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Integration tests for the `RequestResponse` network behaviour. use async_trait::async_trait; use tetsy_libp2p_core::{ Multiaddr, PeerId, identity, muxing::StreamMuxerBox, transport::{self, Transport}, upgrade::{self, read_one, write_one} }; use tetsy_libp2p_noise::{NoiseConfig, X25519Spec, Keypair}; use tetsy_libp2p_request_response::*; use tetsy_libp2p_swarm::{Swarm, SwarmEvent}; use tetsy_libp2p_tcp::TcpConfig; use futures::{prelude::*, channel::mpsc, executor::LocalPool, task::SpawnExt}; use rand::{self, Rng}; use std::{io, iter}; use std::{collections::HashSet, num::NonZeroU16}; /// Exercises a simple ping protocol. #[test] fn ping_protocol() { let ping = Ping("ping".to_string().into_bytes()); let pong = Pong("pong".to_string().into_bytes()); let protocols = iter::once((PingProtocol(), ProtocolSupport::Full)); let cfg = RequestResponseConfig::default(); let (peer1_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto1 = RequestResponse::new(PingCodec(), protocols.clone(), cfg.clone()); let mut swarm1 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto1, peer1_id.clone()); let (peer2_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto2 = RequestResponse::new(PingCodec(), protocols, cfg); let mut swarm2 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto2, peer2_id.clone()); let (mut tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::(1); let addr = "/ip4/".parse().unwrap(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm1, addr).unwrap(); let expected_ping = ping.clone(); let expected_pong = pong.clone(); let peer1 = async move { loop { match swarm1.next_event().await { SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr(addr) => tx.send(addr).await.unwrap(), SwarmEvent::Behaviour(RequestResponseEvent::Message { peer, message: RequestResponseMessage::Request { request, channel, .. } }) => { assert_eq!(&request, &expected_ping); assert_eq!(&peer, &peer2_id); swarm1.send_response(channel, pong.clone()).unwrap(); }, SwarmEvent::Behaviour(RequestResponseEvent::ResponseSent { peer, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&peer, &peer2_id); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(e) => panic!("Peer1: Unexpected event: {:?}", e), _ => {} } } }; let num_pings: u8 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 100); let peer2 = async move { let mut count = 0; let addr = rx.next().await.unwrap(); swarm2.add_address(&peer1_id, addr.clone()); let mut req_id = swarm2.send_request(&peer1_id, ping.clone()); loop { match swarm2.next().await { RequestResponseEvent::Message { peer, message: RequestResponseMessage::Response { request_id, response } } => { count += 1; assert_eq!(&response, &expected_pong); assert_eq!(&peer, &peer1_id); assert_eq!(req_id, request_id); if count >= num_pings { return } else { req_id = swarm2.send_request(&peer1_id, ping.clone()); } }, e => panic!("Peer2: Unexpected event: {:?}", e) } } }; async_std::task::spawn(Box::pin(peer1)); let () = async_std::task::block_on(peer2); } #[test] fn emits_inbound_connection_closed_failure() { let ping = Ping("ping".to_string().into_bytes()); let protocols = iter::once((PingProtocol(), ProtocolSupport::Full)); let cfg = RequestResponseConfig::default(); let (peer1_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto1 = RequestResponse::new(PingCodec(), protocols.clone(), cfg.clone()); let mut swarm1 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto1, peer1_id.clone()); let (peer2_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto2 = RequestResponse::new(PingCodec(), protocols, cfg); let mut swarm2 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto2, peer2_id.clone()); let addr = "/ip4/".parse().unwrap(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm1, addr).unwrap(); futures::executor::block_on(async move { while let Some(_) = swarm1.next().now_or_never() {} let addr1 = Swarm::listeners(&swarm1).next().unwrap(); swarm2.add_address(&peer1_id, addr1.clone()); swarm2.send_request(&peer1_id, ping.clone()); // Wait for swarm 1 to receive request by swarm 2. let _channel = loop { futures::select!( event = swarm1.next().fuse() => match event { RequestResponseEvent::Message { peer, message: RequestResponseMessage::Request { request, channel, .. } } => { assert_eq!(&request, &ping); assert_eq!(&peer, &peer2_id); break channel; }, e => panic!("Peer1: Unexpected event: {:?}", e) }, event = swarm2.next().fuse() => panic!("Peer2: Unexpected event: {:?}", event), ) }; // Drop swarm 2 in order for the connection between swarm 1 and 2 to close. drop(swarm2); match swarm1.next().await { RequestResponseEvent::InboundFailure { error: InboundFailure::ConnectionClosed, ..} => {}, e => panic!("Peer1: Unexpected event: {:?