use http::{Request, Response}; use hyper::service::Service; use hyper::Body; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::time::timeout; use argh::FromArgs; use cookie::Cookie; use har::v1_2::{self, Entries, Headers}; use http; use third_wheel::*; /// Run a TLS mitm proxy that records a HTTP ARchive (HAR) file of the session. /// Currently this is a proof-of-concept and won't handle binary data or non-utf8 encodings #[derive(FromArgs)] struct StartMitm { /// port to bind proxy to #[argh(option, short = 'p', default = "8080")] port: u16, /// output file to save the HAR to #[argh(option, short = 'o', default = "\"third-wheel.har\".to_string()")] outfile: String, /// number of seconds to run the proxy for #[argh(option, short = 's', default = "30")] seconds_to_run_for: u64, /// pem file for self-signed certificate authority certificate #[argh(option, short = 'c', default = "\"ca/ca_certs/cert.pem\".to_string()")] cert_file: String, /// pem file for private signing key for the certificate authority #[argh(option, short = 'k', default = "\"ca/ca_certs/key.pem\".to_string()")] key_file: String, } async fn copy_from_http_request_to_har( parts: &http::request::Parts, body: Vec, ) -> v1_2::Request { let method = parts.method.as_str().to_string(); let url = format!("{}", parts.uri); let http_version = "HTTP/1.1".to_string(); // Hardcoded for now because third-wheel only handles HTTP/1.1 let mut headers = Vec::new(); for (name, value) in &parts.headers { headers.push(Headers { name: name.as_str().to_string(), value: value.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), comment: None, }) } let headers_size: i64 = headers.iter().fold(0, |sum, headers| { sum + ( as i64 + headers.value.len() as i64) }); let cookies: Vec = parts .headers .iter() .filter(|(key, _)| key == &http::header::COOKIE) .map(|(_, value)| parse_cookie(value.to_str().unwrap())) .collect(); let body = String::from_utf8(body).unwrap(); // TODO: handle other encodings correctly let body_size = body.len() as i64; let mime_type = parts .headers .iter() .filter(|(key, _)| key == &http::header::CONTENT_TYPE) .map(|(_, value)| value.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) .nth(0) .unwrap_or("".to_string()); let post_data = if body_size > 0 { Some(v1_2::PostData { mime_type, text: body, params: None, comment: None, }) } else { None }; v1_2::Request { method, url, http_version, cookies, headers, query_string: Vec::new(), post_data, headers_size, body_size, comment: None, } } async fn copy_from_http_response_to_har( parts: &http::response::Parts, body: Vec, ) -> v1_2::Response { let mut headers = Vec::new(); for (name, value) in &parts.headers { headers.push(Headers { name: name.as_str().to_string(), value: value.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), comment: None, }) } let headers_size: i64 = headers.iter().fold(0, |sum, headers| { sum + ( as i64 + headers.value.len() as i64) }); let cookies: Vec = parts .headers .iter() .filter(|(key, _)| key == &http::header::SET_COOKIE) .map(|(_, value)| value.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) .collect(); let cookies: Vec = cookies .iter() .map(|cookie_string| parse_cookie(cookie_string)) .collect(); let mime_type = parts .headers .iter() .filter(|(key, _)| key == &http::header::CONTENT_TYPE) .map(|(_, value)| value.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) .nth(0) .unwrap_or("".to_string()); let redirect_url = if parts.status.is_redirection() { parts .headers .iter() .filter(|(key, _)| key == &http::header::LOCATION) .map(|(_, value)| value.to_str().unwrap_or("").to_string()) .nth(0) .unwrap() } else { "".to_string() }; let http_version = "HTTP/1.1".to_string(); // Hardcoded for now because third-wheel only handles HTTP/1.1 let body = String::from_utf8(body).unwrap(); // TODO: handle other encodings correctly let body_size = body.len() as i64; let content = v1_2::Content { size: body_size, compression: None, mime_type, text: Some(body), encoding: None, //TODO: handle the base64 case comment: None, }; v1_2::Response { charles_status: None, //TODO: once is resolved remove this http_version, status: parts.status.as_u16() as i64, status_text: parts.status.canonical_reason().unwrap_or("").to_string(), cookies, headers, headers_size, body_size, comment: None, redirect_url, content, } } fn parse_cookie(cookie_str: &str) -> v1_2::Cookies { let parsed = Cookie::parse(cookie_str).unwrap(); v1_2::Cookies { name:, value: parsed.value().to_string(), path: parsed.path().map(|p| p.to_string()), domain: parsed.domain().map(|d| d.to_string()), expires: parsed.expires().map(|e| e.format("%F %r %z")), // TODO: ISO 8601 format http_only: parsed.http_only(), secure:, comment: None, } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new().init().unwrap(); let args: StartMitm = argh::from_env(); let ca = CertificateAuthority::load_from_pem_files_with_passphrase_on_key( &args.cert_file, &args.key_file, "third-wheel", )?; let (sender, mut receiver) = mpsc::channel(100); let make_har_sender = mitm_layer(move |req: Request, mut third_wheel: ThirdWheel| { let sender = sender.clone(); let fut = async move { let (req_parts, req_body) = req.into_parts(); let body_bytes = hyper::body::to_bytes(req_body).await.unwrap().to_vec(); let mut copied_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(body_bytes.len()); copied_bytes.extend(&body_bytes); let har_request = copy_from_http_request_to_har(&req_parts, copied_bytes).await; let body = Body::from(hyper::body::Bytes::from(body_bytes)); let req = Request::::from_parts(req_parts, body); let response =; let (res_parts, res_body) = response.into_parts(); let body_bytes: Vec = hyper::body::to_bytes(res_body).await.unwrap().to_vec(); let mut copied_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(body_bytes.len()); copied_bytes.extend(&body_bytes); let har_response = copy_from_http_response_to_har(&res_parts, copied_bytes).await; let body = Body::from(hyper::body::Bytes::from(body_bytes)); let response = Response::::from_parts(res_parts, body); let entries = Entries { request: har_request, response: har_response, time: 0.0, server_ip_address: None, connection: None, comment: None, started_date_time: "bla".to_string(), cache: v1_2::Cache { before_request: None, after_request: None, }, timings: v1_2::Timings { blocked: None, dns: None, connect: None, send: 0.0, wait: 0.0, receive: 0.0, ssl: None, comment: None, }, pageref: None, }; sender.send(entries).await.unwrap(); Ok(response) }; Box::pin(fut) }); let mitm_proxy = MitmProxy::builder(make_har_sender, ca).build(); let addr = format!("{}", args.port).parse().unwrap(); let (_, mitm_proxy) = mitm_proxy.bind(addr); let result = timeout(Duration::from_secs(args.seconds_to_run_for), mitm_proxy).await; let mut entries = Vec::new(); while let Some(entry) = receiver.recv().await { entries.push(entry); } let out = har::Har { log: har::Spec::V1_2(v1_2::Log { entries, browser: None, comment: None, pages: None, creator: v1_2::Creator { name: "third-wheel".to_string(), version: "0.5".to_string(), comment: None, }, }), }; let mut file = File::create(args.outfile)?; file.write_all(har::to_json(&out).unwrap().as_bytes())?; result.unwrap_or(Ok(())) }