use std::sync::Arc; use actix_web::{get, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder}; use tiktok_rust::auth::{AuthCallback, AuthService, OAuthConfig, TikTokScope}; const CLIENT_KEY: &str = "your_key"; const CLIENT_SECRET: &str = "your_secret"; // Make sure to set this const REDIRECT_URI: &str = ""; struct AppState { auth_service: Arc, } #[get("/oauth")] async fn oauth(data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { let auth_url = data.auth_service.get_authorization_url(); println!("Full Authorization URL: {}", auth_url); HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", auth_url)) .finish() } #[get("/auth/callback")] async fn callback(query: web::Query, data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { println!("Received callback with query params: {:?}", query); match data .auth_service .validate_callback(&query.clone().into_inner()) { Ok(_message) => { // Exchange the code for an access token match &query.code { Some(code) => { match data .auth_service .fetch_access_token(code, REDIRECT_URI, None) .await { Ok(token_response) => { // Here you would typically store the token securely HttpResponse::Ok().body(format!( "Access token obtained: {}", token_response.access_token )) } Err(e) => HttpResponse::InternalServerError() .body(format!("Failed to obtain access token: {}", e)), } } None => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("No authorization code provided"), } } Err(error) => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(error), } } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { println!("Server running at http://localhost:8080"); println!("Client Key: {}", CLIENT_KEY); println!("Redirect URI: {}", REDIRECT_URI); let oauth_config = OAuthConfig::new( CLIENT_KEY, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, &[ TikTokScope::UserInfoProfile, TikTokScope::UserInfoStats, TikTokScope::VideoList, TikTokScope::VideoUpload, //You need to add video to you app TikTokScope::VideoPublish, //You need to add video to you app ], ); let auth_service = Arc::new(AuthService::new(oauth_config)); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(AppState { auth_service: Arc::clone(&auth_service), })) .service(oauth) .service(callback) }) .bind("")? .run() .await }