}", e) } }); } #[test] fn ping_protocol_throttled() { let ping = Ping("ping".to_string().into_bytes()); let pong = Pong("pong".to_string().into_bytes()); let protocols = iter::once((PingProtocol(), ProtocolSupport::Full)); let cfg = RequestResponseConfig::default(); let (peer1_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto1 = RequestResponse::throttled(PingCodec(), protocols.clone(), cfg.clone()); let mut swarm1 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto1, peer1_id.clone()); let (peer2_id, trans) = mk_transport(); let ping_proto2 = RequestResponse::throttled(PingCodec(), protocols, cfg); let mut swarm2 = Swarm::new(trans, ping_proto2, peer2_id.clone()); let (mut tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::(1); let addr = "/ip4/".parse().unwrap(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm1, addr).unwrap(); let expected_ping = ping.clone(); let expected_pong = pong.clone(); let limit1: u16 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 10); let limit2: u16 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 10); swarm1.set_receive_limit(NonZeroU16::new(limit1).unwrap()); swarm2.set_receive_limit(NonZeroU16::new(limit2).unwrap()); let peer1 = async move { for i in 1 .. { match swarm1.next_event().await { SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr(addr) => tx.send(addr).await.unwrap(), SwarmEvent::Behaviour(throttled::Event::Event(RequestResponseEvent::Message { peer, message: RequestResponseMessage::Request { request, channel, .. }, })) => { assert_eq!(&request, &expected_ping); assert_eq!(&peer, &peer2_id); swarm1.send_response(channel, pong.clone()).unwrap(); }, SwarmEvent::Behaviour(throttled::Event::Event(RequestResponseEvent::ResponseSent { peer, .. })) => { assert_eq!(&peer, &peer2_id); } SwarmEvent::Behaviour(e) => panic!("Peer1: Unexpected event: {:?}", e), _ => {} } if i % 31 == 0 { let lim = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 17); swarm1.override_receive_limit(&peer2_id, NonZeroU16::new(lim).unwrap()); } } }; let num_pings: u16 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(100, 1000); let peer2 = async move { let mut count = 0; let addr = rx.next().await.unwrap(); swarm2.add_address(&peer1_id, addr.clone()); let mut blocked = false; let mut req_ids = HashSet::new(); loop { if !blocked { while let Some(id) = swarm2.send_request(&peer1_id, ping.clone()).ok() { req_ids.insert(id); } blocked = true; } match swarm2.next().await { throttled::Event::ResumeSending(peer) => { assert_eq!(peer, peer1_id); blocked = false } throttled::Event::Event(RequestResponseEvent::Message { peer, message: RequestResponseMessage::Response { request_id, response } }) => { count += 1; assert_eq!(&response, &expected_pong); assert_eq!(&peer, &peer1_id); assert!(req_ids.remove(&request_id)); if count >= num_pings { break } } e => panic!("Peer2: Unexpected event: {:?}", e) } } }; let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); pool.spawner().spawn(peer1.boxed()).unwrap(); pool.run_until(peer2); } fn mk_transport() -> (PeerId, transport::Boxed<(PeerId, StreamMuxerBox)>) { let id_keys = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519(); let peer_id = id_keys.public().into_peer_id(); let noise_keys = Keypair::::new().into_authentic(&id_keys).unwrap(); (peer_id, TcpConfig::new() .nodelay(true) .upgrade(upgrade::Version::V1) .authenticate(NoiseConfig::xx(noise_keys).into_authenticated()) .multiplex(tetsy_libp2p_remux::RemuxConfig::default()) .boxed()) } // Simple Ping-Pong Protocol #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct PingProtocol(); #[derive(Clone)] struct PingCodec(); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Ping(Vec); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Pong(Vec); impl ProtocolName for PingProtocol { fn protocol_name(&self) -> &[u8] { "/ping/1".as_bytes() } } #[async_trait] impl RequestResponseCodec for PingCodec { type Protocol = PingProtocol; type Request = Ping; type Response = Pong; async fn read_request(&mut self, _: &PingProtocol, io: &mut T) -> io::Result where T: AsyncRead + Unpin + Send { read_one(io, 1024) .map(|res| match res { Err(e) => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)), Ok(vec) if vec.is_empty() => Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()), Ok(vec) => Ok(Ping(vec)) }) .await } async fn read_response(&mut self, _: &PingProtocol, io: &mut T) -> io::Result where T: AsyncRead + Unpin + Send { read_one(io, 1024) .map(|res| match res { Err(e) => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)), Ok(vec) if vec.is_empty() => Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()), Ok(vec) => Ok(Pong(vec)) }) .await } async fn write_request(&mut self, _: &PingProtocol, io: &mut T, Ping(data): Ping) -> io::Result<()> where T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send { write_one(io, data).await } async fn write_response(&mut self, _: &PingProtocol, io: &mut T, Pong(data): Pong) -> io::Result<()> where T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send { write_one(io, data).await } }