# Ticks Simple, ergonomic Rust wrapper for the TickTick Open API ![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/ticks) ## Getting Started First, register your application with the TickTick Developer Center: > To get started using the TickTick Open API, you will need to register your application and obtain a client ID and client secret. You can register your application by visiting the [TickTick Developer Center](https://developer.ticktick.com/manage). Once registered, you will receive a client ID and client secret which you will use to authenticate your requests. Once you have registered your application, add `ticks` to your project's `Cargo.toml`: ``` cargo add ticks ``` To use the TickTick API, you must authorize your app at runtime. Let's talk about **Authorization**. ## Authorization The TickTick API uses [OAuth](https://oauth.net/2/) for authentication. Ticks handles most of the authentication for you, leaving only reading the API's HTTP OAuth response to you. ```rust /// Get Authorization URL, this is the link the user must visit to allow our Application access to their account. /// redirect_uri must be the same URL specified in the TickTick Developer Center. let auth = Authorization::begin_auth(/* client_id */, /* redirect_uri */)?; println!("Browse to: {:?}", auth.get_url()); /// Wait for response from TickTick's API. TickTick will send the required auth info over HTTP to the redirect_uri we specified. let (access_code, state) = /* Get access_code & state from redirect_uri over HTTP */; /// Get access token let token = auth.finish_auth({client_secret}, code, state).await?; /// Done! Create TickTick instance using AccessToken. let ticktick = TickTick::new(token.clone())?; ``` For testing, you may want to set your redirect_uri to `localhost`. To read the OAuth HTTP Response locally, try a `TcpListener` ```rust let listener = TcpListener::bind("{port of redirect_uri}")?; let (mut stream, _) = listener.accept()?; let mut stream_reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut response = String::new(); stream_reader.read_line(&mut response)?; stream.write_all("HTTP/1.1 200 OK".as_bytes())?; println!("Response {:?}", response); ``` ## Documentation The docs can be found at https://docs.rs/ticks/latest.