syntax = "proto3"; package raft_cmdpb; import "metapb.proto"; import "errorpb.proto"; import "eraftpb.proto"; import "kvrpcpb.proto"; import "import_sstpb.proto"; import "rustproto.proto"; option (rustproto.lite_runtime_all) = true; option java_package = "org.tikv.kvproto"; message GetRequest { string cf = 1; bytes key = 2; } message GetResponse { bytes value = 1; } message PutRequest { string cf = 1; bytes key = 2; bytes value = 3; } message PutResponse {} message DeleteRequest { string cf = 1; bytes key = 2; } message DeleteResponse {} message DeleteRangeRequest { string cf = 1; bytes start_key = 2; bytes end_key = 3; bool notify_only = 4; } message DeleteRangeResponse {} message SnapRequest {} message SnapResponse { metapb.Region region = 1; } message PrewriteRequest { bytes key = 1; bytes value = 2; bytes lock = 3; } message PrewriteResponse {} message IngestSSTRequest { import_sstpb.SSTMeta sst = 1; } message IngestSSTResponse {} message ReadIndexRequest { // In replica read, leader uses start_ts and key_ranges to check memory locks. uint64 start_ts = 1; repeated kvrpcpb.KeyRange key_ranges = 2; } message ReadIndexResponse{ uint64 read_index = 1; // The memory lock blocking this read at the leader kvrpcpb.LockInfo locked = 2; } enum CmdType { Invalid = 0; Get = 1; Put = 3; Delete = 4; Snap = 5; Prewrite = 6; DeleteRange = 7; IngestSST = 8; ReadIndex = 9; } message Request { CmdType cmd_type = 1; GetRequest get = 2; PutRequest put = 4; DeleteRequest delete = 5; SnapRequest snap = 6; PrewriteRequest prewrite = 7; DeleteRangeRequest delete_range = 8; IngestSSTRequest ingest_sst = 9; ReadIndexRequest read_index = 10; } message Response { CmdType cmd_type = 1; GetResponse get = 2; PutResponse put = 4; DeleteResponse delete = 5; SnapResponse snap = 6; PrewriteResponse prewrite = 7; DeleteRangeResponse delte_range = 8; IngestSSTResponse ingest_sst = 9; ReadIndexResponse read_index = 10; } message ChangePeerRequest { // This can be only called in internal RaftStore now. eraftpb.ConfChangeType change_type = 1; metapb.Peer peer = 2; } message ChangePeerResponse { metapb.Region region = 1; } message ChangePeerV2Request { repeated ChangePeerRequest changes = 1; } message ChangePeerV2Response { metapb.Region region = 1; } message SplitRequest { // This can be only called in internal RaftStore now. // The split_key must be in the been splitting region. bytes split_key = 1; // We split the region into two, first uses the origin // parent region id, and the second uses the new_region_id. // We must guarantee that the new_region_id is global unique. uint64 new_region_id = 2; // The peer ids for the new split region. repeated uint64 new_peer_ids = 3; // If true, right region derive the origin region_id, // left region use new_region_id. // Will be ignored in batch split, use `BatchSplitRequest::right_derive` instead. bool right_derive = 4 [deprecated=true]; } message SplitResponse { metapb.Region left = 1; metapb.Region right = 2; } message BatchSplitRequest { repeated SplitRequest requests = 1; // If true, the last region derive the origin region_id, // other regions use new ids. bool right_derive = 2; } message BatchSplitResponse { repeated metapb.Region regions = 1; } message CompactLogRequest { uint64 compact_index = 1; uint64 compact_term = 2; } message CompactLogResponse {} message TransferLeaderRequest { metapb.Peer peer = 1; repeated metapb.Peer peers = 2; } message TransferLeaderResponse {} message ComputeHashRequest { bytes context = 1; } message VerifyHashRequest { uint64 index = 1; bytes hash = 2; bytes context = 3; } message VerifyHashResponse {} message PrepareMergeRequest { uint64 