%YAML 1.2 --- # http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html name: Markdown file_extensions: - md - mdown - markdown - markdn scope: text.html.markdown comment: |- this definition aims to meet CommonMark specifications http://spec.commonmark.org/ with GitHub Formatted Markdown extensions https://github.github.com/gfm/ and has a few extras like Markdown Extra's footnotes https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#footnotes the scope suffix should indicate which flavor of Markdown the feature came from, to help make this syntax definition easier to maintain variables: thematic_break: |- (?x: [ ]{,3} # between 0 to 3 spaces (?: # followed by one of the following: [-](?:[ ]{,2}[-]){2,} # - a dash, followed by the following at least twice: between 0 to 2 spaces followed by a dash | [*](?:[ ]{,2}[*]){2,} # - a star, followed by the following at least twice: between 0 to 2 spaces followed by a star | [_](?:[ ]{,2}[_]){2,} # - an underscore, followed by the following at least twice: between 0 to 2 spaces followed by an underscore ) [ \t]*$ # followed by any number of tabs or spaces, followed by the end of the line ) block_quote: (?:[ ]{,3}>(?:.|$)) # between 0 and 3 spaces, followed by a greater than sign, followed by any character or the end of the line atx_heading: (?:[#]{1,6}\s*) # between 1 and 6 hashes, followed by any amount of whitespace indented_code_block: (?:[ ]{4}|\t) # 4 spaces or a tab list_item: (?:[ ]{,3}(?=\d+\.|[*+-])\d*([*+.-])\s) # between 0 and 3 spaces, followed by either: at least one integer and a full stop, or (a star, plus or dash), followed by whitespace escape: '\\[-`*_#+.!(){}\[\]\\>|~]' backticks: |- (?x: (`{4})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{4})`+(?!`))+(`{4})(?!`) # 4 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 4 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 4 backticks | (`{3})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{3})`+(?!`))+(`{3})(?!`) # 3 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 3 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 3 backticks | (`{2})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{2})`+(?!`))+(`{2})(?!`) # 2 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 2 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 2 backticks | (`{1})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{1})`+(?!`))+(`{1})(?!`) # 1 backtick, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by ( at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 1 backtick ) balance_square_brackets: |- (?x: (?: {{escape}}+ # escape characters | [^\[\]`\\]+(?=[\[\]`\\]|$) # anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick or the start of an escape character | {{backticks}} # inline code | \[(?: # nested square brackets (one level deep) [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`]) # anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick {{backticks}}? # balanced backticks )*\] # closing square bracket )+ # at least one character ) html_entity: '&([a-zA-Z0-9]+|#\d+|#x\h+);' skip_html_tags: (?:<[^>]+>) balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis: |- (?x: (?: {{escape}}+ # escape characters | [^\[\]`\\_*]+(?=[\[\]`\\_*]|$) # anything that isn't a square bracket, a backtick, the start of an escape character, or an emphasis character | {{backticks}} # inline code | \[(?: # nested square brackets (one level deep) [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`]) # anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick {{backticks}}? # balanced backticks )*\] # closing square bracket )+ # at least one character ) balance_square_brackets_pipes_and_emphasis: |- (?x: (?: {{escape}}+ # escape characters | [^\[\]`\\_*|]+(?=[\[\]`\\_*|]|$) # anything that isn't a square bracket, a backtick, the start of an escape character, or an emphasis character | {{backticks}} # inline code | \[(?: # nested square brackets (one level deep) [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`]) # anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick {{backticks}}? # balanced backticks )*\] # closing square bracket )+ # at least one character ) balanced_emphasis: |- (?x: \* (?!\*){{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+\* (?!\*) | \*\* {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+\*\* | _ (?!_) {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+_ (?!_) | __ {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+__ ) balanced_table_cell: |- # Pipes inside other inline spans (such as emphasis, code, etc.) will not break a cell, emphasis in table cells can't span multiple lines (?x: (?: {{balance_square_brackets_pipes_and_emphasis}} | {{balanced_emphasis}} )+ # at least one character ) table_first_row: |- (?x: (?:{{balanced_table_cell}}?\|){2} # at least 2 non-escaped pipe chars on the line | (?!\s+\|){{balanced_table_cell}}\|(?!