use glutin::event::{Event, WindowEvent}; use glutin::event_loop::ControlFlow; use std::os::raw::c_char; use thyme::{bench}; mod demo; const OPENGL_MAJOR_VERSION: u8 = 3; const OPENGL_MINOR_VERSION: u8 = 2; /// A basic RPG character sheet, using the "plain" OpenGL backend. /// This file contains the application setup code and wgpu specifics. /// the `` file contains the Thyme UI code and logic. /// A simple party creator and character sheet for an RPG. fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // initialize our very basic logger so error messages go to stdout thyme::log::init(log::Level::Warn).unwrap(); // create glium display let event_loop = glutin::event_loop::EventLoop::new(); let window_builder = glutin::window::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Hello world!") .with_inner_size(glutin::dpi::LogicalSize::new(1280.0, 720.0)); let windowed_context = glutin::ContextBuilder::new() .with_gl(glutin::GlRequest::Specific( glutin::Api::OpenGl, (OPENGL_MAJOR_VERSION, OPENGL_MINOR_VERSION), )) .build_windowed(window_builder, &event_loop)?; let windowed_context = unsafe { windowed_context .make_current().map_err(|(_context, e)| e)? }; { let gl_context = windowed_context.context(); gl::load_with(|ptr| gl_context.get_proc_address(ptr) as *const _) } // create thyme backend let mut renderer = thyme::GLRenderer::new(); let mut context_builder = thyme::ContextBuilder::with_defaults(); demo::register_assets(&mut context_builder); let window_size = [1280.0, 720.0]; let mut io = thyme::WinitIo::new(&event_loop, window_size.into())?; let mut context = renderer, &mut io)?; let mut party = demo::Party::default(); let mut last_frame = std::time::Instant::now(); let frame_time = std::time::Duration::from_millis(16); // run main loop |event, _, control_flow| match event { Event::MainEventsCleared => { if std::time::Instant::now() > last_frame + frame_time { windowed_context.window().request_redraw(); } *control_flow = ControlFlow::WaitUntil(last_frame + frame_time); } Event::RedrawRequested(_) => { last_frame = std::time::Instant::now(); party.check_context_changes(&mut context, &mut renderer); renderer.clear_color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); bench::run("thyme", || { windowed_context.window().set_cursor_visible(!party.theme_has_mouse_cursor()); let mut ui = context.create_frame(); bench::run("frame", || { demo::build_ui(&mut ui, &mut party); }); bench::run("draw", || { renderer.draw_frame(ui); }); }); windowed_context.swap_buffers().unwrap(); } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested, .. } => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit, event => { io.handle_event(&mut context, &event); } }) } // this is passed as a fn pointer to gl::DebugMessageCallback // and cannot be marked as an "unsafe extern" #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref)] pub extern "system" fn debug_callback( _: gl::types::GLenum, err_type: gl::types::GLenum, id: gl::types::GLuint, severity: gl::types::GLenum, _: gl::types::GLsizei, message: *const c_char, _: *mut std::ffi::c_void, ) { match err_type { gl::DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR | gl::DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR => unsafe { let err_text = std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(message); println!( "Type: {:?} ID: {:?} Severity: {:?}:\n {:#?}", err_type, id, severity, err_text.to_str().unwrap() ); }, _ => {} } }