// Tests for configuring lobby settings mod common; #[test] fn only_chief_commands() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(2, ".n 2"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); let only_chief = vec![ ".c 2", ".ho 69", ".k 1", ".pw yoloswag", ".po 420", ".s", ".e 10", ".r 10", ]; for command in only_chief { client.send(2, command); client.read_all(); assert!(client.last(2).to_lowercase().contains("only chief")); } } #[test] fn only_chief_shows_help_commands() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(2, ".n 2"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); client.send(1, ".h"); client.send(2, ".h"); client.read_all(); assert!(!client.last(2).to_lowercase().contains("chief-only")); assert!(client.last(1).to_lowercase().contains("chief-only")); } #[test] fn fail_thrustee_validation() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".ho 0"); client.send(1, ".s"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "Dude, I can't start the game for you because yall don't got enough THRUSTEES. Here's a lil bit of mathematics:
Total THRUSTEES HAS to BE GREATER THAN 0"); } #[test] fn fail_thruster_validation() { let mut client = common::setup_with_db("fail_thruster_validation"); client.send(1, ".r pleaseletmeinbro 1 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".ho 0"); client.send(1, ".t \"Now this is _____\""); client.send( 1, ".t \"Now this is _____\" \"Now this ain't _____\" \"What's swagging my _____\"", ); client.send(1, ".s"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "Yo... got an issue boss, we don't go enough THRUSTERS. Let me calculate to tell you why:
Total THRUSTERS HAS to BE GREATER THAN 0"); } #[test] fn appoint_another_chief() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(2, ".n swag"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); client.send(1, ".c swag"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "swag is now chief!"); assert_eq!(client.last(2), "You are now chief!"); client.send(1, ".s"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "Only chief can start game!"); client.send(2, ".s"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!( client.last(2), "You are a THRUSTER. waiting for a good THRUSTEE from 1; mmm baby!" ); assert!(client .last(1) .contains("You are the THRUSTEE. Choose NOW..........")); } #[test] fn set_player_max() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".pl 2"); client.send(2, ".n swag"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); client.send(3, ".n swagger"); client.send(3, ".j 1"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "swag has joined the lobby."); assert_eq!(client.last(2), "Joined: 1"); assert_eq!(client.last(3), "bro this lobbBY is FULLLLL!!"); } #[test] fn set_points_max() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".po 1"); client.send(2, ".n 2"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); client.send(1, ".s"); client.send(1, ".t 1"); client.thrust(2); client.send(1, ".t 1"); client.read_all(); assert!(client .last(1) .contains("1 has chosen this THRUSTER as the chosen THRUST, bois:")); assert!(client.last(1).contains("Congratulations, 2! You're Winner! Everyone else, You're Loser! Game has been put into waiting state, THRUSTIN'ers!")); assert!(client .last(2) .contains("1 has chosen this THRUSTER as the chosen THRUST, bois:")); assert!(client.last(2).contains("Congratulations, 2! You're Winner! Everyone else, You're Loser! Game has been put into waiting state, THRUSTIN'ers!")); } #[test] fn set_password() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".pw lololol"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!( client.last(1), "Now, the password has now been locked and loaded, my dude, now it's: lololol" ); client.send(2, ".n 2"); client.send(2, ".j 1"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(2), "Ya need a password BR)"); client.send(2, ".j 1 lololol"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "2 has joined the lobby."); assert_eq!(client.last(2), "Joined: 1"); } #[test] fn default_lobby_configuration() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m"); client.send(1, ".i"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(1), "\\\\Lobby info//
ID: 1
***(Only chief [that\'s you!] may see this!) Password:
Chief: 1
Players: 1/10
Max points? 7
House THRUSTS? 420
THRUSTERS? 5"); } #[test] fn make_new_lobby_with_password() { let mut client = common::setup(); client.send(1, ".n 1"); client.send(1, ".m 1 1 1 1 1"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!( client.last(1), "Yo you gotta give the right parameters into .make bro!" ); client.send(1, ".m TesT1N6!!!!!"); client.send(2, ".n 2"); client.send(2, ".j 1 TesT1N6!!!!!"); client.read_all(); assert_eq!(client.last(2), "Joined: 1"); }