# Tether Soundscape rs A multi-layered audio sequencer, remote-controllable via Tether, to create soundscapes. Runs in a full GUI mode or headless - even on a Raspberry Pi! ![screenshot animation](./soundscape.gif) ## Why 🦀 Rust?: - Minimal memory/CPU footprint for high performance - Cross-platform but without any need to install browser, use Electron, etc. - Full GUI or headless (text-only) modes are possible - Great way to learn about low-level audio sample/buffer control, multi-threading in Rust ## Sample bank JSON Currently, the Sample Bank JSON files are created "by hand". Later versions will allow creation, editing and saving of these via the GUI. See `./test.json` file for an example. ### Volume and Panning defaults and overrides Clips in the Sample Bank may optionally be given a `volume` and/or `panning` setting. If an incoming `clipCommands` message specifies `volume` or `panning` values, then these will override any defaults specified in the JSON. If neither a JSON-specified value nor a message-specified override is available for one or both of these, a default will be applied (full volume and centred panning). See [Conventions](#conventions) for more detail on how these values are intended to be used. ## Remote control (Input from Tether) ### Single Clip Commands On the topic `+/+/clipCommands` Has the following fields - `command` (required): one of the following strings: "hit", "add", "remove" - "hit" does not loop - "add" does loop - `clipName` (required): string name for the targetted clip - `fadeDuration` (optional): an integer value for milliseconds to fade in or out (command-dependent) - `panPosition`, `panSpread` (both optional): if `panPosition` is specified, this will override any per-clip panning specified in the Sample Bank JSON - `panSpread` on its own will be ignored - `panPosition` on its own will apply a default spread value (`0.0`) See the [Conventions](#conventions) section for more detail on how these values are defined. ### Scene Messages On the topic `+/+/scenes` Has the following fields - `mode` (optional, default is "loopAll"): one of the following strings: "loopAll", "onceAll", "onceRandom", - `clipNames` (required): zero or more clip names; if zero are provided, the system will transition to an empty scene (silence all clips) - `fade_duration` (optional): an integer value for milliseconds to transition from current scene to the new one ### Global Controls On the topic `+/+/globalControls` Has the following fields: - `command`: one of the following: - "pause": pause (but do not stop or remove) all currently playing clips; ignored if already paused - "play": resume all clips; ignored if not already paused - "silence": immediately stop all clips (fast fade out) - "masterVolume": set all clips to the specified volume; in future this should probably adjust a final mix or output level - `volume`: only used when command is "masterVolume" ### Examples A project file for [Tether Egui](https://github.com/RandomStudio/tether-egui) is provided in `./soundscape-widgets.json` for easy testing of the remote control functions. Alternatively, use the `tether send` commands below if using [Tether Utils](https://crates.io/crates/tether-utils). Single clip hit: ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"hit\"\,\"clipName\":\"frog\"\} ``` Single clip hit, specify panning (ignored if in Stereo Mode): ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"hit\"\,\"clipName\":\"frog\"\,\"panPosition\":0,\"panSpread\":1\} ``` Scene with two clips (default mode is "loopAll"): ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/scenes --message \{\"clipNames\":\[\"frog\"\,\"squirrel\"]\} ``` Scene where system should "pick one random" from the list: ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/scenes --message \{\"mode\":\"random\",\"clipNames\":\[\"frog\"\,\"squirrel\"]\} ``` Remove single clip ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"remove\",\"clipName\":\"frog\"\} ``` Add single clip, custom fade duration ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"add\",\"clipName\":\"squirrel2\",\"fadeDuration\":5000\} ``` Scene with zero clips (silence all), custom fade duration: ``` tether send --plug.topic dummy/dummy/scenes --message \{\"clipNames\":\[\],\"fadeDuration\":500\} ``` ## Output to Tether ### State This agent publishes frequently on the topic `soundscape/any/state`, which can be useful for driving animation, lighting effects, visualisation, etc. in sync with playback. The state messages include the following fields: - `isPlaying`: whether or not the audio stream is playing - `clips`: an array of currently playing clips (only), with the following information for each: - `id` (int) - `name` (string) - `progress` (float, normalised to range [0,1]) - `currentVolume` (float, normalised to range [0,1]) - `looping` (boolean) To minimise traffic, the agent will only publish an empty clip list (`clips: []`) **once** and then resume as soon as at least one clip begins playing again. ### Events Discrete events (clip begin/end) are published on the `events` Plug, e.g. `soundscape/any/events`. This can be useful for driving external applications that only need to subscribe to significant begin/end events. ## Conventions `volume` values are a multiplier, so `0.0` means silence and `1.0` means "full volume". A value > 1.0 will amplify the volume relative to the original source. `panning` is separated into two distance keys (in JSON file and/or messages) and a tuple (in Rust, internally) - `position` followed by `spread`. These values are meant to be used as follows: - `position` (`panPosition` in JSON) is a value in the range `[0; output_channel_count - 1]`. So, in a 4 channel setup, position `3.0` would be "full right", i.e. loudest in channel 4. - `spread` (`panSpread` in JSON) is a multiple of the "width" of a channel. So, `0.0` means that the signal will be as focussed as possible, i.e. "1 channel width". ## TODO: - [x] Demonstrate running (headless?) on Raspberry Pi - [x] Volume should be overrideable (as is the case for panning) in messages - [x] Refine the panning position/spread format and document it. Should panning be normalised or in range [0;channels-1]? Should spread have a minimum of 1 (="only target channel or adding up to 1 if between two channels")? - [x] Must be able to specify Group/ID for Tether (publishing) - [x] Allow input plugs to be subscribed to with a specified group (optional), so `+/someGroup/clipCommands` rather than the default `+/+/clipCommands`, and also publish on `soundscape/someGroup/state` - [x] Stream/global level instructions, e.g. "play", "pause" (all), "silence all", "master volume", etc. - [ ] Allow MIDI to trigger clips (MIDI Mediator and/or directly) - [ ] Allow bank to be created, edited, saved directly from GUI, start from "blank" or load demo if nothing - [ ] Drag and drop samples into bank - [ ] Visualise clip playback in circles, not just progress bars - [ ] Make use of tempo, quantisation for timing - [ ] Provide utility/test modes, e.g. tone per channel - [ ] Optionally connect to [Ableton link](https://docs.rs/ableton-link/latest/ableton_link/) - [ ] Basic ADSR (or just Attack-Release) triggering for samples - [ ] GUI show output levels per channel somehow? (depends on https://github.com/RustAudio/rodio/issues/475) - [ ] Replace generic/empty `Err(())` returns with something better, e.g. anyhow crate