Easy texture atlass creation with various options to fit different needs. Provides a way to create texture atlasses from lists of [Paths](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/path/struct.Path.html) or [DynamicImages](https://docs.rs/image/). # Examples # Loading different images into atlantes and saving them afterwards: ```rust use std::path::Path; use texture_atlasser as ta; fn main() -> Result<(), Box>{ let paths: Vec<&Path> = vec!( Path::new("image1.png"), Path::new("image2.png"), Path::new("image3.jpg"), ); let options = ta::AtlasOptions { width: 64, height: 64, margin: 5, max_atlantes: 2, try_smaller: None, cut_down: true, }; // create the atlas let atlas = ta::atlas_paths(&paths, options)?; // save the atlantes for (i, image) in atlas.atlantes.iter().enumerate() { image.save(format!("atlas{}.png", i))?; } // Log the positions of the single textures inside the atlantes into the console for rect in atlas.rects.iter() { println!("{:?}", rect); } Ok(()) } ``` For an example loading an entire directory of images, see the examples folders.