# Tetani Bioinspired Rust Library Tetani aims to be a library written in Rust and implementing several bioinspired algorithms such as neural networks, genetic algorithms or cellular automata. The name was inspired by [Clostridium tetani], bacterium causative of [tetanus] that can live, among other places, in rust. This starts as a pet project to learn the Rust language and probably nobody will want to depend on it for their own projects. But, who knows? Perhaps some day in the future most people playing with Rust will get Tetani. Tetani shamelessly intends to copy from [PREANN], which implements neural networks trained with genetic algorithms in C++ with some parts optimized for SIMD and GPGPU. But it's unmaintained, outdated and documented mostly in Spanish. [Clostridium tetani]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clostridium_tetani [tetanus]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus [PREANN]: https://github.com/jtimon/preann ### License MIT, see COPYING