min_index = 1; metapb.Region target = 2; } message PrepareMergeResponse {} message CommitMergeRequest { metapb.Region source = 1; uint64 commit = 2; repeated eraftpb.Entry entries = 3; } message CommitMergeResponse {} message RollbackMergeRequest { uint64 commit = 1; } message RollbackMergeResponse {} enum AdminCmdType { InvalidAdmin = 0; ChangePeer = 1; // Use `BatchSplit` instead. Split = 2 [deprecated=true]; CompactLog = 3; TransferLeader = 4; ComputeHash = 5; VerifyHash = 6; PrepareMerge = 7; CommitMerge = 8; RollbackMerge = 9; BatchSplit = 10; ChangePeerV2 = 11; } message AdminRequest { AdminCmdType cmd_type = 1; ChangePeerRequest change_peer = 2; SplitRequest split = 3 [deprecated=true]; CompactLogRequest compact_log = 4; TransferLeaderRequest transfer_leader = 5; VerifyHashRequest verify_hash = 6; PrepareMergeRequest prepare_merge = 7; CommitMergeRequest commit_merge = 8; RollbackMergeRequest rollback_merge = 9; BatchSplitRequest splits = 10; ChangePeerV2Request change_peer_v2 = 11; ComputeHashRequest compute_hash = 12; } message AdminResponse { AdminCmdType cmd_type = 1; ChangePeerResponse change_peer = 2; SplitResponse split = 3 [deprecated=true]; CompactLogResponse compact_log = 4; TransferLeaderResponse transfer_leader = 5; VerifyHashResponse verify_hash = 6; PrepareMergeResponse prepare_merge = 7; CommitMergeResponse commit_merge = 8; RollbackMergeResponse rollback_merge = 9; BatchSplitResponse splits = 10; ChangePeerV2Response change_peer_v2 = 11; } // For get the leader of the region. message RegionLeaderRequest {} message RegionLeaderResponse { metapb.Peer leader = 1; } // For getting more information of the region. // We add some admin operations (ChangePeer, Split...) into the pb job list, // then pd server will peek the first one, handle it and then pop it from the job lib. // But sometimes, the pd server may crash before popping. When another pd server // starts and finds the job is running but not finished, it will first check whether // the raft server already has handled this job. // E,g, for ChangePeer, if we add Peer10 into region1 and find region1 has already had // Peer10, we can think this ChangePeer is finished, and can pop this job from job list // directly. message RegionDetailRequest {} message RegionDetailResponse { metapb.Region region = 1; metapb.Peer leader = 2; } enum StatusCmdType { InvalidStatus = 0; RegionLeader = 1; RegionDetail = 2; } message StatusRequest { StatusCmdType cmd_type = 1; RegionLeaderRequest region_leader = 2; RegionDetailRequest region_detail = 3; } message StatusResponse { StatusCmdType cmd_type = 1; RegionLeaderResponse region_leader = 2; RegionDetailResponse region_detail = 3; } message RaftRequestHeader { uint64 region_id = 1; metapb.Peer peer = 2; // true for read linearization bool read_quorum = 3; // 16 bytes, to distinguish request. bytes uuid = 4; metapb.RegionEpoch region_epoch = 5; uint64 term = 6; bool sync_log = 7; bool replica_read = 8; // Read requests can be responsed directly after the Raft applys to `applied_index`. uint64 applied_index = 9; // Custom flags for this raft request. uint64 flags = 10; bytes flag_data = 11; } message RaftResponseHeader { errorpb.Error error = 1; bytes uuid = 2; uint64 current_term = 3; } message RaftCmdRequest { RaftRequestHeader header = 1; // We can't enclose normal requests and administrator request // at same time. repeated Request requests = 2; AdminRequest admin_request = 3; StatusRequest status_request = 4; } message RaftCmdResponse { RaftResponseHeader header = 1; repeated Response responses = 2; AdminResponse admin_response = 3; StatusResponse status_response = 4; }