\s+$) # something other than whitespace followed by a pipe char, followed by something other than whitespace and the end of the line ) fenced_code_block_start: |- (?x: ([ \t]*) ( (`){3,} # 3 or more backticks (?![^`]*`) # not followed by any more backticks on the same line | # or (~){3,} # 3 or more tildas (?![^~]*~) # not followed by any more tildas on the same line ) \s* # allow for whitespace between code block start and info string ) fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters: |- (?x: ( \s* # any whitespace, or .. | \s[^`]* # any characters (except backticks), separated by whitespace ... ) $\n? # ... until EOL ) code_fence_escape: |- (?x: ^ # the beginning of the line [ \t]* ( \2 # the backtick/tilde combination that opened the code fence (?:\3|\4)* # plus optional additional closing characters ) \s*$ # any amount of whitespace until EOL ) html_tag_open_commonmark: |- (?xi: < [a-z] # A tag name consists of an ASCII letter [a-z0-9-]* # followed by zero or more ASCII letters, digits, or hyphens (-) (?: # An attribute consists of whitespace, an attribute name, and an optional attribute value specification \s+ [a-z_:] # An attribute name consists of an ASCII letter, _, or : [a-z0-9_.:-]* # followed by zero or more ASCII letters, digits, _, ., :, or - (?: # An attribute value specification consists of optional whitespace, a = character, optional whitespace, and an attribute value \s* = \s* (?: [^ @'=<>`]+ # An unquoted attribute value is a nonempty string of characters not including spaces, ", ', =, <, >, or ` | '[^']*' # A single-quoted attribute value consists of ', zero or more characters not including ', and a final ' | "[^"]*" # A double-quoted attribute value consists of ", zero or more characters not including ", and a final " ) )? )* \s* /? > ) html_tag_close_commonmark: |- (?xi: ) html_tag_block_end_at_close_tag: |- (?xi: (script|style|pre)\b ) html_tag_block_end_at_blank_line: |- (?x: /? (?i:address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul) (?:\s|$|/?>) ) ascii_space: '\t\n\f ' tag_attribute_name_start: (?=[^{{ascii_space}}=/>}]) tag_attribute_name_break: (?=[{{ascii_space}}=/>}]) tag_unquoted_attribute_start: (?=[^{{ascii_space}}=/>}]) tag_unquoted_attribute_break: (?=[{{ascii_space}}}]|/?>) # code_fence_escape: |- # (?x: # ^ # the beginning of the line # [ ]{0,3} # up to 3 spaces # (\1) # the backtick/tilde combination that opened the code fence # \s*$ # any amount of whitespace until EOL # ) contexts: main: - match: |- (?x)^ (?= {{block_quote}} | {{indented_code_block}}(?!$) | {{atx_heading}} | {{thematic_break}} | {{table_first_row}} ) comment: | We could also use an empty end match and set applyEndPatternLast, but then we must be sure that the begin pattern will only match stuff matched by the sub-patterns. push: - meta_scope: meta.block-level.markdown - include: ligatures - include: block-quote - include: indented-code-block - include: atx-heading - include: thematic-break - include: table - match: '' pop: true - match: '^([ ]{0,3})([*+-])(?=\s)' captures: 1: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown 2: markup.list.unnumbered.bullet.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown - match: ^(?=\S) pop: true - include: list-paragraph - match: '^([ ]{0,3})(\d+(\.))(?=\s)' captures: 1: markup.list.numbered.markdown 2: markup.list.numbered.bullet.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.list.numbered.markdown - match: ^(?=\S) pop: true - include: list-paragraph - match: '^[ ]{0,3}(?=<((?i:pre))\b)' comment: Markdown formatting is disabled inside block-level tags. push: [disabled-markdown-pop-at-eol, disable-markdown-pop-at-tag] - match: '^[ ]{0,3}(?=<{{html_tag_block_end_at_close_tag}})' comment: Markdown formatting is disabled inside block-level tags. push: [disabled-markdown-pop-at-eol, disable-markdown-pop-after-tag] - match: '^[ ]{0,3}(?=<\?)' comment: Markdown formatting is disabled inside preprocessor instructions. push: [disabled-markdown-pop-at-eol, disable-markdown-pop-at-php] - match: '^[ ]{0,3}(?=]+)(>) # The url | (\S+) # The url ) ) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown 2: entity.name.reference.link.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown 4: punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown 5: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown 6: markup.underline.link.markdown 7: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown 8: markup.underline.link.markdown push: [link-ref-def, after-link-title, link-title] - match: '^(?=\S)(?![=-]{3,}\s*$)' push: - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.markdown - match: |- (?x) # pop out of this context when one of the following conditions are met: ^(?: \s*$ # the line is blank (or only contains whitespace) | (?= {{block_quote}} # a block quote begins the line | [ ]{,3}[*+-][ ] # an unordered list item begins the line | [ ]{,3}1[.][ ] # an ordered list item with number "1" begins the line | \# # an ATX heading begins the line | [ ]{,3}<( # all types of HTML blocks except type 7 may interrupt a paragraph {{html_tag_block_end_at_close_tag}} # 1 | !-- # 2 | \? # 3 | ![A-Z] # 4 | !\[CDATA\[ # 5 | {{html_tag_block_end_at_blank_line}} # 6 ) ) ) pop: true - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak - include: scope:text.html.basic - match: '^(={3,})(?=[ \t]*$)' scope: markup.heading.1.setext.markdown captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown pop: true - match: '^(-{3,})(?=[ \t]*$)' scope: markup.heading.2.setext.markdown captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown pop: true link-ref-def: - meta_scope: meta.link.reference.def.markdown - match: '' pop: true ampersand: - match: (?!{{html_entity}})& comment: | Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid. scope: meta.other.valid-ampersand.markdown ligatures: - match: '<=>' # <=> - match: '<[-=<]' # <- <= << block-quote: - match: '[ ]{,3}(>)[ ]?' comment: | We terminate the block quote when seeing an empty line, a separator or a line with leading > characters. The latter is to “reset” the quote level for quoted lines. The idea here is to match block level elements first, then once we have confirmed there are no block level elements left, move to matching inline markdown. This prevents block level elements being detected when they shouldn't be. captures: 1: punctuation.definition.blockquote.