openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Thornode API version: 2.137.3 contact: email: description: Thornode REST API. ######################################################################################## # Paths ######################################################################################## paths: # ------------------------------ health ------------------------------ /thorchain/ping: get: operationId: ping tags: - Health responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object title: Ping properties: ping: type: string example: pong # ------------------------------ pools ------------------------------ /thorchain/pool/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns the pool information for the provided asset. operationId: pool tags: - Pools responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PoolResponse" /thorchain/pools: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the pool information for all assets. operationId: pools tags: - Pools responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PoolsResponse" /thorchain/slip/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns the pool slip information for the provided asset. operationId: poolslip tags: - PoolSlip responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PoolSlipResponse" /thorchain/slips: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the pool slip information for all Available Layer 1 pool assets. operationId: poolslips tags: - PoolSlip responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PoolSlipResponse" # ------------------------------ derived pools ------------------------------ /thorchain/dpool/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns the pool information for the provided derived asset. operationId: dpool tags: - Pools responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DerivedPoolResponse" /thorchain/dpools: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the pool information for all derived assets. operationId: dpools tags: - Pools responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DerivedPoolsResponse" # ------------------------------ liquidity providers ------------------------------ /thorchain/pool/{asset}/liquidity_provider/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the liquidity provider information for an address and asset. operationId: liquidityProvider tags: - Liquidity Providers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LiquidityProviderResponse" /thorchain/pool/{asset}/liquidity_providers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns all liquidity provider information for an asset. operationId: liquidityProviders tags: - Liquidity Providers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LiquidityProvidersResponse" # ------------------------------ rune pool ------------------------------ /thorchain/runepool: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the pool information for the RUNE pool. operationId: runePool tags: - RUNE Pool responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RUNEPoolResponse" # ------------------------------ rune providers ------------------------------ /thorchain/rune_provider/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the RUNE Provider information for an address. operationId: runeProvider tags: - RUNE Pool responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RUNEProviderResponse" /thorchain/rune_providers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns all RUNE Providers. operationId: runeProviders tags: - RUNE Pool responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RUNEProvidersResponse" # ------------------------------ savers ------------------------------ /thorchain/pool/{asset}/saver/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the saver position given then savers pool and address. operationId: saver tags: - Savers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SaverResponse" /thorchain/pool/{asset}/savers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns all savers for the savers pool. operationId: savers tags: - Savers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SaversResponse" # ------------------------------ loans ------------------------------ /thorchain/pool/{asset}/borrower/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the borrower position given the pool and address. operationId: borrower tags: - Borrowers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BorrowerResponse" /thorchain/pool/{asset}/borrowers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns all borrowers for the given pool. operationId: borrowers tags: - Borrowers responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BorrowersResponse" # ------------------------------ transactions ------------------------------ /thorchain/tx/{hash}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Returns the observed transaction for a provided inbound or outbound hash. operationId: tx tags: - Transactions responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxResponse" /thorchain/tx/{hash}/signers: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Deprecated - migrate to /thorchain/tx/details. operationId: txSignersOld tags: - Transactions responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxSignersResponse" /thorchain/tx/details/{hash}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Returns the signers for a provided inbound or outbound hash. operationId: txSigners tags: - Transactions responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxDetailsResponse" /thorchain/tx/stages/{hash}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Returns the processing stages of a provided inbound hash. operationId: txStages tags: - Transactions responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxStagesResponse" /thorchain/tx/status/{hash}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Returns the status of a provided inbound hash. operationId: txStatus tags: - Transactions responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxStatusResponse" # ------------------------------ nodes ------------------------------ /thorchain/node/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns node information for the provided node address. operationId: node tags: - Nodes responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NodeResponse" /thorchain/nodes: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns node information for all registered validators. operationId: nodes tags: - Nodes responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NodesResponse" # ------------------------------ vaults ------------------------------ /thorchain/vaults/asgard: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns current asgard vaults. operationId: asgard tags: - Vaults responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultsResponse" /thorchain/vaults/yggdrasil: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns current yggdrasil vaults. operationId: yggdrasil tags: - Vaults responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/YggdrasilVaultsResponse" /thorchain/vault/{pubkey}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pubkey" get: description: Returns the vault for the provided pubkey. operationId: vault tags: - Vaults responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultResponse" /thorchain/vaults/pubkeys: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns all pubkeys for current vaults. operationId: vaultPubkeys tags: - Vaults responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultPubkeysResponse" # ------------------------------ network ------------------------------ /thorchain/network: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns network overview statistics. operationId: network tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkResponse" /thorchain/outbound_fees: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the last block information for all chains. operationId: outboundFees tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OutboundFeesResponse" /thorchain/outbound_fee/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns the outbound fee information for the provided asset. operationId: outboundFeeAsset tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OutboundFeesResponse" /thorchain/inbound_addresses: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the set of asgard addresses that should be used for inbound transactions. operationId: inboundAddresses tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InboundAddressesResponse" /thorchain/lastblock: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the last block information for all chains. operationId: lastblock tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LastBlockResponse" /thorchain/lastblock/{chain}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/chain" get: description: Returns the last block information for the provided chain. operationId: lastblockChain tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LastBlockResponse" /thorchain/version: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the network's current THORNode version, the network's next THORNode version, and the querier's THORNode version. operationId: version tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VersionResponse" /thorchain/upgrade_proposals: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the current upgrade proposals. operationId: upgradeProposals tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeProposalsResponse" /thorchain/upgrade_proposal/{name}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/name" get: description: Returns the upgrade proposal for the provided name. operationId: upgradeProposal tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeProposalResponse" /thorchain/upgrade_votes/{name}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/name" get: description: Returns the upgrade votes for the provided name. operationId: upgradeVotes tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeVotesResponse" /thorchain/constants: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns constant configuration, can be overridden by mimir. operationId: constants tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConstantsResponse" /thorchain/ragnarok: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns a boolean indicating whether the chain is in ragnarok. operationId: ragnarok tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: boolean example: false /thorchain/ban/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the ban status for the provided node address. operationId: ban tags: - Network responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BanResponse" # ----------------------- streaming swaps -------------------------- /thorchain/swap/streaming/{hash}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/hash" get: description: Returns the state of a streaming swap operationId: stream_swap tags: - StreamingSwap responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamingSwapResponse" /thorchain/swaps/streaming: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the state of all streaming swaps operationId: stream_swaps tags: - StreamingSwap responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamingSwapsResponse" # ------------------------------ clout ------------------------------ /thorchain/clout/swap/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the clout score of an address operationId: swapper_clout tags: - Clout responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SwapperCloutResponse" # ------------------------------ trade unit ------------------------------ /thorchain/trade/unit/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns the total units and depth of a trade asset operationId: trade_unit tags: - TradeUnit responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeUnitResponse" /thorchain/trade/units: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the total units and depth for each trade asset operationId: trade_units tags: - TradeUnits responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeUnitsResponse" # ------------------------------ trade account ------------------------------ /thorchain/trade/account/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns the units and depth of a trade account operationId: trade_account tags: - TradeAccount responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeAccountResponse" /thorchain/trade/accounts/{asset}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/asset" get: description: Returns all trade accounts for an asset operationId: trade_accounts tags: - TradeAccounts responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeAccountsResponse" # ------------------------------ queue ------------------------------ /thorchain/queue: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns queue statistics. operationId: queue tags: - Queue responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueueResponse" /thorchain/queue/swap: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the swap queue. operationId: queueSwap tags: - Queue responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SwapQueueResponse" /thorchain/queue/scheduled: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the scheduled queue. operationId: queueScheduled tags: - Queue responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ScheduledResponse" /thorchain/queue/outbound: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns the outbound queue including estimated RUNE values. operationId: queueOutbound tags: - Queue responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OutboundResponse" # ------------------------------ tss ------------------------------ /thorchain/keysign/{height}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pathHeight" get: description: Returns keysign information for the provided height - the height being the first block a tx out item appears in the signed-but-unobserved outbound queue. operationId: keysign tags: - TSS responses: &keysign-response 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeysignResponse" /thorchain/keysign/{height}/{pubkey}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pathHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pubkey" get: description: Returns keysign information for the provided height and pubkey - the height being the block at which a tx out item is scheduled to be signed and moved from the scheduled outbound queue to the outbound queue. operationId: keysignPubkey tags: - TSS responses: *keysign-response /thorchain/keygen/{height}/{pubkey}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pathHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pubkey" get: description: Returns keygen information for the provided height and pubkey - the pubkey being of one of the members of a keygen block for that height operationId: keygenPubkey tags: - TSS responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeygenResponse" # ------------------------------ tss metrics ------------------------------ /thorchain/metrics: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns keygen and keysign metrics for current vaults. operationId: metrics tags: - TSS responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MetricsResponse" /thorchain/metric/keygen/{pubkey}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pubkey" get: description: Returns keygen metrics for the provided vault pubkey. operationId: metricsKeygen tags: - TSS responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeygenMetricsResponse" # ------------------------------ thornames ------------------------------ /thorchain/thorname/{name}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: name in: path description: the thornode to lookup required: true schema: type: string get: description: Returns addresses registered to the provided thorname. operationId: thorname tags: - Thornames responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ThornameResponse" # ------------------------------ mimir ------------------------------ /thorchain/mimir: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns current active mimir configuration. operationId: mimir tags: - Mimir responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MimirResponse" /thorchain/mimir/key/{key}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: key in: path description: the mimir key to lookup required: true schema: type: string get: description: Returns current active mimir configuration for the provided key. operationId: mimirKey tags: - Mimir responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: integer format: int64 /thorchain/mimir/admin: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns current admin mimir configuration. operationId: mimirAdmin tags: - Mimir responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MimirResponse" /thorchain/mimir/nodes_all: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns current node mimir votes. operationId: mimirNodes tags: - Mimir responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MimirNodesResponse" /thorchain/mimir/node/{address}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/address" get: description: Returns current node mimir configuration for the provided node address. operationId: mimirNode tags: - Mimir responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MimirResponse" # ------------------------------ quotes ------------------------------ /thorchain/quote/swap: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: from_asset in: query description: the source asset schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: to_asset in: query description: the target asset schema: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" - name: amount in: query description: the source asset amount in 1e8 decimals schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 1000000 - name: destination in: query description: the destination address, required to generate memo schema: type: string example: "0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe" - name: refund_address in: query description: the refund address, refunds will be sent here if the swap fails schema: type: string example: "0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe" - name: streaming_interval in: query description: the interval in which streaming swaps are swapped schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 10 - name: streaming_quantity in: query description: the quantity of swaps within a streaming swap schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 10 - name: tolerance_bps in: query description: the maximum basis points from the current feeless swap price to set the limit in the generated memo schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 100 - name: affiliate_bps in: query description: the affiliate fee in basis points schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 100 - name: affiliate in: query description: the affiliate (address or thorname) schema: type: string example: "t" get: description: Provide a quote estimate for the provided swap. operationId: quoteswap tags: - Quote responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteSwapResponse" /thorchain/quote/saver/deposit: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: asset in: query description: the asset to deposit schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: amount in: query description: the source asset amount in 1e8 decimals schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 1000000 get: description: Provide a quote estimate for the provided saver deposit. operationId: quotesaverdeposit tags: - Quote responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteSaverDepositResponse" /thorchain/quote/saver/withdraw: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: asset in: query description: the asset to withdraw schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: address in: query description: the address for the position