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[![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/231suy4qkq3e635yswnlqoov9.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/231suy4qkq3e635yswnlqoov9) # Table of Contents - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Interpreter Options and Usage](#interpreter-options) - [Executing `.tim` files](#executing-tim-files) - [Language Introduction](#language-introduction) - [Top level (Supercombinators)](#top-level-(supercombinators)) - [The `main` value](#the-main-value) - [Expressions](#expressions) - [Lack of Lambda and Case](#lack-of-lambda-and-case) - [Runtime](#runtime) - [Components of the machine](#components-of-the-machine) - [Evaluation](#evaluation) - [Instantiation](#instantiation) - [Primitives](#primitives) - [How does evaluation provide laziness?](#how-does-evaluation-provide-laziness-?) - [The Dump](#the-dump) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Design Decisions](#design-decisions) - [Things Learnt](#things-learnt) - [References](#references) ## Quickstart #### Binary from `cargo` To get the interpreter `timi` with `cargo` (Rust's package manager), run ```bash $ cargo install timi && timi ``` #### Build from source Run ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/bollu/timi.git && cd timi && cargo run ``` to download and build from source. #### Using the interpreter ##### Evaluating Expressions Type out expressions to evaluate. For example: ```haskell > 1 + 1 ``` will cause `1 + 1` to be evaluated ##### Creating Definitions Use `define []* = ` to create new supercombinators. ```haskell > define plus x y = x + y ``` Will create a function called `plus` that takes two parameters `x` and `y`. To run this function, call ```haskell > plus 1 1 ``` ## Interpreter Options and Usage #### `>:step` To go through the execution step-by-step, use ```haskell >:step enabled stepping through execution >1 + 1 *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x21 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## Heap - 34 items 0x21 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) Dump Empty Globals - 30 items None in Use ===///=== 1>> ``` Notice that the prompt has changed to to `>>`. ##### Step commands - `>>n` (for `next`) to go to the next step #### `>:nostep` to enable continuous execution of the entire program, use ```haskell >:nostep ``` ## Executing `.tim` files The interpreter can be invoked on a separate file by passing the file name as a command line parameter. #### Example: standalone file create a file called `standalone.tim` ```haskell #standalone.tim main = 1 ``` Run this using ```bash $ timi standalone.tim ``` This will print out the program trace: ```haskell *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x1E -> 1 H-Num(1) ## bottom ## Heap - 31 items 0x1E -> 1 H-Num(1) Dump Empty Globals - 30 items None in Use ===///=== === Final Value: 1 === ``` ## Language Introduction The language is a small, lazily evaluated language. Lazy evaluation means that evaluation is delayed till a value is needed. #### Top level (Supercombinators) Top level declarations (which are also called *supercombinators*) are of the form: ``` [args]* = ``` #####Example: ```haskell K x y = x ``` Multiple top-level declarations are separated by use of `;` ```haskell I x = x; K x y = x; K1 x y = y ``` notice that __the last expression does not have a `;`__ #### The `main` value when writing a program (not an expression that is run in the interpreter), the execution starts with a top level function (supercombinator) called as `main`. #### Expressions Expressions can be one of the given alternatives. Note that `lambda` and `case` are missing, since they are difficult to implement in this style of machine. More is talked about this in the section [Lack of Lambda and Case](#lack-of-lambda-and-case). - **Let** ```haskell let <...bindings...