use tetra::graphics::scaling::{ScalingMode, ScreenScaler}; use tetra::graphics::{self, Camera, Color, DrawParams, Texture}; use tetra::input::{self, Key}; use tetra::math::Vec2; use tetra::{Context, ContextBuilder, Event, State}; const MOVEMENT_SPEED: f32 = 4.0; const ROTATION_SPEED: f32 = 0.1; const ZOOM_SPEED: f32 = 0.1; struct GameState { texture: Texture, scaler: ScreenScaler, camera: Camera, } impl GameState { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> tetra::Result { Ok(GameState { texture: Texture::new(ctx, "./examples/resources/player.png")?, scaler: ScreenScaler::with_window_size( ctx, 640, 480, ScalingMode::ShowAllPixelPerfect, )?, // The camera's viewport size should match the target you're rendering // to - in this case, the ScreenScaler: camera: Camera::new(640.0, 480.0), }) } } impl State for GameState { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> tetra::Result { if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::W) { -= MOVEMENT_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::S) { += MOVEMENT_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::A) { -= MOVEMENT_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::D) { += MOVEMENT_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::Q) { -= ROTATION_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::E) { += ROTATION_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::R) || input::is_mouse_scrolled_up(ctx) { += ZOOM_SPEED; } if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::F) || input::is_mouse_scrolled_down(ctx) { -= ZOOM_SPEED; }; Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> tetra::Result { graphics::set_canvas(ctx, self.scaler.canvas()); graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.769, 0.812, 0.631)); // To 'look through' the camera, we pass the calculated transform matrix // into the renderer: graphics::set_transform_matrix(ctx,; // Now all drawing operations will be transformed: self.texture.draw( ctx, DrawParams::new() .origin(Vec2::new(8.0, 8.0)) .scale(Vec2::new(2.0, 2.0)), ); // If you want to go back to drawing without transformations, reset the // matrix. This is important here, as we're going to draw more stuff // this frame, which we don't want to transform: graphics::reset_transform_matrix(ctx); graphics::reset_canvas(ctx); graphics::clear(ctx, Color::BLACK); self.scaler.draw(ctx); Ok(()) } fn event(&mut self, _: &mut Context, event: Event) -> tetra::Result { if let Event::Resized { width, height } = event { self.scaler.set_outer_size(width, height); } Ok(()) } } fn main() -> tetra::Result { ContextBuilder::new("Cameras", 640, 480) .resizable(true) .quit_on_escape(true) .build()? .run(GameState::new) }