use crossterm::{ cursor, event::{read, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyEventKind}, style::{self, Stylize}, terminal::{Clear, ClearType}, ExecutableCommand, }; use threes::game::Game; use std::io::{self, stdout, Write}; fn printone(n: u32) -> io::Result<()> { match n { 0 => { stdout().execute(style::PrintStyledContent( " 0 ".with(style::Color::White).on(style::Color::Black), ))?; } 1 => { stdout().execute(style::PrintStyledContent( " 1 ".with(style::Color::White).on(style::Color::Blue), ))?; } 2 => { stdout().execute(style::PrintStyledContent( " 2 ".with(style::Color::White).on(style::Color::Red), ))?; } n => { let p = if n < 10 { format!(" {} ", n) .with(style::Color::Black) .on(style::Color::Grey) } else if n < 100 { format!(" {}", n) .with(style::Color::Black) .on(style::Color::Grey) } else { format!("{}", n) .with(style::Color::Black) .on(style::Color::Grey) }; stdout().execute(style::PrintStyledContent(p))?; } }; Ok(()) } fn printboard(g: &Game) -> io::Result<()> { stdout() .execute(Clear(ClearType::All))? .execute(cursor::MoveTo(1, 1))?; write!(stdout(), "Next: ")?; match { [n] => printone(*n)?, [n @ ..] => { stdout().execute(style::PrintStyledContent( format!("{:?}", n) .with(style::Color::Black) .on(style::Color::Grey), ))?; () } }; stdout().execute(cursor::MoveTo(1, 2))?; write!(stdout(), "----------------")?; let b = g.board().0; for row in 0..4 { stdout().execute(cursor::MoveTo(1, 3 + row))?; for col in 0..4 { let n = b[(row * 4 + col) as usize]; if n < 1000 { print!(" "); } printone(n)?; } } stdout().execute(cursor::MoveTo(1, 10))?; write!(stdout(), "Arrows to move; 'b' to undo; Esc or 'q' to exit.")?; stdout().execute(cursor::MoveTo(1, 11))?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let mut g = Game::new(); let mut old_g = g.clone(); crossterm::terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; stdout().execute(crossterm::cursor::Hide)?; loop { printboard(&g)?; if !g.can_move() { break; } match read()? { Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Up, kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { old_g = g.clone(); let _ = g.up(); } Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Down, kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { old_g = g.clone(); let _ = g.down(); } Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Left, kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { old_g = g.clone(); let _ = g.left(); } Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Right, kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { old_g = g.clone(); let _ = g.right(); } Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Esc, kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) | Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { break; } Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('b'), kind: KeyEventKind::Press, .. }) => { g = old_g.clone(); } _ => {} } } stdout().execute(crossterm::style::ResetColor)?; stdout().execute(crossterm::cursor::Show)?; crossterm::terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; println!("\nexited"); Ok(()) }