> in ``` Let bindings can be recursive and can refer to each other. #####Example: simple `let` ```haskell > let y = 10; x = 20 in x + y ... === Final Value: 30 === ``` ##### Example: mututally recursive `let` ```haskell # keep in mind that K x y = x > let x = K 10 y; y = K x x in x ... === Final Value: 10 === ``` Even though `x` and `y` are defined in terms of each other, they do not refer to each other _directly_. Rather, they refer to each other as components of some larger function. This is allowed, since it is possible to "resolve" `x` and `y`. Hence, this example will evaluate to `10`. ##### Example: code disallowed because of strict `let` binding **NOTE:** Let binds *strictly*, not lazily, so this code _will not work_ ```haskell > let y = x; x = y in 10 *** ITERATION: 1 step error: variable contains cyclic definition: y ``` Here, it is impossible to even resolve `y` and `x`. So, this will be rejected by the interpreter. - **Function application** ```haskell function ``` Like Haskell's function application. The `` are primitive values or variables. All n-ary application are represented by nested 1-ary applications. Functions are curried by default. ```haskell f x y z == (((f x) y) z) ``` - **Data Declaration** ```haskell Pack{, } ``` The `Pack` primitive operation takes a tag and an arity. When used, it packages up an `arity` number of expressions into a single object and tags it with `tag`. Example: ```haskell False = Pack{0, 0} True = Pack{1, 0} ``` `True` and `False` are represented as `1` tagged and `0` tagged objects that have arity `0`. ```haskell MkPair = Pack{2, 2} my_tuple = MkPair 42 -42 ``` `MkPair`, a function used to create tuples uses a tag of `2` and requires two arguments. `my_tuple` is now a data node that holds the values `42` and `-42`. **NOTE:** using custom tags will not be very beneficial since the language does not have `case` expressions. Rather, `List` and `Tuple` are created as language inbuilts with custom de-structuring functions called `caseList` and `casePair` respectively. - **Primitive application** ```haskell primop ``` Primitive operation on integers. The following operations are supported: - Arithmetic - `+`: addition - `-`: subtraction - `*`: multiplication - `/`: integer division - Boolean, returning `True` (`Pack{1, 0}`) for truth and `False` (`Pack{0, 0}`) for falsehood: `<`, `<=`, `==`, `/=`, `>=`, `>` - **Primitive literal** An integer declaration. ``` >3 ``` - **Booleans** ```haskell True = Pack{1, 0} False = Pack{0, 0} ``` `True` and `False` are represented by `1` tagged and `0` tagged data types. - **Tuples** Tuples are a language inbuilt and are constructed by using `MkPair`. ```haskell MkPair ``` Tuples are pattern matched on by using `casePair` ```haskell casePair (MkPair a b) f = f a b ``` Note that the default `fst` and `snd` are defined as follows ```haskell K x y = x; K1 x y = y; fst t = casePair t K; snd t = casePair t K1; ``` - ** Lists Lists are language inbuilts and have two constructors: `Nil` and `Cons` ```haskell Nil Cons ``` Lists are pattern matched by using ```haskell caseList ``` - `nil-handler` is a value - `cons-handler` is a function that takes 2 parameters, the value in the - `Cons` cell and the rest of the list. - **Comments** ```python # anything after a # till the end of the line is commented main = 1 # this is a comment as well ``` Comment style is like python, where `#` is used to comment till the end of the line. There are no multiline comments. #### Lack of Lambda and Case ##### Case `Case` requires us to have some notion of pattern matching / destructuring which is not present in this machine. ##### Lambda As a simplification, the language assumes that all lambdas have been converted to top level definitions. This process is called as [lambda lifting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_lifting) and `TIMi` assumes that all lambdas have been lifted. ## Runtime functions are curried by default. Thus `(f x y z)` is actually `(((f x) y) z)` #### Components of the machine The runtime has 4 components: - **Heap**: a map from addresses to Heap Nodes - **Stack**: a stack of Heap Addresses - **Dump**: a stack of stacks to hold intermediate evaluations - **Globals**: a map from names to addresses Everything the machine uses during runtime must be allocated on the heap before the machine starts executing. So, we need a way to convert a `CoreExpr` into a `Heap`. This conversion process is called as _instantiation_. ##### Example of instantiation: Sample program `1 + 1` Consider the program `1 + 1`. The initial state of the machine is ```haskell >1 + 1 *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x21 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## Heap - 34 items 0x21 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) 0x1F -> (+ 1) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x1E) 0x1E -> 1 H-Num(1) 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x20 -> 1 H-Num(1) Dump Empty Globals - 30 items + -> 0xE ``` Notice that every single part of the expression `1 + 1` is on the heap, and the symbol `+` is mapped to its address `0xE` in the `Globals` section. The whole expression sits on top of the stack, waiting to be evaluated. #### Evaluation We will explain how code evaluates by considering an explanation of how `1+1` is evaluated ##### Example of evaluation: `(((S K) K) 3)` Consider the definitions: ```haskell S f g x = f x (g x) K x y = x ``` (these are the `S` and `K` combinators from lambda calculus) Now, let us understand how the program `S K K 3` evaluates. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x21 -> (((S K) K) 3) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== ``` Initially, the code that we want to run `(((S K) K) 3)` is on the top of the stack. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 2 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x1F -> ((S K) K) H-Ap(0x1E $ 0x1) 0x21 -> (((S K) K) 3) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== ``` Remember that all application is always curried. That is `(((S K) K) 3)` is thought of as `(((S K) K)` applied on `3`. The LHS of the function application `((S K) K)` is pushed on top of the current stack. This process continues till there is a supercombinator on the top of the stack. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 3 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0x1E -> (S K) H-Ap(0x3 $ 0x1) 0x1F -> ((S K) K) H-Ap(0x1E $ 0x1) 0x21 -> (((S K) K) 3) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 4 Stack - 4 items ## top ## 0x3 -> S H-Supercombinator(S f g x = { ((f $ x) $ (g $ x)) }) 0x1E -> (S K) H-Ap(0x3 $ 0x1) 0x1F -> ((S K) K) H-Ap(0x1E $ 0x1) 0x21 -> (((S K) K) 3) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ## bottom ## Heap - 34 items 0x1F -> ((S K) K) H-Ap(0x1E $ 0x1) 0x1E -> (S K) H-Ap(0x3 $ 0x1) 0x1 -> K H-Supercombinator(K x y = { x }) 0x3 -> S H-Supercombinator(S f g x = { ((f $ x) $ (g $ x)) }) 0x20 -> 3 H-Num(3) 0x21 -> (((S K) K) 3) H-Ap(0x1F $ 0x20) ===///=== ``` Look at the current state of the stack. T he left argument of the application keeps getting pushed onto the stack. This continues till there is a supercombinator on the top of the stack. This process is called as *unwinding the spine* of the function call. #### Instantiation Now that a supercombinator (`S`) is on the top of the stack, we need to actually apply it by passing the arguments. At this stage, the "spine is unwound". - The top entry of the stack (`S`) is popped off to be evaluated. - Since `S` takes 3 parameters (`f`, `g`, and `x`), 3 more entries are popped off - The arguments to `S` are taken from the popped off elements. - The argument of the 1st application(`(S K)` at `0x1E`) becomes `f` - The argument of the 2nd application (`(S K) K` at `0x1F`) becomes `g` - The argument of the 3rd application (`((S K) K ) 3)` at `0x21`) becomes `3` So, summarizing the current stage: - `S`: supercombinator to unwind - `K`: first parameter, `f` - `K`: second parameter, `g` - `3`: third parameter, `x` Next, in **iteration 5** we push onto an empty stack the body of the supercombinator, with variables replaced. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 5 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x24 -> ((K 3) (K 3)) H-Ap(0x22 $ 0x23) ## bottom ## Heap - 37 items 0x24 -> ((K 3) (K 3)) H-Ap(0x22 $ 0x23) 0x1 -> K H-Supercombinator(K x y = { x }) 0x20 -> 3 H-Num(3) 0x23 -> (K 3) H-Ap(0x1 $ 0x20) 0x22 -> (K 3) H-Ap(0x1 $ 0x20) ... ===///=== ``` Notice that the parameters for `S` have now been **instantiated** on the heap. This is why it is called as an "instantiation machine" - it expands supercombinators by **instantiating** parameters on the heap. - `f` (`K`) is at `0x22` - `g` (`K`) is at `0x23` - `x` (`3`) is at `0x20` #### How does evaluation provide laziness? First, we shall make some observations about the evaluation process: - During supercombinator expansion, only variables that are used are instantiated - parameters are not evaluated, only replaced in function bodies. Hence, we can state that: - Evaluation occurs from the **outside in** this is true because of the way in which application is unwound: ```haskell *** ITERATION: 7 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0x1 -> K H-Supercombinator(K x y = { x }) 0x22 -> (K 3) H-Ap(0x1 $ 0x20) 0x24 -> ((K 3) (K 3)) H-Ap(0x22 $ 0x23) ## bottom ## ``` Notice that the `K` which is the most "outside" part of the expression `((K 3) (K 3))` gets evaluated first. When `K` is expanded, it expands like so: ```haskell *** ITERATION: 8 