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Nonetheless this crate calls into a very significant quantity of C/C++ code, and you should employ the usual methods (static analysis, memory guards, fuzzing) as you would with any other legacy C/C++ codebase. Currently pinned to TensorFlow [33689c48ad](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/33689c48ad5e00908cd59089ef1956e1478fda78) ## Getting started Add `tfmicro` in the dependencies section of your `Cargo.toml` ``` [dependencies] tfmicro = 0.1.0 ``` To understand how the [TensorFlow Micro C examples][c_examples] map to idiomatic Rust code, see the [Tests](tests/) directory. Otherwise for a more general description see [Usage](#Usage). ## Usage #### Creating a model Typically a model is exported from the TensorFlow training framework in a binary file format with extension `.tflite`. You can import this straight into Rust with the [`include_bytes!`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/core/macro.include_bytes.html) macro. Then we can use the [`Model::from_buffer`](crate::Model::from_buffer) method to perform a zero-copy conversion into a `Model`. ```rust let model_array = include_bytes!("../examples/models/hello_world.tflite"); let model = Model::from_buffer(&model_array[..]).unwrap(); ``` #### Creating a tensor arena The TensorFlow interpreter requires a working area called a "Tensor Arena". You can use an array on the stack for this, although it must remain in scope whilst you use it. Alternatively if you have a `std` or `alloc` environment, you can pass a heap-allocated `Vec` instead. ```rust const TENSOR_ARENA_SIZE: usize = 4 * 1024; let mut arena: [u8; TENSOR_ARENA_SIZE] = [0; TENSOR_ARENA_SIZE]; ``` TensorFlow requires that the size of the arena is determined before creating the interpreter. However, once you have created the interpreter, you can get the number of bytes actually used by the model by calling [`arena_used_bytes`](crate::MicroInterpreter::arena_used_bytes). #### Instantiating an Interpreter and Input Tensors To run the model, an interpreter is [built](crate::MicroInterpreter::new) in much the same way as in the C API. Note that unlike the C API no `error_reporter` is required. Error reports from TensorFlow are always passed to the standard Rust [`log`](https://crates.io/crates/log) framework at the `info` log level. This allows any compatible log implementation to be used. A op_resolver is required for the interpreter. The simplest option is to pass an [`AllOpResolver`](crate::AllOpResolver), but to save memory use a [`MutableOpResolver`](crate::MutableOpResolver) with the required operations only. ```rust let op_resolver = AllOpResolver::new(); let mut interpreter = MicroInterpreter::new(&model, op_resolver, &mut arena[..]).unwrap(); interpreter.input(0, &[0.0]).unwrap(); // Input tensor of length 1 ``` The input tensor is set with the [`input`](crate::MicroInterpreter::input) method. Simple models use only a single tensor, which can be specified with index `0`. #### Running the model and Output Tensors The model is run by calling the [`invoke`](crate::MicroInterpreter::invoke) method on the interpreter. The resulting output tensor is available by calling the [`output`](crate::MicroInterpreter::output) method on the interpreter. ```rust interpreter.invoke().unwrap(); dbg!(interpreter.output(0).as_data::()); ``` And that's it for a minimal use case! See the [Tests](tests/) folder for more advanced use cases. ## Developing See [DEVELOP.md](DEVELOP.md) ## License (this crate) [Apache 2.0](LICENSE-APACHE) [rust-embedded]: https://www.rust-lang.org/what/embedded [TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers]: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/lite/micro [Cargo]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/ [CC crate]: https://crates.io/crates/cc [c_examples]: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/lite/micro/examples Copyright 2020 Kevin Hill and Richard Meadows Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.