use std::{fs, env}; use rust_utils::linux::{ DesktopEntryFileBuilder, ManpageBuilder, AurPkgbuildBuilder }; fn main() { println!(""); if fs::read_dir("man/").is_err() { fs::create_dir("man/").unwrap(); } let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); let icon_dir = if fs::read_dir("/storage/emulated/0").is_ok() { format!("{}/share/the_rock/icon.png", env::var("PREFIX").unwrap()) } else { "/usr/share/the_rock/icon.png".to_string() }; DesktopEntryFileBuilder::new("The Rock", "the_rock", true, version) .comment("Command line King James bible viewer") .icon(&icon_dir) .category("Utility") .build("the_rock.desktop"); ManpageBuilder::new( "the_rock", "Command line King James bible viewer", "Noah Jelen", "", "the_rock [chapter]\n\ The Rock is a command line program to view the King James version of the bible" ) .section( "OPTIONS", "If you specify a specific chapter as an argument, or if none are specified, The Rock will open the last chapter it closed on, or it will open Genesis 1\n\ Pass --reset-tabs to close all open chapter tabs" ) .other_page("bible") .build(version, "man/the_rock.1"); ManpageBuilder::new( "bible", "King James bible verse reference utility", "Noah Jelen", "", "bible is the command line interface of The Rock." ) .section( "SYNOPSIS", "bible \n\ bible -p \n\ bible -c \n\ bible -s \n\ bible \n\ bible -t \n\ bible [verse or passage][,verse or passage,verse or passage...]" ) .section( "OPTIONS", "If no options are specifed, bible will just show Genesis 1:1\n\ Use -v to show current version\n\ Use -h to show the help message\n\ Use -p to show the passage as a paragraph instead of verse list\n\ Use -c to show an entire chapter\n\ Use -s to find all instances of a specific word" ) .section( "EXAMPLES", "bible Mark9:23\n\ bible matt24:4-14\n\ bible isa40:31,matt6:9-13,Genesis1\n\ bible -p matt24:4-14\n\ bible -c genesis1\n\ bible -cp exodus20" ) .other_page("the_rock") .build(version, "man/bible.1"); AurPkgbuildBuilder::new( "the-rock", version, "Noah Jelen", "", "A command line King James bible viewer", "$pkgver/the-rock-$", "", "GPL-3", "cd \"the-rock-$pkgver\"\n\ cargo build --release\n\ cd target/release\n\ ln -sf the_rock bible", "cd \"the-rock-$pkgver\"\n\ mkdir -p \"$pkgdir/usr/share/the_rock\"\n\ mkdir -p \"$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/\"\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/bin\" -m755 target/release/the_rock\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/bin\" -m755 target/release/bible\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/share/the_rock/\" bible.rawtext\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/\" the_rock.desktop\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/share/the_rock/\" icon.png\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1\" man/the_rock.1\n\ install -Dt \"$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1\" man/bible.1" ) .dependency("gcc-libs") .dependency("glibc") .make_dependency("cargo") .build("aur/"); }