// Copyright (c) 2022 Espresso Systems (espressosys.com) // This file is part of the tide-disco library. // You should have received a copy of the MIT License // along with the tide-disco library. If not, see . use async_std::sync::RwLock; use futures::FutureExt; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use snafu::Snafu; use std::io; use tide_disco::{Api, App, Error, RequestError, StatusCode}; use tracing::info; use vbs::version::{StaticVersion, StaticVersionType}; type StaticVer01 = StaticVersion<0, 1>; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Snafu)] enum HelloError { Goodbye { status: StatusCode, farewell: String, }, } impl tide_disco::Error for HelloError { fn catch_all(status: StatusCode, farewell: String) -> Self { Self::Goodbye { status, farewell } } fn status(&self) -> StatusCode { match self { Self::Goodbye { status, .. } => *status, } } } impl From for HelloError { fn from(err: RequestError) -> Self { Self::catch_all(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, err.to_string()) } } async fn serve(port: u16) -> io::Result<()> { let mut app = App::<_, HelloError>::with_state(RwLock::new("Hello".to_string())); app.with_version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").parse().unwrap()); let mut api = Api::, HelloError, StaticVer01>::from_file("examples/hello-world/api.toml") .unwrap(); api.with_version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").parse().unwrap()); // Can invoke by browsing // `` // Note: "greeting" is the route name in `api.toml`. `[route.greeting]` is // unrelated to the route PATH list. api.get("greeting", |req, greeting| { async move { let name = req.string_param("name")?; info!("called /greeting with :name = {}", name); Ok(format!("{}, {}", greeting, name,)) } .boxed() }) .unwrap(); // Can invoke with // `curl -i -X POST` api.post("setgreeting", |req, greeting| { async move { let new_greeting = req.string_param("greeting")?; info!("called /setgreeting with :greeting = {}", new_greeting); *greeting = new_greeting.to_string(); Ok(()) } .boxed() }) .unwrap(); app.register_module("hello", api).unwrap(); app.serve(format!("{}", port), StaticVer01::instance()) .await } #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> io::Result<()> { // Configure logs with timestamps and settings from the RUST_LOG // environment variable. tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .try_init() .unwrap(); serve(8080).await } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use async_std::task::spawn; use portpicker::pick_unused_port; use tide_disco::{ api::ApiVersion, app::{AppHealth, AppVersion}, healthcheck::HealthStatus, testing::{setup_test, Client}, Url, }; #[async_std::test] async fn test_get_set_greeting() { setup_test(); let port = pick_unused_port().unwrap(); spawn(serve(port)); let url = Url::parse(&format!("http://localhost:{}/hello/", port)).unwrap(); let client = Client::new(url).await; let res = client.get("greeting/tester").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!(res.json::().await.unwrap(), "Hello, tester"); let res = client.post("greeting/Sup").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let res = client.get("greeting/tester").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!(res.json::().await.unwrap(), "Sup, tester"); } #[async_std::test] async fn test_version() { setup_test(); let port = pick_unused_port().unwrap(); spawn(serve(port)); let url = Url::parse(&format!("http://localhost:{}/", port)).unwrap(); let client = Client::new(url).await; // Check the API version. let res = client.get("hello/version").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let api_version = ApiVersion { api_version: Some(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").parse().unwrap()), spec_version: "0.1.0".parse().unwrap(), }; assert_eq!(res.json::().await.unwrap(), api_version); // Check the overall version. let res = client.get("version").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!( res.json::().await.unwrap(), AppVersion { app_version: Some(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").parse().unwrap()), disco_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").parse().unwrap(), modules: [("hello".to_string(), vec![api_version])].into() } ) } #[async_std::test] async fn test_healthcheck() { setup_test(); let port = pick_unused_port().unwrap(); spawn(serve(port)); let url = Url::parse(&format!("http://localhost:{}/", port)).unwrap(); let client = Client::new(url).await; // Check the API health. let res = client.get("hello/healthcheck").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); // The example API does not have a custom healthcheck, so we just get the default response. assert_eq!( res.json::().await.unwrap(), HealthStatus::Available ); // Check the overall health. let res = client.get("healthcheck").send().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!( res.json::().await.unwrap(), AppHealth { status: HealthStatus::Available, modules: [("hello".to_string(), [(0, StatusCode::OK)].into())].into(), } ) } }