# TikTok Rust API Client A Rust library for interacting with the TikTok API, enabling direct posting of content and querying creator information. ## Features - Query creator information - Post videos to TikTok - Upload video files - Check the status of video posts - Simplified functions for uploading videos from files or URLs - Query user followers - Query user following - Query reposted videos ## Usage **Auth User** ```rust use std::sync::Arc; use actix_web::{get, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder}; use tiktok_rust::auth::{AuthCallback, AuthService, OAuthConfig, TikTokScope}; const CLIENT_KEY: &str = "your_key"; const CLIENT_SECRET: &str = "your_secret"; // Make sure to set this const REDIRECT_URI: &str = "https://df12-2001-1388-19-4828-4a3-c2fb-8272-1935.ngrok-free.app/auth/callback"; struct AppState { auth_service: Arc, } #[get("/oauth")] async fn oauth(data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { let auth_url = data.auth_service.get_authorization_url(); println!("Full Authorization URL: {}", auth_url); HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", auth_url)) .finish() } #[get("/auth/callback")] async fn callback(query: web::Query, data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { println!("Received callback with query params: {:?}", query); match data .auth_service .validate_callback(&query.clone().into_inner()) { Ok(_message) => { // Exchange the code for an access token match &query.code { Some(code) => { match data .auth_service .fetch_access_token(code, REDIRECT_URI, None) .await { Ok(token_response) => { // Here you would typically store the token securely HttpResponse::Ok().body(format!( "Access token obtained: {}", token_response.access_token )) } Err(e) => HttpResponse::InternalServerError() .body(format!("Failed to obtain access token: {}", e)), } } None => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("No authorization code provided"), } } Err(error) => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(error), } } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { println!("Server running at http://localhost:8080"); println!("Client Key: {}", CLIENT_KEY); println!("Redirect URI: {}", REDIRECT_URI); let oauth_config = OAuthConfig::new( CLIENT_KEY, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, &[ TikTokScope::UserInfoProfile, TikTokScope::UserInfoStats, TikTokScope::VideoList, TikTokScope::VideoUpload, //You need to add video to you app TikTokScope::VideoPublish, //You need to add video to you app ], ); let auth_service = Arc::new(AuthService::new(oauth_config)); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(AppState { auth_service: Arc::clone(&auth_service), })) .service(oauth) .service(callback) }) .bind("")? .run() .await } ``` **Query User Videos** ```rust use tiktok_rust::{ error::TikTokApiError, videos::{self, VideoField}, }; use tokio; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), TikTokApiError> { // Create a new Service instance for video service let video_service = videos::Service::new(); // Retrieve the access token (You need to get permissions) let token = ""; // Define video IDs to query let video_ids = vec![ "1234123412345678567".to_string(), "1010102020203030303".to_string(), ]; // Define fields to retrieve let fields = vec![ VideoField::Id, VideoField::Title, VideoField::CreateTime, VideoField::CoverImageUrl, VideoField::ShareUrl, VideoField::ViewCount, VideoField::LikeCount, VideoField::CommentCount, ]; // Query videos match video_service.query_videos(&token, video_ids, fields).await { Ok(videos) => { println!("Successfully retrieved video info:"); for video in videos { println!("Video ID: {}", video.id); println!("Title: {:?}", video.title); println!("Create Time: {:?}", video.create_time); println!("Cover Image URL: {:?}", video.cover_image_url); println!("Share URL: {:?}", video.share_url); println!("View Count: {:?}", video.view_count); println!("Like Count: {:?}", video.like_count); println!("Comment Count: {:?}", video.comment_count); println!("------------------------"); } Ok(()) } Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error querying videos: {:?}", e); Err(e) } } } ``` **Query Creator Information** ```rust use tiktok::creator::Service as CreatorService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = CreatorService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; match service.get_creator_info(token).await { Ok(creator_data) => println!("Creator Info: {:?}", creator_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e), } } ``` **Post a Video** ```rust use tiktok::direct_post::{PostInfoBuilder, PrivacyLevel, SourceInfoBuilder, Service as DirectPostService, Source}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = DirectPostService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; // Build PostInfo let post_info = PostInfoBuilder::default() .title("this will be a funny #cat video on your @tiktok #fyp") .privacy_level(PrivacyLevel::MutualFollowFriends) .disable_duet(false) .disable_comment(true) .disable_stitch(false) .video_cover_timestamp_ms(1000) .build() .unwrap(); // Build SourceInfo for FILE_UPLOAD let source_info = SourceInfoBuilder::default() .source(Source::FileUpload) .video_size(Some(50000123)) .chunk_size(Some(10000000)) .total_chunk_count(Some(5)) .build() .unwrap(); // Create VideoInitRequest let video_init_request = VideoInitRequestBuilder::default() .post_info(post_info) .source_info(source_info) .build() .unwrap(); // Post the video match service.post_video(token, video_init_request).await { Ok(response_data) => println!