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.quote.markdown - match: |- (?x)^ (?= \s*$ | {{thematic_break}} | {{block_quote}} ) pop: true - match: |- (?x) (?= {{block_quote}} ) push: - match: ^ pop: true - include: block-quote - match: |- (?x) (?= {{indented_code_block}} | {{atx_heading}} | {{thematic_break}} | {{list_item}} ) push: - include: indented-code-block - include: atx-heading - include: thematic-break - match: ([ ]{,3})(\d+)(\.)(\s) captures: 1: markup.list.numbered.markdown 2: markup.list.numbered.bullet.markdown 3: markup.list.numbered.bullet.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown 4: markup.list.numbered.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.list.numbered.markdown meta.paragraph.list.markdown - include: list-content - match: ([ ]{,3})([*+-])(\s) captures: 1: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown 2: markup.list.unnumbered.bullet.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown 3: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown meta.paragraph.list.markdown - include: list-content - match: ^ pop: true - include: list-paragraph - match: '' push: - match: $|^ pop: true - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak indented-code-block: - match: '{{indented_code_block}}.*$\n?' scope: markup.raw.block.markdown bold: - include: ligatures - match: '(\*\*)(\*)(?=\S)(?!\*)' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown 2: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.bold.markdown - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*\*{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+\*(?!\*) # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^\*(?!\*) # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: (\*)(\*\*) captures: 1: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - match: \*\* scope: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown set: - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*\*{3,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+\*\*+ # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^\*\* # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: \* scope: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: bold - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: \* scope: punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown set: - meta_content_scope: markup.bold.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*\*{3,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+\*\*+ # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^\*\* # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: \*\* scope: markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: italic - include: bold-italic-trailing - include: inline - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: '\*\*(?=\S)(?!\*\*|\*\s)' scope: punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.bold.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*\*{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+\*\*+ # whitespace followed by 2 or more is also not applicable | ^\*\* # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: (?:_)?(\*\*) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - match: \b_(?=[^\s_])(?=[^*_]*\*\*) comment: eat the underscore that has no corresponding underscore before the closing bold punctuation on the same line, as it won't be treated as italic by CommonMark - include: italic - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: '\b(__)(_)(?=\S)(?!_)' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown 2: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.bold.markdown - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*_{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+_(?!_) # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^_(?!_) # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: (_)(__)\b captures: 1: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - match: _\b scope: punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown set: - meta_content_scope: markup.bold.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*_{3,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+__+ # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^__ # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: __\b scope: markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: italic - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: __\b scope: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown set: - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*_{3,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+__+ # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^__ # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: _\b scope: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: bold - include: bold-italic-trailing - include: inline - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: '\b__(?=\S)(?!_[_\s])' scope: punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.bold.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*_{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+__+ # whitespace followed by 2 or more is also not applicable | ^__ # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: (?:\*)?(__\b) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - match: \*(?=[^\s*])(?