variable "function_name" { description = "Name of the lambda" type = string } variable "environment" { type = string description = "Environment we are currently deploying into" } variable "handler_name" { type = string description = "Name of the lambda handler" } variable "timeout" { type = string description = "Timeout for the lambda" default = 30 } variable "memory_size" { type = string description = "Memory size for the lambda" default = 1024 } variable "lambda_package" { type = string description = "Path where the lambda package is located" } variable "s3_bucket_id" { type = string description = "S3 bucket id for storing lambda package" } variable "lambda_role_arn" { type = string description = "ARN of the IAM role" } variable "lambda_environment_var" { type = map(string) description = "List of environment variable to give the Lambda function" }