# Design document initial design document for *theca*, may not be completely up to date with the current version. ## json note profile file as described in `schema.json` this is what the note profile looks like { "encrypted": false, "notes": [ { "id": 2, "title": "\\(◕ ◡ ◕\\)", "status": "", "body": "", "last_touched": "2015-01-22 15:01:39 -0800" }, { "id": 3, "title": "(THECA) add super secret stuff", "status": "", "body": "", "last_touched": "2015-01-22 15:21:01 -0800" }, { "id": 5, "title": "(THECA) check about drop_to_editor adding newlines?", "status": "", "body": "", "last_touched": "2015-01-22 15:31:14 -0800" } ] } ## display note commands long note list: # theca id title status date ------------------------------------------------------- 1 short title Urgent 21-12-14 2 long title with body (+) Started 21-12-14 3 i dont have a status 21-12-14 condensed note list: # theca -c 1 short title U 10-12-14 2 long title with body (+) S 10-12-14 3 i dont have a status 21-12-14 view single note: # theca 1 2 long title with body S 10-12-14 This is the body! ## add note commands # theca add "this is the title guys whoa" # theca add "a item with started status" -s # theca add "a item with urgent status" -s # theca add "item with a body from string" -b "this is the body of the note, this is a pretty limited way of adding a body, but if you must" # theca add "item with a body from $EDITOR" --editor # drop to editor specified in $EDITOR to create body (similar to git commit) # cat file | theca add "item with a body from pipe" - # theca add "item with a body from pipe" -