=[^*_]*__\b) comment: eat the asterisk that has no corresponding asterisk before the closing bold punctuation on the same line, as it won't be treated as italic by CommonMark - include: italic - include: bold-italic-trailing bracket: - match: '<(?![A-Za-z/?!$])' comment: | Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid. scope: meta.other.valid-bracket.markdown escape: - match: '{{escape}}' scope: constant.character.escape.markdown atx-heading-terminator: - match: '[ ]*(#*)[ ]*($\n?)' # \n is optional so ## is matched as end punctuation in new document (at eof) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.end.markdown 2: meta.whitespace.newline.markdown pop: true atx-heading: - match: '(#)(?!#)\s*(?=\S)' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.heading.1.markdown - meta_content_scope: entity.name.section.markdown - include: atx-heading-terminator - include: inline-bold-italic - match: '(##)(?!#)\s*(?=\S)' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.heading.2.markdown - meta_content_scope: entity.name.section.markdown - include: atx-heading-terminator - include: inline-bold-italic - match: '(#{3,6})(?!#)\s*(?=\S)' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.heading.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.heading.markdown - meta_content_scope: entity.name.section.markdown - include: atx-heading-terminator - include: inline-bold-italic image-inline: - match: |- (?x: (\!\[) # Images start with ![ (?= {{balance_square_brackets}}? # balanced square brackets, backticks, taking into account escapes etc. \] # Closing square bracket [ ]? # Space not allowed, but we check for it anyway to mark it as invalid \( # Open paren ) ) captures: 1: meta.image.inline.markdown punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown push: [image-inline-attr, image-inline-after-text, image-link-text] image-link-text: - meta_content_scope: meta.image.inline.description.markdown - include: link-text - match: \] scope: meta.image.inline.markdown punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown pop: true image-inline-after-text: - match: '([ ]*)(\()' # spaces not allowed before the open paren, but we check for it anyway to mark it as invalid captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.image.inline.markdown - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown pop: true - match: <(?=[^>)]*>) scope: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.underline.link.image.markdown - match: \> scope: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown set: link-title - match: \s+ scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-whitespace.markdown - match: (?=\S) set: - meta_scope: meta.image.inline.markdown - match: '[^\s)]+' scope: markup.underline.link.image.markdown - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown pop: true - match: (?!\n)\s+(?!\s*(?:[)('"]|$)) scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-whitespace.markdown - match: (?=\s*(?!\))) push: link-title image-inline-attr: - match: '([ ]*)(\{)(?=[^}]*\})' captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.image.inline.markdown - include: tag-attributes - include: immediately-pop image-ref: - match: |- (?x: (\!\[) # Images start with ![ (?= {{balance_square_brackets}}? # balanced square brackets, backticks, taking into account escapes etc. \] # Closing square bracket [ ]? # Space \[ # [ [^\]]+ # anything other than ] \] # ] ) ) captures: 1: meta.image.reference.markdown punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown push: [image-ref-attr, image-ref-after-text, image-ref-text] image-ref-text: - meta_content_scope: meta.image.reference.description.markdown - include: link-text - match: \] scope: meta.image.reference.markdown punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown pop: true image-ref-after-text: - match: '[ ]?(\[)([^\]]+)(\])' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown 2: constant.other.reference.link.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown scope: meta.image.reference.markdown pop: true image-ref-attr: - match: '([ ]*)(\{)(?=[^}]*\})' captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.image.reference.markdown - include: tag-attributes - include: immediately-pop inline: - include: escape - include: ampersand - include: ligatures - include: bracket - include: raw - include: image-inline - include: link-inline - include: autolink-inet - include: autolink-email - include: image-ref - include: link-ref-literal - include: link-ref - include: link-ref-footnote inline-bold-italic: - include: inline - include: bold - include: italic - include: strikethrough inline-bold-italic-linebreak: - include: inline-bold-italic - include: hard-line-break italic: - match: '\*(?=\S)(?!\*)' scope: punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*\*{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+\*(?!\*) # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^\*(?!\*) # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: \*(?!\*[^*]) scope: punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: bold - match: '\*+' - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: '\b_(?=\S)(?!_)' scope: punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.italic.markdown - match: |- (?x) [ \t]*_{4,} # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic | [ \t]+_(?!_) # whitespace followed by 1 is also not applicable (but whitespace followed by 2 could be bold punctuation) | ^_(?!