steps: - bash: | echo "'uname -s' is:" echo "uname: " $(uname) echo "uname -m: " $(uname -m) echo "uname -r:" $(uname -r) echo "uname -s: " $(uname -s) echo "uname -v: " $(uname -v) printenv displayName: 'Print env' - bash: | set -e pipefail # Install doxygen *before* running cmake sudo apt-get install doxygen condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Linux') displayName: 'Install doxygen (linux only)' - bash: | set -e pipefail brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libidn2 brotli rtmpdump condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin') displayName: 'Uninstall brew packages for curl (OSX only)' - bash: | set -e pipefail open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -allowUntrusted -target / condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin') displayName: 'Install system headers (OSX only)' - bash: | # DELETEME work-around for sudo chown root.root / # Azure sets "SYSTEM=build" for unknown reasonas, which breaks the OpenSSL configure script # - openssl configure uses ENV{SYSTEM} if available: # # - error description: # unset SYSTEM # azure bash does not treat intermediate failure as error # set -e pipefail git config --global 'Azure Pipeline' git config --global '' # Set up arguments for BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY=${BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY:-$BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH/dist} bootstrap_args="--prefix=${BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY} --disable-tests"; # Enable TILEDB_STATIC by default [ "$TILEDB_STATIC" ] || TILEDB_STATIC=ON if [[ "$TILEDB_STATIC" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-static-tiledb"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_HDFS" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-hdfs"; fi; if [[ "$TILEDB_S3" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-s3"; fi; if [[ "$TILEDB_AZURE" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-azure"; fi; if [[ "$TILEDB_GCS" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-gcs"; fi; if [[ "$TILEDB_TBB" == "OFF" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --disable-tbb"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_TOOLS" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-tools"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_DEBUG" == "ON" ]]; then bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-debug"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_CI_ASAN" == "ON" ]]; then # Add address sanitizer flag if necessary bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-sanitizer=address --enable-debug"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_CI_TSAN" == "ON" ]]; then # Add thread sanitizer flag if necessary bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-sanitizer=thread --enable-debug"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_SERIALIZATION" == "ON" ]]; then # Add serialization flag if necessary bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --enable-serialization"; fi if [[ "$TILEDB_FORCE_BUILD_DEPS" == "ON" ]]; then # Add superbuild flag bootstrap_args="${bootstrap_args} --force-build-all-deps"; fi # displayName: 'Install dependencies' mkdir -p $BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH/build cd $BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH/build # Configure and build TileDB echo "Bootstrapping with '$bootstrap_args'" $BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH/bootstrap $bootstrap_args make -j4 make -C tiledb install displayName: 'Build libtiledb' - script: | echo $sourceVersion commitHash=${sourceVersion:0:7} echo $commitHash echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=commitHash]$commitHash" ## Set variable for using in other tasks. env: { sourceVersion: $(Build.SourceVersion) } displayName: Git Hash 7-digit # Archive files # Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip - task: ArchiveFiles@2 inputs: rootFolderOrFile: '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)' includeRootFolder: false archiveType: 'tar' # Options: zip, 7z, tar, wim tarCompression: 'gz' # Optional. Options: gz, bz2, xz, none archiveFile: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/tiledb-$(ARTIFACT_OS)-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(commitHash)-$(ARTIFACT_EXTRAS).tar.gz replaceExistingArchive: true verbose: true # Optional condition: succeeded() - task: ArchiveFiles@2 inputs: rootFolderOrFile: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)' includeRootFolder: false archiveType: 'tar' # Options: zip, 7z, tar, wim tarCompression: 'gz' # Optional. Options: gz, bz2, xz, none archiveFile: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/tiledb-$(ARTIFACT_OS)-build-dir-$(ARTIFACT_EXTRAS).tar.gz replaceExistingArchive: true verbose: true # Optional condition: succeeded() - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: pathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/tiledb-$(ARTIFACT_OS)-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(commitHash)-$(ARTIFACT_EXTRAS).tar.gz' artifactName: '$(ARTIFACT_EXTRAS)' condition: succeeded() - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: pathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/tiledb-$(ARTIFACT_OS)-build-dir-$(ARTIFACT_EXTRAS).tar.gz' artifactName: 'build-dirs' condition: succeeded()