use std::sync::Once; use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender}; use lsp_server::{Connection, Message, Notification, Request, Response}; use lsp_types::{ notification::{Exit, Initialized}, request::{Initialize, Shutdown}, ClientCapabilities, ClientInfo, DidOpenTextDocumentParams, InitializeParams, InitializeResult, InitializedParams, Url, }; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; use texlab::Server; static INIT_LOGGER: Once = Once::new(); pub struct IncomingHandler { _handle: jod_thread::JoinHandle>, pub requests: Receiver, pub notifications: Receiver, pub responses: Receiver, } impl IncomingHandler { pub fn spawn(receiver: Receiver) -> Result { let (req_sender, req_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let (not_sender, not_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let (res_sender, res_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let _handle = jod_thread::spawn(move || { for message in &receiver { match message { Message::Request(req) => req_sender.send(req)?, Message::Response(res) => res_sender.send(res)?, Message::Notification(not) => not_sender.send(not)?, }; } Ok(()) }); Ok(Self { _handle, requests: req_receiver, notifications: not_receiver, responses: res_receiver, }) } } pub struct ClientResult { pub directory: TempDir, pub incoming: IncomingHandler, } pub struct Client { outgoing: Sender, incoming: IncomingHandler, directory: TempDir, request_id: i32, _handle: jod_thread::JoinHandle, } impl Client { pub fn spawn() -> Result { INIT_LOGGER.call_once(|| env_logger::init()); let directory = tempdir()?; let (client, server) = Connection::memory(); let incoming = IncomingHandler::spawn(client.receiver)?; let outgoing = client.sender; let server = Server::new(server, directory.path().to_path_buf()); let _handle = jod_thread::spawn(move || {"server failed to run"); }); Ok(Self { outgoing, incoming, directory, request_id: 0, _handle, }) } #[allow(deprecated)] pub fn initialize( &mut self, client_capabilities: ClientCapabilities, client_info: Option, ) -> Result { let result = self.request::(InitializeParams { process_id: None, root_path: None, root_uri: None, initialization_options: Some(serde_json::json!({ "skipDistro": true })), capabilities: client_capabilities, trace: None, workspace_folders: None, client_info, locale: None, })?; self.notify::(InitializedParams {})?; Ok(result) } pub fn request( &mut self, params: R::Params, ) -> Result { self.request_id += 1; self.outgoing .send(Request::new(self.request_id.into(), R::METHOD.into(), params).into())?; let response = self.incoming.responses.recv()?; assert_eq!(, self.request_id.into()); let result = match response.result { Some(result) => result, None => bail!("request failed: {:?}", response.error), }; Ok(serde_json::from_value(result)?) } pub fn notify( &mut self, params: N::Params, ) -> Result<()> { self.outgoing .send(Notification::new(N::METHOD.into(), serde_json::to_value(params)?).into())?; Ok(()) } pub fn open(&mut self, name: &str, language_id: &str, text: String) -> Result<()> { self.notify::(DidOpenTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp_types::TextDocumentItem { uri: self.uri(name)?, language_id: language_id.to_string(), version: 0, text, }, })?; Ok(()) } pub fn store_on_disk(&mut self, name: &str, text: &str) -> Result<()> { let path =; std::fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap())?; std::fs::write(path, text)?; Ok(()) } pub fn shutdown(mut self) -> Result { self.request::(())?; self.notify::(())?; Ok(ClientResult { directory:, incoming: self.incoming, }) } pub fn uri(&self, name: &str) -> Result { Url::from_file_path( .map_err(|()| anyhow::anyhow!("failed to create uri")) } }