_) # emphasis can't be closed at the start of the line - match: _\b scope: punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: bold - include: bold-italic-trailing - match: '[*_]+' strikethrough: - match: '(~+)(?=\S)(?!~)' scope: punctuation.definition.strikethrough.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm - match: ~+ scope: punctuation.definition.strikethrough.end.markdown pop: true - include: inline - include: bold - include: italic - include: bold-italic-trailing bold-italic-trailing: - include: scope:text.html.basic - match: ^\s*$\n? scope: invalid.illegal.non-terminated.bold-italic.markdown pop: true - match: '^(?={{list_item}})' pop: true - include: hard-line-break hard-line-break: - match: '[ ]{2,}$' scope: meta.hard-line-break.markdown punctuation.definition.hard-line-break.markdown - match: '(\\)$\n' scope: meta.hard-line-break.markdown captures: 1: constant.character.escape.markdown autolink-email: - match: '(<)((?:mailto:)?[-+.\w]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)(>)' scope: meta.link.email.lt-gt.markdown captures: 1: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown 2: markup.underline.link.markdown 4: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown - match: '[\w.+-]+@[\w-]+(\.((?![._-][\W])[\w_-])+)+(?![_-])' scope: markup.underline.link.markdown autolink-inet: - match: (<)((?:https?|ftp)://.*?)(>) scope: meta.link.inet.markdown captures: 1: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown 2: markup.underline.link.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown - match: (((https|http|ftp)://)|www\.)[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+ scope: markup.underline.link.markdown-gfm push: # After a valid domain, zero or more non-space non-< characters may follow - match: (?=[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<]) # Trailing punctuation (specifically, ?, !, ., ,, :, *, _, and ~) will not be considered part of the autolink, though they may be included in the interior of the link pop: true - match: (?={{html_entity}}[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<]) # If an autolink ends in a semicolon (;), we check to see if it appears to resemble an entity reference; if the preceding text is & followed by one or more alphanumeric characters. If so, it is excluded from the autolink pop: true - match: \( # When an autolink ends in ), we scan the entire autolink for the total number of parentheses. If there is a greater number of closing parentheses than opening ones, we don’t consider the last character part of the autolink, in order to facilitate including an autolink inside a parenthesis push: - meta_scope: markup.underline.link.markdown-gfm - match: (?=[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<]) pop: true - match: \) pop: true - match: (?=\)[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<]) pop: true - match: '[^?!.,:*_~\s<&()]+|\S' scope: markup.underline.link.markdown-gfm link-inline: - match: |- (?x: (\[) (?= {{balance_square_brackets}}? \] [ ]?\( ) ) captures: 1: meta.link.inline.markdown punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown push: [link-inline-attr, link-inline-after-text, link-inline-link-text] link-inline-after-text: - match: '([ ]*)(\()' # spaces not allowed before the open paren, but we check for it anyway to mark it as invalid captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.link.inline.markdown - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown pop: true - match: <(?=[^>)]*>) scope: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown push: - match: \> scope: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown set: link-title - match: \s+ scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-whitespace.markdown - match: (?=\S) set: - meta_scope: meta.link.inline.markdown - match: '[^\s)]+' scope: markup.underline.link.markdown - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown pop: true - match: (?!\n)\s+(?!\s*(?:[)('"]|$)) scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-whitespace.markdown - match: (?=\s*(?!\))) push: link-title link-inline-attr: - match: '([ ]*)(\{)(?=[^}]*\})' captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.link.inline.markdown - include: tag-attributes - include: immediately-pop link-inline-link-text: - meta_content_scope: meta.link.inline.description.markdown - include: link-text-allow-image - match: \] scope: meta.link.inline.markdown punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown pop: true link-ref: - match: |- (?x: (\[) (?= {{balance_square_brackets}}? # balanced square brackets, backticks, taking into account escapes etc. \] # Closing square bracket [ ]? # Space \[ # [ [^\]]+ # anything other than ] \] # ] ) ) captures: 1: meta.link.reference.markdown punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown push: [link-ref-attr, link-ref-after-text, link-ref-link-text] link-ref-link-text: - meta_content_scope: meta.link.reference.description.markdown - include: link-text-allow-image - match: \] scope: meta.link.reference.markdown punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown pop: true link-ref-after-text: - match: '[ ]?(\[)([^\]]+)(\])' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown 2: constant.other.reference.link.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown scope: meta.link.reference.markdown pop: true link-ref-attr: - match: '([ ]*)(\{)(?=[^}]*\})' captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.link.reference.markdown - include: tag-attributes - include: immediately-pop link-ref-literal: - match: |- (?x: (\[) (?