schema: type: string example: "bc1qd45uzetakjvdy5ynjjyp4nlnj89am88e4e5jeq" - name: withdraw_bps in: query description: the basis points of the existing position to withdraw schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 100 get: description: Provide a quote estimate for the provided saver withdraw. operationId: quotesaverwithdraw tags: - Quote responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteSaverWithdrawResponse" /thorchain/quote/loan/open: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: from_asset in: query description: the collateral asset schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: amount in: query description: the collateral asset amount in 1e8 decimals schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 1000000 - name: to_asset in: query description: the target asset to receive (loan denominated in TOR regardless) schema: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" - name: destination in: query description: the destination address, required to generate memo schema: type: string example: "0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe" - name: min_out in: query description: the minimum amount of the target asset to accept schema: type: string example: "1234" - name: affiliate_bps in: query description: the affiliate fee in basis points schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 100 - name: affiliate in: query description: the affiliate (address or thorname) schema: type: string example: "t" get: description: Provide a quote estimate for the provided loan open. operationId: quoteloanopen tags: - Quote responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteLoanOpenResponse" /thorchain/quote/loan/close: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - name: from_asset in: query description: the asset used to repay the loan schema: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" - name: repay_bps in: query description: the basis points of the existing position to repay schema: type: integer format: int64 example: 100 - name: to_asset in: query description: the collateral asset of the loan schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: loan_owner in: query description: the owner of the loan collateral schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" - name: min_out in: query description: the minimum amount of the target asset to accept schema: type: string example: "1234" get: description: Provide a quote estimate for the provided loan close. operationId: quoteloanclose tags: - Quote responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteLoanCloseResponse" # ------------------------------ invariants ------------------------------ /thorchain/invariant/{invariant}: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/invariant" get: description: Returns result of running the given invariant. operationId: invariant tags: - Invariants responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvariantResponse" /thorchain/invariants: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns a list of available invariants. operationId: invariants tags: - Invariants responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvariantsResponse" # ------------------------------ block ------------------------------ /thorchain/block: parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/queryHeight" get: description: Returns verbose details of the block. operationId: block tags: - Block responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BlockResponse" ######################################################################################## # Components ######################################################################################## components: # ------------------------------ parameters ------------------------------ parameters: queryHeight: name: height in: query description: optional block height, defaults to current tip required: false schema: type: integer format: int64 minimum: 0 name: name: name in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "v3.137.0" pathHeight: name: height in: path required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 minimum: 0 hash: name: hash in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "CF524818D42B63D25BBA0CCC4909F127CAA645C0F9CD07324F2824CC151A64C7" asset: name: asset in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" address: name: address in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "thor1zupk5lmc84r2dh738a9g3zscavannjy3nzplwt" pubkey: name: pubkey in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq068dr0x7ue973drmq4eqmzhcq3650n7nx5fhgn9gl207luxp6vaklu52tc" chain: name: chain in: path required: true schema: type: string example: "BTC" invariant: name: invariant in: path required: true schema: type: string example: asgard # ------------------------------ schemas ------------------------------ schemas: Pool: type: object required: - asset - status - pending_inbound_asset - pending_inbound_rune - balance_asset - balance_rune - asset_tor_price - pool_units - LP_units - synth_units - synth_supply - savers_depth - savers_units - savers_fill_bps - savers_capacity_remaining - synth_mint_paused - synth_supply_remaining - loan_collateral - loan_collateral_remaining - loan_cr - derived_depth_bps properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" short_code: type: string example: "b" status: type: string example: "Available" decimals: type: integer format: int64 example: 6 pending_inbound_asset: type: string example: "101713319" pending_inbound_rune: type: string example: "464993836" balance_asset: type: string example: "3197744873" balance_rune: type: string example: "13460619152985" asset_tor_price: type: string example: "123456" description: the USD (TOR) price of the asset in 1e8 pool_units: type: string description: the total pool units, this is the sum of LP and synth units example: "14694928607473" LP_units: type: string description: the total pool liquidity provider units example: "14694928607473" synth_units: type: string description: the total synth units in the pool example: "0" synth_supply: type: string description: the total supply of synths for the asset example: "0" savers_depth: type: string example: "199998" description: the balance of L1 asset deposited into the Savers Vault savers_units: type: string example: "199998" description: the number of units owned by Savers savers_fill_bps: type: string example: "4500" description: the filled savers capacity in basis points, 4500/10000 = 45% savers_capacity_remaining: type: string example: "1000" description: amount of remaining capacity in asset synth_mint_paused: type: boolean example: true description: whether additional synths cannot be minted synth_supply_remaining: type: string example: "123456" description: the amount of synth supply remaining before the current max supply is reached loan_collateral: type: string example: "123456" description: the amount of collateral collects for loans loan_collateral_remaining: type: string example: "123456" description: the amount of remaining collateral collects for loans loan_cr: type: string example: "123456" description: the current loan collateralization ratio derived_depth_bps: type: string example: "123456" description: the depth of the derived virtual pool relative to L1 pool (in basis points) DerivedPool: type: object required: - asset - status - balance_asset - balance_rune - derived_depth_bps properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" status: type: string example: "Available" decimals: type: integer format: int64 example: 6 balance_asset: type: string example: "3197744873" balance_rune: type: string example: "13460619152985" derived_depth_bps: type: string example: "123456" description: the depth of the derived virtual pool relative to L1 pool (in basis points) POL: type: object required: - rune_deposited - rune_withdrawn - value - pnl - current_deposit properties: rune_deposited: type: string example: "857134475040" description: total amount of RUNE deposited into the pools rune_withdrawn: type: string example: "0" description: total amount of RUNE withdrawn from the pools value: type: string example: "21999180112172346" description: total value of protocol's LP position in RUNE value pnl: type: string example: "21999180112172346" description: profit and loss of protocol owned liquidity current_deposit: type: string example: "21999180112172346" description: current amount of rune deposited RUNEProvider: type: object required: - rune_address - units - value - pnl - deposit_amount - withdraw_amount - last_deposit_height - last_withdraw_height properties: rune_address: type: string example: "THOR.RUNE" units: type: string example: "1234" value: type: string example: "123456" pnl: type: string example: "123456" deposit_amount: type: string example: "6677" withdraw_amount: type: string example: "5443" last_deposit_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 last_withdraw_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 LiquidityProviderSummary: type: object required: - asset - units - pending_rune - pending_asset - rune_deposit_value - asset_deposit_value properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" rune_address: type: string example: "thor1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" asset_address: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" last_add_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 last_withdraw_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 units: type: string example: "0" pending_rune: type: string example: "0" pending_asset: type: string example: "242000000" pending_tx_id: type: string example: "C4C876802xxxxxxxxxxBC408829878446A37011EBBA0C5CAA3DD64A548879CB228" rune_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" asset_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" LiquidityProvider: type: object required: - asset - units - pending_rune - pending_asset - rune_deposit_value - asset_deposit_value properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" rune_address: type: string example: "thor1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" asset_address: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" last_add_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 last_withdraw_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 units: type: string example: "0" pending_rune: type: string example: "0" pending_asset: type: string example: "242000000" pending_tx_id: type: string example: "C4C876802xxxxxxxxxxBC408829878446A37011EBBA0C5CAA3DD64A548879CB228" rune_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" asset_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" rune_redeem_value: type: string example: "0" asset_redeem_value: type: string example: "0" luvi_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" luvi_redeem_value: type: string example: "0" luvi_growth_pct: type: string example: "0" Saver: type: object required: - asset - asset_address - units - asset_deposit_value - asset_redeem_value - growth_pct properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" asset_address: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" last_add_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 last_withdraw_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 units: type: string example: "0" asset_deposit_value: type: string example: "0" asset_redeem_value: type: string example: "0" growth_pct: type: string example: "0.02" Borrower: type: object required: - owner - asset - debt_issued - debt_repaid - debt_current - collateral_deposited - collateral_withdrawn - collateral_current - last_open_height - last_repay_height properties: owner: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" debt_issued: type: string example: "123456" debt_repaid: type: string example: "123456" debt_current: type: string example: "123456" collateral_deposited: type: string example: "123456" collateral_withdrawn: type: string example: "123456" collateral_current: type: string example: "123456" last_open_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 last_repay_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 82745 Coin: type: object required: - asset - amount properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" amount: type: string example: "100000" decimals: type: integer format: int64 example: 6 Vault: type: object required: - coins - status - routers - addresses properties: block_height: type: integer format: int64 pub_key: type: string coins: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" type: type: string enum: ["AsgardVault", "YggdrasilVault"] status: type: string # TODO: Currently status is not consistent between asgard (VaultStatus) and yggdrasil (NodeStatus). # enum: ["Active", ...] status_since: type: integer format: int64 membership: type: array description: the list of node public keys which are members of the vault items: type: string chains: type: array items: type: string inbound_tx_count: type: integer format: int64 outbound_tx_count: type: integer format: int64 pending_tx_block_heights: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 routers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultRouter" addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultAddress" frozen: type: array items: type: string YggdrasilVault: type: object required: - coins - routers - status - bond - total_value - addresses properties: block_height: type: integer format: int64 pub_key: type: string coins: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" type: type: string enum: ["AsgardVault", "YggdrasilVault"] status_since: type: integer format: int64 membership: type: array description: the list of node public keys which are members of the vault items: type: string chains: type: array items: type: string inbound_tx_count: type: integer format: int64 outbound_tx_count: type: integer format: int64 pending_tx_block_heights: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 routers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultRouter" status: type: string # TODO: Currently status is not consistent between asgard (VaultStatus) and yggdrasil (NodeStatus). # enum: ["Active", ...] bond: type: string description: current node bond example: "123456789" total_value: type: string description: value in rune of the vault's assets example: "83456789" addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultAddress" VaultRouter: type: object properties: chain: type: string example: "ETH" router: type: string example: "0x3624525075b88B24ecc29CE226b0CEc1fFcB6976" VaultAddress: type: object required: - chain - address properties: chain: type: string example: "BTC" address: type: string example: "bc1qd45uzetakjvdy5ynjjyp4nlnj89am88e4e5jeq" VaultInfo: type: object required: - pub_key - routers properties: pub_key: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq068dr0x7ue973drmq4eqmzhcq3650n7nx5fhgn9gl207luxp6vaklu52tc" routers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultRouter" StreamingSwap: type: object required: - trade_target - deposit - in - out properties: tx_id: type: string example: "CF524818D42B63D25BBA0CCC4909F127CAA645C0F9CD07324F2824CC151A64C7" description: the hash of a transaction interval: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: how often each swap is made, in blocks quantity: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: the total number of swaps in a streaming swaps count: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: the amount of swap attempts so far last_height: type: integer format: int64 description: the block height of the latest swap trade_target: type: string example: "100" description: the total number of tokens the swapper wants to receive of the output asset source_asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" description: the asset to be swapped from target_asset: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" description: the asset to be swapped to destination: type: string example: "0x66fb1cd65b97fa40457b90b7d1ca6b92cb64b32b" description: the destination address to receive the swap output deposit: type: string example: "100" description: the number of input tokens the swapper has deposited in: type: string example: "100" description: the amount of input tokens that have been swapped so far out: type: string example: "100" description: the amount of output tokens that have been swapped so far failed_swaps: type: array description: the list of swap indexes that failed items: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. failed_swap_reasons: type: array description: the list of reasons that sub-swaps have failed items: type: string Tx: type: object required: - coins - gas properties: id: type: string example: "CF524818D42B63D25BBA0CCC4909F127CAA645C0F9CD07324F2824CC151A64C7" chain: type: string example: "BTC" from_address: type: string example: "bcrt1q0s4mg25tu6termrk8egltfyme4q7sg3h8kkydt" to_address: type: string example: "bcrt1qf3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnqsf45e" coins: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" gas: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" memo: type: string example: "ADD:BTC.BTC:thor1zupk5lmc84r2dh738a9g3zscavannjy3nzplwt" InboundAddress: type: object required: - halted properties: chain: type: string example: "BTC" pub_key: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq2jqhv5rdqlkusfxy05stfzcgslhhz5qh8pxetw5ry2aa6awgdh3shq8s82" address: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" router: type: string example: "0xD37BbE5744D730a1d98d8DC97c42F0Ca46aD7146" halted: type: boolean example: false description: Returns true if trading is unavailable for this chain, either because trading is halted globally or specifically for this chain global_trading_paused: type: boolean example: false description: "Returns true if trading is paused globally" chain_trading_paused: type: boolean example: false description: "Returns true if trading is paused for this chain" chain_lp_actions_paused: type: boolean example: false description: "Returns true if LP actions are paused for this chain" gas_rate: type: string example: "214" description: "The minimum fee rate used by vaults to send outbound TXs. The actual fee rate may be higher. For EVM chains this is returned in gwei (1e9)." gas_rate_units: type: string example: "satsperbyte" description: "Units of the gas_rate." outbound_tx_size: type: string example: "1000" description: "Avg size of outbound TXs on each chain. For UTXO chains it may be larger than average, as it takes into account vault consolidation txs, which can have many vouts" outbound_fee: type: string example: "428000" description: "The total outbound fee charged to the user for outbound txs in the gas asset of the chain." dust_threshold: type: string example: "10000" description: Defines the minimum transaction size for the chain in base units (sats, wei, uatom). Transactions with asset amounts lower than the dust_threshold are ignored. LastBlock: type: object required: - chain - last_observed_in - last_signed_out - thorchain properties: chain: type: string last_observed_in: type: integer format: int64 last_signed_out: type: integer format: int64 thorchain: type: integer format: int64 ObservedTx: type: object required: - tx properties: tx: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tx" observed_pub_key: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq27ck6u44zl8qqdnmzjjc8rg72amrxrsp42p9vd7kt6marhy6ww76z8shwe" external_observed_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581334 description: the block height on the external source chain when the transaction was observed, not provided if chain is THOR external_confirmation_delay_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581334 description: the block height on the external source chain when confirmation counting will be complete, not provided if chain is THOR aggregator: type: string description: the outbound aggregator to use, will also match a suffix example: "0x69800327b38A4CeF30367Dec3f64c2f2386f3848" aggregator_target: type: string description: the aggregator target asset provided to transferOutAndCall example: "0x0a44986b70527154e9F4290eC14e5f0D1C861822" aggregator_target_limit: type: string description: the aggregator target asset limit provided to transferOutAndCall example: "0x0a44986b70527154e9F4290eC14e5f0D1C861822" signers: type: array items: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" keysign_ms: type: integer format: int64 example: 10000 out_hashes: type: array items: type: string example: "E17A0906E015F0C343691C18E475C8CB5F3F6C63F5BCDE0F3A341909763CC92B" status: type: string enum: ["done", "incomplete"] example: "done" OutboundFee: type: object required: - asset - outbound_fee properties: asset: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" description: the asset to display the outbound fee for outbound_fee: type: string example: "300000" description: the asset's outbound fee, in (1e8-format) units of the asset fee_withheld_rune: type: string example: "30000000000000" description: Total RUNE the network has withheld as fees to later cover gas costs for this asset's outbounds fee_spent_rune: type: string example: "20000000000000" description: Total RUNE the network has spent to reimburse gas costs for this asset's outbounds surplus_rune: type: string example: "10000000000000" description: amount of RUNE by which the fee_withheld_rune exceeds the fee_spent_rune dynamic_multiplier_basis_points: type: string example: "15000" description: dynamic multiplier basis points, based on the surplus_rune, affecting the size of the outbound_fee MsgSwap: type: object required: - tx - target_asset - trade_target - affiliate_basis_points properties: tx: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tx" target_asset: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" description: the asset to be swapped to destination: type: string example: "0x66fb1cd65b97fa40457b90b7d1ca6b92cb64b32b" description: the destination address to receive the swap output trade_target: type: string description: the minimum amount of output asset to receive (else cancelling and refunding the swap) affiliate_address: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" description: the affiliate address which will receive any affiliate fee affiliate_basis_points: type: string description: the affiliate fee in basis points signer: type: string description: the signer (sender) of the transaction aggregator: type: string description: the contract address if an aggregator is specified for a non-THORChain SwapOut aggregator_target_address: type: string description: the desired output asset of the aggregator SwapOut aggregator_target_limit: type: string description: the minimum amount of SwapOut asset to receive (else cancelling the SwapOut and receiving THORChain's output) order_type: type: string description: market if immediately completed or refunded, limit if held until fulfillable stream_quantity: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: number of swaps to execute in a streaming swap stream_interval: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: the interval (in blocks) to execute the streaming swap TxOutItem: type: object required: - chain - to_address - coin - max_gas properties: chain: type: string example: "ETH" to_address: type: string example: "0x66fb1cd65b97fa40457b90b7d1ca6b92cb64b32b" vault_pub_key: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepqt45wmsxj29xpgdrdsvg2h3dx68qeapgykw3hlyj6vuds2r0pnkwx5gt9m4" coin: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" memo: type: string example: "OUT:208BF0ACD78C89A0534B0457BA0867B101961A2319C1E49DD28676526904BBEA" max_gas: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" gas_rate: type: integer format: int64 in_hash: type: string example: "208BF0ACD78C89A0534B0457BA0867B101961A2319C1E49DD28676526904BBEA" out_hash: type: string example: "0D0B2FDB6DAD6E5FD3C5E46D39128F9DA15E96F0B2CC054CE059EA3532B150FB" height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 clout_spent: type: string description: clout spent in RUNE for the outbound example: "1234" TssMetric: type: object properties: address: type: string tss_time: type: integer format: int64 TssKeysignMetric: type: object required: - node_tss_times properties: tx_id: type: string node_tss_times: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TssMetric" Node: type: object required: - node_address - status - pub_key_set - validator_cons_pub_key - peer_id - active_block_height - status_since - node_operator_address - total_bond - bond_providers - signer_membership - requested_to_leave - forced_to_leave - leave_height - ip_address - version - slash_points - jail - current_award - observe_chains - preflight_status properties: node_address: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" status: type: string enum: ["Active", "Whitelisted", "Standby", "Disabled"] example: "Active" pub_key_set: type: object title: NodePubKeySet properties: secp256k1: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq27ck6u44zl8qqdnmzjjc8rg72amrxrsp42p9vd7kt6marhy6ww76z8shwe" ed25519: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq27ck6u44zl8qqdnmzjjc8rg72amrxrsp42p9vd7kt6marhy6ww76z8shwe" validator_cons_pub_key: type: string description: the consensus pub key for the node example: "thor104gsqwta048e80j909g6y9kkqdjrw0lff866ew" peer_id: type: string description: the P2PID (:6040/p2pid endpoint) of the node example: "16Uiu2HAmRgsiryer3pWCPJz18PQZDFFs1GBqCPGGJczrQXdoTBMk" active_block_height: type: integer format: int64 description: the block height at which the node became active example: 123456 status_since: type: integer format: int64 description: the block height of the current provided information for the node example: 100000 node_operator_address: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" total_bond: type: string description: current node bond example: "123456789" bond_providers: type: object title: NodeBondProviders required: - node_operator_fee - providers properties: node_operator_fee: type: string description: node operator fee in basis points providers: type: array description: all the bond providers for the node items: type: object title: NodeBondProvider properties: bond_address: type: string bond: type: string signer_membership: type: array description: the set of vault public keys of which the node is a member items: type: string example: "thorpub1addwnpepq2jqhv5rdqlkusfxy05stfzcgslhhz5qh8pxetw5ry2aa6awgdh3shq8s82" requested_to_leave: type: boolean forced_to_leave: type: boolean description: indicates whether the node has been forced to leave by the network, typically via ban leave_height: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. example: 0 ip_address: type: string example: "" version: type: string description: the currently set version of the node example: "0.35.0" slash_points: type: integer format: int64 description: the accumulated slash points, reset at churn but excessive slash points may carry over example: 42 jail: type: object title: NodeJail properties: release_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 reason: type: string current_award: type: string example: "123456" observe_chains: type: array description: the last observed heights for all chain by the node items: type: object title: ChainHeight required: - chain - height properties: chain: type: string example: "BTC" height: type: integer format: int64 example: 2000000 preflight_status: type: object title: NodePreflightStatus required: - status - reason - code properties: status: type: string description: the next status of the node example: "Ready" reason: type: string description: the reason for the transition to the next status example: "OK" code: type: integer format: int64 example: 0 KeygenMetric: type: object required: - node_tss_times properties: pub_key: type: string node_tss_times: type: array items: type: object title: NodeKeygenMetric properties: address: type: string tss_time: type: string ThornameAlias: type: object properties: chain: type: string example: "BTC" address: type: string example: "bc1qn9esxuw8ca7ts8l6w66kdh800s09msvutydc46" Thorname: type: object required: - preferred_asset - aliases properties: name: type: string example: "thor" expire_block_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 owner: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" preferred_asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" affiliate_collector_rune: type: string example: "100" description: Amount of RUNE currently accrued by this thorname in affiliate fees waiting to be swapped to preferred asset. aliases: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ThornameAlias" QuoteFees: type: object required: - asset - liquidity - total - slippage_bps - total_bps properties: asset: type: string example: "ETH.ETH" description: the target asset used for all fees affiliate: type: string example: "1234" description: affiliate fee in the target asset outbound: type: string example: "1234" description: outbound fee in the target asset liquidity: type: string example: "1234" description: liquidity fees paid to pools in the target asset total: type: string example: "9876" description: total fees in the target asset slippage_bps: type: integer format: int64 description: the swap slippage in basis points total_bps: type: integer format: int64 description: total basis points in fees relative to amount out BlockTx: type: object required: - hash - tx - result properties: hash: type: string example: "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C" tx: type: object additionalProperties: true result: type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int64 example: 0 data: type: string example: "" log: type: string example: "not enough gas" info: type: string example: "" gas_wanted: type: string example: "100" gas_used: type: string example: "100" events: type: array nullable: true items: type: object additionalProperties: type: string codespace: type: string example: "ibc" UpgradeProposal: type: object required: - name - height - info properties: name: type: string example: "scheduled upgrade 1" description: the name of the upgrade height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: the block height at which the upgrade will occur info: type: string example: '{"binaries":{"linux/amd64":"","linux/arm64":""}}' description: the description of the upgrade, typically json with URLs to binaries for use with automation tools approved: type: boolean example: true description: whether the upgrade has been approved by the active validators approved_percent: type: string example: "0.8" description: the percentage of active validators that have approved the upgrade validators_to_quorum: type: integer format: int64 example: 20 description: the amount of additional active validators required to reach quorum for the upgrade UpgradeVote: type: object required: - height - node_address - vote properties: node_address: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" description: the node address of the voter vote: type: string enum: ["approve", "reject"] example: "approve" description: the vote cast by the node # ------------------------------ responses ------------------------------ PoolResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pool" PoolsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pool" PoolSlipResponse: type: array title: PoolSlipResponse items: type: object required: - asset - pool_slip - rollup_count - long_rollup - rollup properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC.BTC" pool_slip: type: integer format: int64 example: 5 description: Pool slip for this asset's pool for the current height rollup_count: type: integer format: int64 example: 300 description: Number of stored pool slips contributing to the current stored rollup long_rollup: type: integer format: int64 example: 1500 description: Median of rollup snapshots over a long period rollup: type: integer format: int64 example: 1500 description: Stored sum of pool slips over a number of previous block heights summed_rollup: type: integer format: int64 example: 1500 description: Summed pool slips over a number of previous block heights, to checksum the stored rollup DerivedPoolResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DerivedPool" DerivedPoolsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DerivedPool" RUNEPoolResponse: type: object required: - pol - providers - reserve properties: pol: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POL" providers: type: object required: - units - pending_units - pending_rune - value - pnl - rune_deposited - rune_withdrawn - current_deposit properties: units: type: string example: "123456" description: the units of RUNEPool owned by providers (including pending) pending_units: type: string example: "123456" description: the units of RUNEPool owned by providers that remain pending pending_rune: type: string example: "123456" description: the amount of RUNE pending value: type: string example: "123456" description: the value of the provider share of the RUNEPool (includes pending RUNE) pnl: type: string example: "123456" description: the profit and loss of the provider share of the RUNEPool current_deposit: type: string example: "123456" description: the current RUNE deposited by providers reserve: type: object required: - units - value - pnl - rune_deposited - rune_withdrawn - current_deposit properties: units: type: string example: "123456" description: the units of RUNEPool owned by the reserve value: type: string example: "123456" description: the value of the reserve share of the RUNEPool pnl: type: string example: "123456" description: the profit and loss of the reserve share of the RUNEPool current_deposit: type: string example: "123456" description: the current RUNE deposited by the reserve RUNEProviderResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RUNEProvider" RUNEProvidersResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RUNEProvider" LiquidityProvidersResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LiquidityProviderSummary" LiquidityProviderResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LiquidityProvider" SaverResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Saver" SaversResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Saver" BorrowerResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Borrower" BorrowersResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Borrower" TxResponse: type: object properties: observed_tx: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ObservedTx" consensus_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581321 description: the thorchain height at which the inbound reached consensus finalised_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581334 description: the thorchain height at which the outbound was finalised outbound_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: the thorchain height for which the outbound was scheduled keysign_metric: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TssKeysignMetric" TxDetailsResponse: &tx-details-response type: object required: - tx - txs - actions - out_txs properties: tx_id: type: string example: "CF524818D42B63D25BBA0CCC4909F127CAA645C0F9CD07324F2824CC151A64C7" tx: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ObservedTx" txs: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ObservedTx" actions: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxOutItem" out_txs: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tx" consensus_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581321 description: the thorchain height at which the inbound reached consensus finalised_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 7581334 description: the thorchain height at which the outbound was finalised updated_vault: type: boolean example: false reverted: type: boolean example: false outbound_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: the thorchain height for which the outbound was scheduled TxSignersResponse: *tx-details-response TxStagesResponse: type: object required: - inbound_observed properties: inbound_observed: type: object title: InboundObservedStage required: - final_count - completed properties: started: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if any nodes have observed the transaction (to be deprecated in favour of counts) pre_confirmation_count: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. example: 80 description: number of signers for pre-confirmation-counting observations final_count: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. example: 80 description: number of signers for final observations, after any confirmation counting complete completed: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if no transaction observation remains to be done inbound_confirmation_counted: type: object title: InboundConfirmationCountedStage required: - completed properties: counting_start_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: the THORChain block height when confirmation counting began chain: type: string example: "BTC" description: the external source chain for which confirmation counting takes place external_observed_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 16042625 description: the block height on the external source chain when the transaction was observed external_confirmation_delay_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 16042626 description: the block height on the external source chain when confirmation counting will be complete remaining_confirmation_seconds: type: integer format: int64 example: 600 description: the estimated remaining seconds before confirmation counting completes completed: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if no transaction confirmation counting remains to be done inbound_finalised: type: object title: InboundFinalisedStage required: - completed properties: completed: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if the inbound transaction has been finalised (THORChain agreeing it exists) swap_status: type: object title: SwapStatus required: - pending properties: pending: type: boolean example: false description: true when awaiting a swap streaming: type: object title: StreamingStatus required: - interval - quantity - count properties: interval: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: how often each swap is made, in blocks quantity: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: the total number of swaps in a streaming swaps count: type: integer format: int64 # OpenAPI cannot generate a uint64 or int128 field, so using int64 instead. description: the amount of swap attempts so far swap_finalised: type: object title: SwapFinalisedStage required: - completed properties: completed: type: boolean example: false description: (to be deprecated in favor of swap_status) returns true if an inbound transaction's swap (successful or refunded) is no longer pending outbound_delay: type: object title: OutboundDelayStage required: - completed properties: remaining_delay_blocks: type: integer format: int64 example: 5 description: the number of remaining THORChain blocks the outbound will be delayed remaining_delay_seconds: type: integer format: int64 example: 30 description: the estimated remaining seconds of the outbound delay before it will be sent completed: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if no transaction outbound delay remains outbound_signed: type: object title: OutboundSignedStage required: - completed properties: scheduled_outbound_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: THORChain height for which the external outbound is scheduled blocks_since_scheduled: type: integer format: int64 example: 1234 description: THORChain blocks since the scheduled outbound height completed: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if an external transaction has been signed and broadcast (and observed in its mempool) TxStatusResponse: type: object required: - stages properties: tx: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tx" planned_out_txs: type: array items: type: object title: PlannedOutTx required: - chain - to_address - coin - refund properties: chain: type: string example: "BTC" to_address: type: string example: "bcrt1qf3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnqsf45e" coin: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coin" refund: type: boolean example: false description: returns true if the planned transaction has a refund memo out_txs: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tx" stages: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxStagesResponse" NodeResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Node" NodesResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Node" StreamingSwapsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamingSwap" StreamingSwapResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamingSwap" YggdrasilVaultsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/YggdrasilVault" VaultsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vault" VaultResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vault" VaultPubkeysResponse: type: object required: - asgard - yggdrasil - inactive properties: asgard: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultInfo" yggdrasil: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultInfo" inactive: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VaultInfo" NetworkResponse: type: object required: # Since the querier uses an openapi. object, these will be displayed in alphabetical order, # so the schema should also be in alphabetical order. - bond_reward_rune - total_bond_units - effective_security_bond - total_reserve - vaults_migrating - gas_spent_rune - gas_withheld_rune - native_outbound_fee_rune - native_tx_fee_rune - tns_register_fee_rune - tns_fee_per_block_rune - rune_price_in_tor - tor_price_in_rune properties: bond_reward_rune: type: string example: "857134475040" description: total amount of RUNE awarded to node operators total_bond_units: type: string example: "0" description: total bonded RUNE effective_security_bond: type: string example: "0" description: effective security bond used to determine maximum pooled RUNE total_reserve: type: string example: "21999180112172346" description: total reserve RUNE vaults_migrating: type: boolean example: false description: Returns true if there exist RetiringVaults which have not finished migrating funds to new ActiveVaults gas_spent_rune: type: string example: "1000000000" description: Sum of the gas the network has spent to send outbounds gas_withheld_rune: type: string example: "1500000000" description: Sum of the gas withheld from users to cover outbound gas outbound_fee_multiplier: type: string example: "15000" description: Current outbound fee multiplier, in basis points native_outbound_fee_rune: type: string example: "100000000" description: the outbound transaction fee in rune, converted from the NativeOutboundFeeUSD mimir (after USD fees are enabled) native_tx_fee_rune: type: string example: "100000000" description: the native transaction fee in rune, converted from the NativeTransactionFeeUSD mimir (after USD fees are enabled) tns_register_fee_rune: type: string example: "1000000000" description: the thorname register fee in rune, converted from the TNSRegisterFeeUSD mimir (after USD fees are enabled) tns_fee_per_block_rune: type: string example: "20" description: the thorname fee per block in rune, converted from the TNSFeePerBlockUSD mimir (after USD fees are enabled) rune_price_in_tor: type: string example: "10" description: the rune price in tor tor_price_in_rune: type: string example: "10" description: the tor price in rune OutboundFeesResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OutboundFee" InboundAddressesResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InboundAddress" LastBlockResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LastBlock" VersionResponse: type: object required: - current - next - querier properties: current: type: string example: "0.17.0" description: current version next: type: string example: "0.18.0" description: next version (minimum version for a node to become Active) next_since_height: type: integer format: int64 example: 2000000 description: height at which the minimum joining version last changed querier: type: string example: "0.16.0" description: querier version UpgradeProposalsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeProposal" UpgradeProposalResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeProposal" UpgradeVotesResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpgradeVote" ConstantsResponse: type: object properties: int_64_values: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: AsgardSize: 40 bool_values: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: StrictBondLiquidityRatio: true string_values: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: DefaultPoolStatus: Staged BanResponse: type: object properties: node_address: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" block_height: type: integer format: int64 signers: type: array items: type: string example: "thor1f3s7q037eancht7sg0aj995dht25rwrnu4ats5" QueueResponse: type: object required: - swap - outbound - internal - scheduled_outbound_value - scheduled_outbound_clout properties: swap: type: integer format: int64 example: 0 outbound: type: integer format: int64 example: 10 description: number of signed outbound tx in the queue internal: type: integer format: int64 example: 0 scheduled_outbound_value: type: string description: scheduled outbound value in RUNE scheduled_outbound_clout: type: string description: scheduled outbound clout in RUNE SwapQueueResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MsgSwap" OutboundResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxOutItem" ScheduledResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxOutItem" KeysignResponse: type: object required: - keysign - signature properties: keysign: type: object title: KeysignInfo required: - tx_array properties: height: type: integer format: int64 description: the block(s) in which a tx out item is scheduled to be signed and moved from the scheduled outbound queue to the outbound queue tx_array: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TxOutItem" signature: type: string KeygenResponse: type: object required: - keygen_block - signature properties: keygen_block: type: object title: KeygenBlock required: - keygens properties: height: type: integer format: int64 description: the height of the keygen block keygens: type: array items: type: object title: keygen properties: id: type: string type: type: string members: type: array items: type: string description: pubkeys of the keygen block member nodes signature: type: string KeygenMetricsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeygenMetric" MetricsResponse: type: object properties: keygen: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeygenMetricsResponse" keysign: type: object title: KeysignMetrics properties: tx_id: type: string node_tss_times: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TssMetric" ThornameResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Thorname" SwapperCloutResponse: type: object required: - address properties: address: type: string example: bc1.... description: address associated with this clout account score: type: string description: clout score, which is the amount of rune spent on swap fees reclaimed: type: string description: amount of clout that has been reclaimed in total over time (observed clout spent) spent: type: string description: amount of clout that has been spent in total over time last_spent_height: type: integer format: int64 description: last block height that clout was spent last_reclaim_height: type: integer format: int64 description: last block height that clout was reclaimed TradeUnitResponse: type: object required: - asset - units - depth properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC~BTC" description: trade account asset with "~" separator units: type: string description: total units of trade asset depth: type: string description: total depth of trade asset TradeUnitsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeUnitResponse" TradeAccountResponse: type: object required: - asset - units - owner properties: asset: type: string example: "BTC~BTC" description: trade account asset with "~" separator units: type: string description: units of trade asset belonging to this owner owner: type: string description: thor address of trade account owner last_add_height: type: integer format: int64 description: last thorchain height trade assets were added to trade account last_withdraw_height: type: integer format: int64 description: last thorchain height trade assets were withdrawn from trade account TradeAccountsResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TradeAccountResponse" MimirResponse: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: NODEOPERATORFEE: 2000 NUMBEROFNEWNODESPERCHURN: 2 InvariantResponse: type: object required: - invariant - broken - msg properties: invariant: type: string example: asgard description: The name of the invariant. broken: type: boolean example: false description: Returns true if the invariant is broken. msg: type: array items: type: string example: ["insolvent: 200000rune", "oversolvent: 1btc/btc"] description: Informative message about the invariant result. InvariantsResponse: type: object properties: invariants: type: array items: type: string MimirNodesResponse: type: object properties: mimirs: type: array items: type: object title: MimirVote properties: key: type: string value: type: integer format: int64 signer: type: string BlockResponse: type: object required: - "id" - "header" - "begin_block_events" - "end_block_events" - "txs" properties: id: type: object required: - "hash" - "parts" properties: hash: type: string example: "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7" parts: type: object required: - "total" - "hash" properties: total: type: integer format: int64 example: 1 hash: type: string example: "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD" header: type: object required: - "version" - "chain_id" - "height" - "time" - "last_block_id" - "last_commit_hash" - "data_hash" - "validators_hash" - "next_validators_hash" - "consensus_hash" - "app_hash" - "last_results_hash" - "evidence_hash" - "proposer_address" properties: version: required: - "block" - "app" properties: block: type: string example: "10" app: type: string example: "0" type: object chain_id: type: string example: "cosmoshub-2" height: type: integer format: int64 example: 123 time: type: string example: "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z" last_block_id: type: object required: - "hash" - "parts" properties: hash: type: string example: "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7" parts: type: object required: - "total" - "hash" properties: total: type: integer format: int64 example: 1 hash: type: string example: "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD" last_commit_hash: type: string example: "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812" data_hash: type: string example: "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73" validators_hash: type: string example: "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0" next_validators_hash: type: string example: "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0" consensus_hash: type: string example: "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8" app_hash: type: string example: "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C" last_results_hash: type: string example: "" evidence_hash: type: string example: "" proposer_address: type: string example: "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E" begin_block_events: type: array items: type: object additionalProperties: type: string end_block_events: type: array items: type: object additionalProperties: type: string txs: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BlockTx" baseQuoteResponse: properties: "e-properties inbound_address: type: string description: the inbound address for the transaction on the source chain example: "bc1qjk3xzu5slu7mtmc8jc9yed3zqvkhkttm700g9a" inbound_confirmation_blocks: type: integer format: int64 description: the approximate number of source chain blocks required before processing inbound_confirmation_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: the approximate seconds for block confirmations required before processing outbound_delay_blocks: type: integer format: int64 description: the number of thorchain blocks the outbound will be delayed outbound_delay_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: the approximate seconds for the outbound delay before it will be sent fees: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuoteFees" router: type: string description: the EVM chain router contract address example: "0x3624525075b88B24ecc29CE226b0CEc1fFcB6976" expiry: type: integer format: int64 description: expiration timestamp in unix seconds example: 1671660285 warning: type: string description: static warning message example: Do not cache this response. Do not send funds after the expiry. notes: type: string description: chain specific quote notes example: Transfer the inbound_address the asset with the memo. Do not use multi-in, multi-out transactions. dust_threshold: type: string example: "10000" description: Defines the minimum transaction size for the chain in base units (sats, wei, uatom). Transactions with asset amounts lower than the dust_threshold are ignored. recommended_min_amount_in: type: string description: The recommended minimum inbound amount for this transaction type & inbound asset. Sending less than this amount could result in failed refunds. example: "15000" recommended_gas_rate: type: string example: "10" description: the recommended gas rate to use for the inbound to ensure timely confirmation gas_rate_units: type: string example: "gwei" description: the units of the recommended gas rate QuoteSwapResponse: type: object required: - expected_amount_out - outbound_delay_blocks - outbound_delay_seconds - fees - warning - notes - expiry properties: <<: *quote-properties memo: type: string description: generated memo for the swap example: "=:ETH.ETH:0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe:1440450000:thor17gw75axcnr8747pkanye45pnrwk7p9c3cqncsv:100" expected_amount_out: type: string description: the amount of the target asset the user can expect to receive after fees example: "10000" max_streaming_quantity: type: integer format: int64 description: the maximum amount of trades a streaming swap can do for a trade example: 10 streaming_swap_blocks: type: integer format: int64 description: the number of blocks the streaming swap will execute over example: 100 streaming_swap_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: approx the number of seconds the streaming swap will execute over example: 600 total_swap_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: total number of seconds a swap is expected to take (inbound conf + streaming swap + outbound delay) example: 600 QuoteSaverDepositResponse: type: object required: - memo - inbound_address - expected_amount_deposit - fees - slippage_bps - warning - notes - expiry - recommended_gas_rate - gas_rate_units properties: <<: *quote-properties memo: type: string description: generated memo for the deposit example: "+:ETH/ETH::thor17gw75axcnr8747pkanye45pnrwk7p9c3cqncsv:100" expected_amount_out: type: string description: same as expected_amount_deposit, to be deprecated in favour of expected_amount_deposit example: "10000" expected_amount_deposit: type: string description: the amount of the target asset the user can expect to deposit after fees example: "10000" QuoteSaverWithdrawResponse: type: object required: - inbound_address - expected_amount_out - dust_amount - memo - outbound_delay_blocks - outbound_delay_seconds - fees - slippage_bps - warning - notes - expiry - recommended_gas_rate - gas_rate_units properties: <<: *quote-properties memo: type: string description: generated memo for the withdraw, the client can use this OR send the dust amount example: "-:ETH.ETH:0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe:1440450000:thor17gw75axcnr8747pkanye45pnrwk7p9c3cqncsv:100" dust_amount: type: string description: the dust amount of the target asset the user should send to initialize the withdraw, the client can send this OR provide the memo example: "10000" expected_amount_out: type: string description: the amount of the target asset the user can expect to withdraw after fees in 1e8 decimals example: "10000" QuoteLoanOpenResponse: type: object required: - expected_amount_out - expected_collateralization_ratio - expected_collateral_deposited - expected_debt_issued - outbound_delay_blocks - outbound_delay_seconds - fees - warning - notes - expiry - streaming_swap_blocks - streaming_swap_seconds - total_open_loan_seconds - recommended_gas_rate - gas_rate_units properties: <<: *quote-properties memo: type: string description: generated memo for the loan open example: "$+:ETH.ETH:0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe" expected_amount_out: type: string description: the amount of the target asset the user can expect to receive after fees in 1e8 decimals example: "10000" expected_collateralization_ratio: type: string description: the expected collateralization ratio in basis points example: "30000" expected_collateral_deposited: type: string description: the expected amount of collateral increase on the loan example: "1000000" expected_debt_issued: type: string description: the expected amount of TOR debt increase on the loan example: "1000000" streaming_swap_blocks: type: integer format: int64 description: The number of blocks involved in the streaming swaps during the open loan process. example: 10 streaming_swap_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: The approximate number of seconds taken by the streaming swaps involved in the open loan process. example: 600 total_open_loan_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: The total expected duration for a open loan, measured in seconds, which includes the time for inbound confirmation, the duration of streaming swaps, and any outbound delays. example: 600 QuoteLoanCloseResponse: type: object required: - expected_amount_out - expected_collateral_withdrawn - expected_debt_repaid - expected_amount_in - memo - outbound_delay_blocks - outbound_delay_seconds - fees - warning - notes - expiry - streaming_swap_blocks - streaming_swap_seconds - total_repay_seconds properties: <<: *quote-properties memo: type: string description: generated memo for the loan close example: "$-:ETH.ETH:0x1c7b17362c84287bd1184447e6dfeaf920c31bbe" expected_amount_out: type: string description: the amount of collateral asset the user can expect to receive after fees in 1e8 decimals example: "10000" expected_amount_in: type: string description: The quantity of the repayment asset to be sent by the user, calculated as the desired percentage of the loan's value, expressed in units of 1e8 example: "10000" expected_collateral_withdrawn: type: string description: the expected amount of collateral decrease on the loan example: "1000000" expected_debt_repaid: type: string description: the expected amount of TOR debt decrease on the loan example: "1000000" streaming_swap_blocks: type: integer format: int64 description: The number of blocks involved in the streaming swaps during the repayment process. example: 10 streaming_swap_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: The approximate number of seconds taken by the streaming swaps involved in the repayment process. example: 600 total_repay_seconds: type: integer format: int64 description: The total expected duration for a repayment, measured in seconds, which includes the time for inbound confirmation, the duration of streaming swaps, and any outbound delays. example: 600