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x20 -> 3 H-Num(3) ## bottom ## ``` The second parameter to `((K 3 (K 3))`, the `(K 3)` is never even evaluated! the `3` is replaced as `x` in the body of `K x y = x`. Thus, laziness is achieved by evaluating from the outside-in, and only replacing function bodies without evaluating arguments. #### Primitives `+`, `-`, etc. are similar in some ways - they also follow the same model of unwinding the spine of the execution. ```haskell >1 + 1 *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x31 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x2F $ 0x30) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 2 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x2F -> (+ 1) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x2E) 0x31 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x2F $ 0x30) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 3 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2F -> (+ 1) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x2E) 0x31 -> ((+ 1) 1) H-Ap(0x2F $ 0x30) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 4 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x31 -> 2 H-Num(2) ## bottom ## ===///=== === FINAL: "2" === ``` Computing something like `(I 3) + 1` is not as straightforward, since `I 3` now needs to be evaluated before the `+` can be evaluated. the section [The Dump](#the-dump) explains this process. #### Indirection When we instantiate a supercombinator, we do not cache the results of an application. Function application is optimized by rewriting the value of the application node with the result obtained. This caches the computation. This is what `Indirection` nodes do - they redirect a heap address to another address. We will consider the example where we define `x = I 3` where `I x = x`. ```haskell >define x = I 3 >x *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x22 -> x H-Supercombinator(x = { (I $ n_3) }) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 2 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x25 -> (I 3) H-Ap(0x0 $ 0x24) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 3 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x0 -> I H-Supercombinator(I x = { x }) 0x25 -> (I 3) H-Ap(0x0 $ 0x24) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 4 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x24 -> 3 H-Num(3) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== === FINAL: "3" === ``` Now that we have run `x` once, let us re-run it and see what the value is ```haskell >x *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x22 -> indirection(indirection(3)) H-Indirection(0x25) ## bottom ## Heap - 39 items 0x22 -> indirection(indirection(3)) H-Indirection(0x25) 0x25 -> indirection(3) H-Indirection(0x24) 0x24 -> 3 H-Num(3) ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 2 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x25 -> indirection(3) H-Indirection(0x24) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 3 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x24 -> 3 H-Num(3) ## bottom ## Heap - 39 items 0x24 -> 3 H-Num(3) ... ===///=== === FINAL: "3" === > ``` Notice that the value of `x` has now become an indirection to `0x25` that used to hold (`I 3`). `0x25` is an indirection the value of `I 3`, which is `3` (at `0x24`). This way, the value of `I 3` is not evaluated. It re-routes to `3`. #### The Dump Now that we've seen how function application works, we would like to understand how primitives such as `+`, `-`, etc. work. Let us consider the sample code `(I 1) + 3` where `I x = x` (Identity). ```haskell >I 1 + 3 *** ITERATION: 1 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x2C -> ((+ (I 1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 2 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ (I 1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ... ===///=== *** ITERATION: 3 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ (I 1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ... Dump Empty ===///=== ``` we now have `+` on the top of the stack, but the LHS is a computation that needs to be performed. Thus, we need to have some way of performing the computation. The solution is to migrate the current stack into the Dump, and push `I 1` on top of the stack and have it evaluate. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 4 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x29 -> (I 1) H-Ap(0x0 $ 0x28) ## bottom ## Heap - 45 items 0x29 -> (I 1) H-Ap(0x0 $ 0x28) 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x0 -> I H-Supercombinator(I x = { x }) 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x28 -> 1 H-Num(1) 0x2B -> 3 H-Num(3) Dump ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ (I 1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## --- ===///=== ``` Notice how `I 1` is now on top of the stack and the Dump contains the previous stack contents. We proceed to see I 1 get evaluated. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 5 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x0 -> I H-Supercombinator(I x = { x }) 0x29 -> (I 1) H-Ap(0x0 $ 0x28) ## bottom ## Dump ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ (I 1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 6 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x28 -> 1 H-Num(1) ## bottom ## Dump ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ indirection(1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ indirection(1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ===///=== ``` Notice how in _Iteration 6_, the rewrite of the `I 1` at `0x2A` also causes the stack to change. The stack now has ```haskell 0x2A -> (+ indirection(1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) ``` while at _Iteration 5_ had ```haskell 0x2A -> (+ (I 1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) ``` This allows the `+` execution to "pick up" the value of 1 later. The rewriting is _essential_ to this evaluation. It allows the dumped stack to get the output of the execution of `I 3`. The stack now has one element `1`. Nothing is left to be evaluated. So, we know that the value of `(I 1)` is `1`. We have the rest of the computation in the Dump which we bring back. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 7 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ indirection(1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) 0x2C -> ((+ indirection(1)) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## Dump ===///=== *** ITERATION: 8 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x2C -> ((+ 1) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## Dump Empty ===///=== ``` At _Iteration 7_, the stack has ```haskell 0x2A -> (+ indirection(1)) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x29) ``` We remove the indirection by "short circuiting" the indirection and replacing it with the value we want. ```haskell *** ITERATION: 9 Stack - 2 items ## top ## 0x2A -> (+ 1) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x28) 0x2C -> ((+ 1) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 10 Stack - 3 items ## top ## 0xE -> + H-Primitive(+) 0x2A -> (+ 1) H-Ap(0xE $ 0x28) 0x2C -> ((+ 1) 3) H-Ap(0x2A $ 0x2B) ## bottom ## ===///=== *** ITERATION: 11 Stack - 1 items ## top ## 0x2C -> 4 H-Num(4) ## bottom ## Dump Empty ===///=== === FINAL: "4" === ``` Now that we have a simple expression, evaluation proceeds as usual, ending with the machine evaluating `1 + 3` on seeing `+` at the top of the stack. ## Roadmap - [x] Mark 1 (template instantiation) - [x] let, letrec - [x] template updates (do not naively instantiate each time) - [x] numeric functions - [x] Booleans - [x] Tuples - [x] Lists - [x] nicer interface for stepping through execution ### Design Decisions `TIMi` is written in Rust because: - Rust is a systems language, so it allows for more control over memory, references, etc. which I enjoy. - Rust has nice libraries for `readline`, table printing, and a slick `stdlib` for pretty code ### Things Learnt ##### Difference between lazy recursive bindings and strict recursive bindings Lazy recursive bindings will let you get away with ```haskell let y = x; x = y in 10 ``` while strict recursive bindings will try to instantiate `x` and `y`. ##### Difference between `[..]` and `&[..]` [Slice without ref](https://github.com/bollu/TIM-template-instantiation/blob/master/src/main.rs#L1124) versus [Slice with ref](https://github.com/bollu/TIM-template-instantiation/blob/d8515212f899ad185bec4bd1812bd493322b8d5d/src/main.rs#L1163) the difference is that the second slice `[..]` maintains length information which it needs at compile-time. ### References - [Implementing Functional languages, a tutorial](http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/Papers/pj-lester-book/) - A huge thanks to [quchen's `STGi` implementation](https://github.com/quchen/stgi) whose style of documentation I copied for this machine.