# `lookup_accounts` Fetch one or more accounts by their `id`s. ## Event An [`id`](../accounts.md#id) belonging to a [`Account`](../accounts.md). ## Result - If the account exists, return the [`Account`](../accounts.md). - If the account does not exist, return nothing. ## Client libraries For language-specific docs see: * [.NET library](/src/clients/dotnet/README.md#account-lookup) * [Java library](/src/clients/java/README.md#account-lookup) * [Go library](/src/clients/go/README.md#account-lookup) * [Node.js library](/src/clients/node/README.md#account-lookup) ## Internals If you're curious and want to learn more, you can find the source code for looking up an account in [src/state_machine.zig](https://github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle/blob/main/src/state_machine.zig). Search for `fn execute_lookup_accounts(`.