("Video Init Response: {:?}", response_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e), } } ``` **Upload Video File** ```rust use tiktok::direct_post::Service as DirectPostService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = DirectPostService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; // Upload the video file match service.upload_video(token, "upload_url", "/path/to/file/example.mp4").await { Ok(_) => println!("Video uploaded successfully"), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error uploading video: {}", e), } } ``` **Check Post Status** ```rust use tiktok::direct_post::Service as DirectPostService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = DirectPostService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; // Check the post status match service.get_post_status(token, "publish_id").await { Ok(status_data) => println!("Post Status: {:?}", status_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error getting post status: {}", e), } } ``` **Simplified Function to Upload Video from File** ```rust use tiktok::direct_post::{PostInfoBuilder, PrivacyLevel, Service as DirectPostService}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = DirectPostService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; // Build PostInfo let post_info = PostInfoBuilder::default() .title("this will be a funny #cat video on your @tiktok #fyp") .privacy_level(PrivacyLevel::MutualFollowFriends) .disable_duet(false) .disable_comment(true) .disable_stitch(false) .video_cover_timestamp_ms(1000) .build() .unwrap(); // Upload the video from file match service.upload_video_from_file( token, post_info, "/path/to/file/example.mp4", 50000123, 10000000, 5, ).await { Ok(status_data) => println!("Post Status: {:?}", status_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e), } } ``` **Simplified Function to Upload Video from URL** ```rust use tiktok::direct_post::{PostInfoBuilder, PrivacyLevel, Service as DirectPostService}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = DirectPostService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; // Build PostInfo let post_info = PostInfoBuilder::default() .title("this will be a funny #cat video on your @tiktok #fyp") .privacy_level(PrivacyLevel::MutualFollowFriends) .disable_duet(false) .disable_comment(true) .disable_stitch(false) .video_cover_timestamp_ms(1000) .build() .unwrap(); // Upload the video from URL match service.upload_video_from_url( token, post_info, "https://example.verified.domain.com/example_video.mp4", ).await { Ok(status_data) => println!("Post Status: {:?}", status_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e), } } ``` **Query User Followers** ```rust use tiktok::user::Service as UserService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = UserService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; let user_followers_request = UserFollowersRequest { username: "test_user".to_string(), max_count: Some(3), cursor: Some(12347764), }; match service.query_user_followers(token, user_followers_request).await { Ok(user_followers_data) => println!("User Followers Data: {:?}", user_followers_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error querying user followers: {}", e), } } ``` **Query User Following** ```rust use tiktok::user::Service as UserService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = UserService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; let user_following_request = UserFollowingRequest { username: "test_user".to_string(), max_count: Some(3), cursor: Some(1685544251), }; match service.query_user_following(token, user_following_request).await { Ok(user_following_data) => println!("User Following Data: {:?}", user_following_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error querying user following: {}", e), } } ``` **Query Reposted Videos** ```rust use tiktok::user::Service as UserService; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let service = UserService::new(); let token = "your_api_token"; let fields = vec![ VideoField::Id, VideoField::CreateTime, VideoField::Username, VideoField::RegionCode, VideoField::VideoDescription, VideoField::MusicId, VideoField::LikeCount, VideoField::CommentCount, VideoField::ShareCount, VideoField::ViewCount, VideoField::HashtagNames, VideoField::VideoDuration, VideoField::IsStemVerified, VideoField::FavouritesCount, ]; let reposted_videos_request = RepostedVideosRequest { username: "test_username".to_string(), max_count: Some(6), cursor: None, }; match service.query_reposted_videos(token, &fields, reposted_videos_request).await { Ok(reposted_videos_data) => println!("Reposted Videos Data: {:?}", reposted_videos_data), Err(e) => eprintln!("Error querying reposted videos: {}", e), } } ```