# Release Checklist This is a list of steps to complete when making a new release. # Before the release - [ ] 1. Create a new issue in the repo with the name `x.x.x` and copy-paste this checklist into it (add blockers and additional tasks, if they exist). - [ ] 2. Update all official examples. - [ ] 3. Review the commit and PR history since the last release. Ensure that all relevant changes are included in `CHANGELOG.md`, and that breaking changes are annotated. - [ ] 4. Ensure the `README.md` reflects API changes. - [ ] 5. Update the `CHANGELOG.md` with the new release version. - [ ] 6. Ensure the version listed in `Cargo.toml` is updated. - [ ] 7. Update Rust tools: `rustup update`. - [ ] 8. Run `cargo make verify` to ensure tests pass, and `clippy` / `fmt` are run. - [ ] 9. Commit and push the repo. - [ ] 10. Check that CI pipeline passed. - [ ] 11. Run `cargo package`. - [ ] 12. Run `cargo publish`. - [ ] 13. Add a release on [Github](https://github.com/da-moon/tfe-oxide/releases), following the format of previous releases.