(muxer: MuxerChoice) -> ( PeerId, transport::Boxed<(PeerId, StreamMuxerBox)> ) { let id_keys = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519(); let peer_id = id_keys.public().into_peer_id(); let noise_keys = noise::Keypair::::new().into_authentic(&id_keys).unwrap(); (peer_id, TcpConfig::new() .nodelay(true) .upgrade(upgrade::Version::V1) .authenticate(noise::NoiseConfig::xx(noise_keys).into_authenticated()) .multiplex(match muxer { MuxerChoice::Remux => upgrade::EitherUpgrade::A(remux::RemuxConfig::default()), MuxerChoice::Mplex => upgrade::EitherUpgrade::B(mplex::MplexConfig::default()), }) .boxed()) } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] enum MuxerChoice { Mplex, Remux, } impl Arbitrary for MuxerChoice { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> MuxerChoice { *[MuxerChoice::Mplex, MuxerChoice::Remux].choose(g).unwrap() } }