# Array Metadata ## Main Structure The array metadata is a folder called `__meta` located here: ``` my_array # array folder | ... |_ __meta # array metadata folder |_ # array metadata file |_ ... |_ .vac # vacuum file |_ ... ``` `` has format `__t1_t2_uuid_v`, where: * `t1` and `t2` are timestamps in milliseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC) * `uuid` is a unique identifier * `v` is the format version The array metadata folder can contain: * Any number of [array metadata files](#array-metadata-file) * Any number of [vacuum files](./vacuum_file.md) ## Array Metadata File The array metadata file has the following on-disk format: | **Field** | **Type** | **Description** | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Key length | `uint32_t` | The length of the key. | | Key | `uint8_t[]` | The key. | | Deletion | `char` | `1`/`0` if it is a deletion/insertion. | | Value type | `char` | The value data type. Present only if `del` is `0`. | | Number of values | `uint32_t` | The number of values. Present only if `del` is `0`. | | Value | `uint8_t[]` | The value. Present only if `del` is `0`. |