use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use log::*; use rouille::{input, match_assets, router, Request, Response, Server}; use std::process::exit; use crate::styles::Style; /// Starts the [`rouille`] web server. pub fn start( style: &Style, address: &str, oneshot: bool, login: Option, password: Option, ) -> Result<()> { let rendered_template = style.render()?; let style_base_path = style .base_path .to_str() .with_context(|| { format!( "Could not convert style base path {:?} to str.", style.base_path ) })? .to_owned(); let server = Server::new(address, move |request| { if let (Some(login), Some(password)) = (&login, &password) { if let Some(rep) = handle_auth(request, login, password) { return rep; } } router!(request, (GET) (/) => { if let Some(command) = request.get_param("cmd") { handle_cmd(command) } else if let Some(entry) = request.get_param("select") { handle_select(entry, oneshot) } else { Response::html(&rendered_template) } }, (GET) (/select/{entry: String}) => { handle_select(entry, oneshot) }, (GET) (/cmd/{command: String}) => { handle_cmd(command) }, _ => { let response = match_assets(request, &style_base_path); if response.is_success() { response } else { Response::empty_404() } } ) }) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Failed to init the server"))?;; Ok(()) } /// Handles the selection logic. /// Prints the selected `entry` to stdout and redirects to '/'. /// If `oneshot`, the server exits. pub fn handle_select(entry: String, oneshot: bool) -> Response { println!("{}", entry); if oneshot { exit(0); } Response::redirect_302("/") } /// Handles the cmd logic. /// If `cmd` is not recognized, returns a 404 response. pub fn handle_cmd(command: String) -> Response { match command.as_str() { "shutdown" => { exit(0); } _ => Response::empty_404(), } } /// Handles the authentication. pub fn handle_auth(request: &Request, login: &str, password: &str) -> Option { let auth = match input::basic_http_auth(request) { Some(a) => a, None => return Some(Response::basic_http_auth_login_required("thqm")), }; debug!("Handling auth: {:?}", auth); if auth.login != login || auth.password != password { Some(Response::basic_http_auth_login_required("thqm")) } else { None } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_handle_select() { let response = handle_select("test".to_string(), false); assert_eq!(response.status_code, 302); } #[test] fn test_handle_cmd() { let response = handle_cmd("missing_cmd".to_string()); assert_eq!(response.status_code, 404); } #[test] fn test_handle_auth() { let req = rouille::Request::fake_http("GET", "/", vec![], vec![]); let resp = handle_auth(&req, "thqm", "test"); assert!(resp.is_some()); let req = rouille::Request::fake_http( "GET", "/", vec![( "Authorization".to_string(), "Basic dGhxbTp0ZXN0".to_string(), // thqm, test )], vec![], ); let resp = handle_auth(&req, "thqm", "test"); assert!(resp.is_none()); } }