# rs-tiled ```toml tiled = "0.12.0" ``` [![Rust](https://github.com/mapeditor/rs-tiled/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mapeditor/rs-tiled/actions/workflows/rust.yml) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/tiled.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/tiled) [![Docs Status](https://docs.rs/tiled/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/tiled) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/crate/tiled/latest/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/tiled) A crate for reading TMX (map) and TSX (tileset) files from the [Tiled Map Editor](http://www.mapeditor.org/) into Rust. It provides a huge set of features as well as a strong wrapper over internal features such as GIDs. Documentation is available [on docs.rs](https://docs.rs/tiled/). Code contributions are welcome as are bug reports, documentation, suggestions and criticism. The minimum supported TMX version is 0.13. ## Example ```rust use tiled::Loader; fn main() { let mut loader = Loader::new(); let map = loader.load_tmx_map("assets/tiled_base64_zlib.tmx").unwrap(); println!("{:?}", map); println!("{:?}", map.tilesets()[0].get_tile(0).unwrap().probability); let tileset = loader.load_tsx_tileset("assets/tilesheet.tsx").unwrap(); assert_eq!(*map.tilesets()[0], tileset); } ``` ## FAQ ### How do I embed a map into my executable? / How do I read a file from anywhere else that isn't the filesystem's OS? The crate does all of its reading through the `read_from` function of the [`ResourceReader`](https://docs.rs/tiled/latest/tiled/trait.ResourceReader.html) that you create the loader with. By default, this reader is set to [`FilesystemResourceReader`](https://docs.rs/tiled/latest/tiled/struct.FilesystemResourceReader.html) and all files are read through the OS's filesystem. You can however change this. Here's an example mostly taken from `Loader::with_reader`'s documentation: ```rust use tiled::{DefaultResourceCache, Loader}; let mut loader = Loader::with_reader( // Specify the reader to use. We can use anything that implements `ResourceReader`, e.g. FilesystemResourceReader. // Any function that has the same signature as `ResourceReader::read_from` also implements it. // Here we define a reader that embeds the map at "assets/tiled_xml.csv" into the executable, and allow // accessing it only through "/my-map.tmx" // ALL maps, tilesets and templates will be read through this function, even if you don't explicitly load them // (They can be dependencies of one you did want to load in the first place). // Doing this embedding is useful for places where the OS filesystem is not available (e.g. WASM applications). |path: &std::path::Path| -> std::io::Result<_> { if path == std::path::Path::new("/my-map.tmx") { Ok(std::io::Cursor::new(include_bytes!("../assets/tiled_csv.tmx"))) } else { Err(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound.into()) } } ); ``` If the closure approach confuses you or you need more flexibility, you can always implement [`ResourceReader`](https://docs.rs/tiled/latest/tiled/trait.ResourceReader.html) on your own structure. ### How do I get the crate to work on WASM targets? The crate supports WASM, but since it does not currently support asynchronous loading, there are some gotchas. - First, to make it work on any WASM target, **enable the wasm feature**, like so: ```toml [dependencies] # ... tiled = { version = ".....", features = ["wasm"] } ``` - Second, since you cannot use the filesystem as normally on the web, you cannot use `FilesystemResourceReader`. As such, you'll need to implement your own `ResourceReader`. This is a pretty simple task, as you just need to return anything that is `Read`able when given a path, e.g.: ```rust use std::io::Cursor; struct MyReader; impl tiled::ResourceReader for MyReader { type Resource = Cursor<&'static [u8]>; type Error = std::io::Error; // really dumb example implementation that just keeps resources in memory fn read_from(&mut self, path: &std::path::Path) -> std::result::Result { if path == std::path::Path::new("my_map.tmx") { Ok(Cursor::new(include_bytes!("../assets/tiled_xml.tmx"))) } else { Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "file not found")) } } } ``` You can also use a function with the same signature as `tiled::ResourceReader::read_from`; check the `ResourceReader` docs for more information. ### Licences assets/tilesheet.png by [Buch](https://opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-interior-tiles) Licenced under MIT