--- main: output: src/errors.rs module: doc_from_display: true doc: Crate errors. err_name: TbError err_kind_name: TbErrorKind err_cat_name: TbErrorCategory categories: - name: Parser doc: Parser errors category. errors: - BAD_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS: Identifier contains unsupported characters. - BAD_IDENTIFIER_CASE: Identifier is specified in an unsupported case. - BAD_KEYWORD_TYPE: Specification keyword is not a String. - BAD_MODULE_IDENTIFIER: Identifier is not valid on module-level. - BAD_NAME: Invalid name. - BAD_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE: An object attribute is invalid. - BAD_SPEC_FILE_EXTENSION: Specification filename extension is not supported or is missing. - BAD_TOML: TOML deserialization has failed. - BAD_ROOT_LEVEL_KEYWORD: Specification contains an invalid root-level keyword. - BAD_VALUE_TYPE: Specification value type is invalid. - BAD_YAML: YAML deserialization has failed. - EMPTY_IDENTIFIER: An identifier cannot be an empty string. - EMPTY_LIST: Empty list of objects is not allowed. - FAILED_TO_OPEN_SPEC_FILE: Specification file couldn't be opened. - MISSING_ATTRIBUTE: Specification lacks a mandatory attribute. - MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_KEYWORDS: Specification contains mutually exclusive keywords. - NON_UNIQUE_NAME: A name is not unique. - SPEC_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Specification file couldn't be found. - NAME_COLLISION: Collision of names between different items. - name: Coder doc: Coder errors category. errors: - CATEGORY_REQUIRED: At least one category must be defined. - ERROR_REQUIRED: At least one error must be defined. - FAILED_TO_PARSE_TOKENS: Generated code tokens couldn't be parsed. - FAILED_TO_READ_OUTPUT_FILE: Output file couldn't be read. - FAILED_TO_WRITE_OUTPUT_FILE: Output file couldn't be written. - RUSTFMT_FAILED: Rustfmt tool exited with an error. - RUSTFMT_NOT_FOUND: Rustfmt tool isn't found. - TOO_MANY_BITS: The number of required bits exceeds the largest supported type u64. - OUTPUT_PATH_NOT_DIRECTORY: Output path is not a directory.