= {{balance_square_brackets}}? # balanced square brackets, backticks, taking into account escapes etc. \] # Closing square bracket [ ]? # Space \[ # [ \] # ] ) ) captures: 1: meta.link.reference.literal.markdown punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown push: [link-ref-literal-attr, link-ref-literal-after-text, link-ref-literal-link-text] link-ref-literal-link-text: - meta_content_scope: meta.link.reference.literal.description.markdown - include: link-text-allow-image - match: \] scope: meta.link.reference.literal.markdown punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown pop: true link-ref-literal-after-text: - match: '[ ]?(\[)(\])' scope: meta.link.reference.literal.markdown captures: 1: punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown pop: true link-ref-literal-attr: - match: '([ ]*)(\{)(?=[^}]*\})' captures: 1: invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown 2: punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown set: - meta_scope: meta.link.reference.literal.markdown - include: tag-attributes - include: immediately-pop link-ref-footnote: - match: |- (?x: (\[\^) ([^]]+) (\]) ) captures: 0: meta.link.reference.footnote.markdown-extra 1: punctuation.definition.link.begin.markdown 2: meta.link.reference.literal.footnote-id.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.link.end.markdown list-paragraph: - match: '^(?=(?:[ ]{4}|\t){2,}(?![>+*\s-]))(?={{indented_code_block}})' push: - include: indented-code-block - match: $ pop: true - match: '^(?=\s+{{block_quote}})' push: - include: block-quote - match: $ pop: true - match: '^(?={{fenced_code_block_start}})' push: - include: fenced-code-block - match: '' pop: true - match: \s+(?=\S) push: - match: ^\s*$ pop: true - match: '([ ]*)([*+-])(?=\s)' captures: 1: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown 2: markup.list.unnumbered.bullet.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown push: - clear_scopes: 1 - meta_content_scope: markup.list.unnumbered.markdown meta.paragraph.list.markdown - include: list-content - match: '([ ]*)(\d+(\.))(?=\s)' captures: 1: markup.list.numbered.markdown 2: markup.list.numbered.bullet.markdown 3: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown push: - clear_scopes: 1 - meta_content_scope: markup.list.numbered.markdown meta.paragraph.list.markdown - include: list-content - match: \s+ scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown - match: '(?=\S)' push: list-content - match: '(?=\S)' pop: true list-content: - meta_content_scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown - match: ^(?={{fenced_code_block_start}}) push: - match: $ pop: true - include: fenced-code-block - match: ^ pop: true - include: thematic-break - match: (?=\S)(?!{{list_item}}) push: - match: (?={{list_item}}) pop: true - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak - include: scope:text.html.basic - match: $ pop: true fenced-code-block: - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:xml)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.xml.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:text.xml embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.xml.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.xml.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:sql)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.sql.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.sql embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.sql.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.sql.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:python|py)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.python.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.python embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.python.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.python.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:graphviz)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.graphviz.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.dot embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.graphviz.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.graphviz.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:javascript|js)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.javascript.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.js embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.javascript.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.javascript.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:json)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.json.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.json embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.json.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.json.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:java)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.java.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.java embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.java.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.java.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:csharp|c\#|cs)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.csharp.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.cs embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.csharp.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.csharp.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:rust)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.rust.