const BEFORE_COM : Duration = Duration::from_secs(if std::option_env!("TESTFAST").is_some() { 1 } else { 20 }); const WITH_COM : Duration = Duration::from_secs(if std::option_env!("TESTFAST").is_some() { 1 } else { 20 }); use xinput::*; use mmrbi::*; use winapi::shared::winerror::*; use winapi::um::combaseapi::*; use winapi::um::objbase::*; use std::ptr::null_mut; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; macro_rules! fuzz { ( $expr:expr $(, $error:expr)* $(,)? ) => { fuzz(stringify!($expr), file!(), line!(), &[$(($error).into()),*], $expr) } } #[test] fn torment() { let should_init_com = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let continue_running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let threads = (0 .. 8).map(|thread_idx|{ let should_init_com = should_init_com.clone(); let continue_running = continue_running.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut initialized_com = false; while !initialized_com || continue_running.load(Relaxed) { if !initialized_com && should_init_com.load(Relaxed) { initialized_com = true; initialize_com_for_the_first_time_on_this_thread(thread_idx & 1 != 0); } for i in 0 ..= 100 { let _ = xinput::enable(i>>2 & 1 != 0); } fuzz!( #[allow(deprecated)] |u| xinput::get_audio_device_ids(u), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, // only on some systems error::INVALID_FUNCTION, ); fuzz!( #[allow(deprecated)] |u| xinput::get_dsound_audio_device_guids(u), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, error::INVALID_FUNCTION, ); for bt in [ xinput::BatteryDevType::Gamepad, xinput::BatteryDevType::Headset, xinput::BatteryDevType::from_unchecked(2), xinput::BatteryDevType::from_unchecked(42), xinput::BatteryDevType::from_unchecked(255), ].iter().copied() { fuzz!( |u| xinput::get_battery_information(u, bt), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, error::INVALID_FUNCTION, ); } for flag in [ xinput::Flag::None, xinput::Flag::Gamepad, xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(2), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(4), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(8), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(16), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(32), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(64), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(128), xinput::Flag::from_unchecked(!0), ].iter().copied() { fuzz!( |u| xinput::get_capabilities(u, flag), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, ); } fuzz!( |u| xinput::get_keystroke(u, ()), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, error::INVALID_FUNCTION, ); fuzz!( |u| xinput::get_state(u), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, ); #[cfg(feature = "undocumented")] fuzz!( #[allow(deprecated)] |u| xinput::get_state_ex(u), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, ); for enable in [false, true].iter().copied() { let _ = xinput::enable(enable); for vibration in [ xinput::Vibration::default(), xinput::Vibration { left_motor_speed: 1, right_motor_speed: 1 }, ].iter().copied() { fuzz!( |u| xinput::set_state(u, vibration), error::BAD_ARGUMENTS, error::DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, ); } } } }) }); // SAFETY: ⚠️ test coverage of no COM init has several caveats // * It's possible that some XInput functions init COM for us, but not others // * It's possible that rust's testing framework inits COM for us // Fully fixing this would probably involve multi process shenannigans... I'm fairly satisfied with this being "good enough" status!("Testing", "without COM initialized ({:?})", BEFORE_COM); sleep(BEFORE_COM); status!("Testing", "with COM initialized ({:?})", WITH_COM);, Relaxed); sleep(WITH_COM); status!("Testing", "teardown");, Relaxed); for thread in threads { thread.join().unwrap() } } fn initialize_com_for_the_first_time_on_this_thread(mta: bool) { // SAFETY: ✔️ reserved is null, flags are always documented match unsafe { CoInitializeEx(null_mut(), if mta { COINIT_MULTITHREADED } else { COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED }) } { S_OK => {}, S_FALSE => fatal!("CoInitializeEx(nullptr, ...) returned S_FALSE: COM was already initialized on this thread! Tests were trying to ensure xinput is sound to use pre-COM..."), err => fatal!("CoInitializeEx(nullptr, ...) returned 0x{:08X} (unexpected {})", err, if SUCCEEDED(err) { "success code" } else { "error" }), } // We don't ever try to pair this with uninitializing COM } fn fuzz(title: &str, file: &str, line: u32, codes: &[xinput::error::Kind], f: impl Fn(u32) -> Result) { for u in [0, 1, 2, 3, xuser::INDEX_ANY, 4, 42, 67, 254] { for _ in 0 ..= 100 { if let Err(err) = f(u) { let kind = err.kind(); if !codes.contains(&kind) { fatal!(at: file, line: line as _, "when fuzzing {}: unexpected error {:?}", title, kind); } } } } for u in 0 ..= 255 { if let Err(err) = f(u) { let kind = err.kind(); if !codes.contains(&kind) { fatal!(at: file, line: line as _, "when fuzzing {}: unexpected error {:?}", title, kind); } } } }