# the-heck A comamnd line corrector inspired by `thefuck` and built in Rust. # What it does the-heck is a tool for fixing your command line mistakes. For example: ``` (personal) ➜ the_heck git:(main) git stats git: 'stats' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. The most similar command is status (personal) ➜ the_heck git:(main) heck ✔ Is this command correct? [Press Enter] · status Fix successful! On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working tree clean (personal) ➜ the_heck git:(main) ``` Version `0.1.5` is very much a work-in-progress. It only supports a handful of commands and there are known bugs. ## Currently supported programs and arguments `git` + `add .`, `branch`, `restore --staged .`, `restore .`, `status` `cargo` + `build`, `clippy`, `fmt`, `install`, `run`, `test` # Installation Assuming that you have installed Rust and Cargo properly, simply run the following in your desired project directory: ``` cargo add the_heck ```