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.rust embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.rust.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.rust.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:shell-script|sh|bash|zsh)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.shell-script.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.shell.bash embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.shell-script.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.shell-script.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:php|inc)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.php.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.php embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.php.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.php.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:html\+php)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.html-php.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:embedding.php embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.html-php.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.html-php.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:rscript|r|splus)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.r.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.r embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.r.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.r.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:golang)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.go.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.go embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.go.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.go.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:ruby|rb|rbx)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.ruby.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.ruby embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.ruby.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.ruby.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:objc|obj-c|objectivec|objective-c)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.objc.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.objc embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.objc.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.objc.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:objc\+\+|obj-c\+\+|objectivec\+\+|objective-c\+\+)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.objc++.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.objc++ embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.objc++.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.objc++.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:c)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.c.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.c embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.c.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.c.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:c\+\+|cpp)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.c++.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.c++ embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.c++.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.c++.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ((?i:regexp|regex)) {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}} captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.regexp.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown embed: scope:source.regexp embed_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.regexp.markdown-gfm escape: '{{code_fence_escape}}' escape_captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.regexp.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown - match: |- (?x) {{fenced_code_block_start}} ([\w-]*) # any number of word characters or dashes .*$\n? # all characters until EOL captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.text.markdown-gfm 2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown 5: constant.other.language-name.markdown push: - meta_content_scope: markup.raw.code-fence.markdown-gfm - match: '{{code_fence_escape}}' captures: 0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.text.markdown-gfm 1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown pop: true code-span: - match: (`+)(?!`) scope: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown push: - meta_scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown - match: \1(?!`) scope: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown pop: true - match: '`+' - match: ^\s*$\n? scope: invalid.illegal.non-terminated.raw.markdown pop: true raw: - match: ^(?={{fenced_code_block_start}}) push: - match: $ pop: true - include: fenced-code-block - include: code-span thematic-break: - match: '(?={{thematic_break}})' push: - meta_scope: meta.separator.thematic-break.markdown - match: '[-_*]+' scope: punctuation.definition.thematic-break.markdown - match: '$\n?' pop: true disable-markdown: - include: scope:text.html.basic disable-markdown-pop-at-tag: - match: () captures: 1: meta.tag.block.any.html punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html 2: meta.tag.block.any.html entity.name.tag.block.any.html 3: meta.tag.block.any.html punctuation.definition.tag.end.html pop: true - include: disable-markdown disable-markdown-pop-after-tag: - match: (?! pop: true - include: disable-markdown disable-markdown-pop-after-html-doctype: - match: (?!