use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, UdpSocket}; fn main() { // Use the default ArtNet Port let port = tiny_artnet::PORT; // // Lookup the local IP Address // let ip_address: [u8; 4] = match local_ip_address::local_ip().unwrap() { // IpAddr::V4(ip) => ip.octets(), // IpAddr::V6(_ip) => unimplemented!("IPV6 support"), // }; // Or hard code the loopback address let ip_address = Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1).octets(); // Lookup the mac address let mac_address_bytes = mac_address::get_mac_address().unwrap().unwrap().bytes(); // Open the UDP socket let socket = UdpSocket::bind(SocketAddr::from((ip_address, port))).unwrap(); println!( "\n\nServer Started, listening on {}:{}", IpAddr::from(ip_address), port ); // Receives a single datagram message on the socket. If `buf` is too small to hold // the message, it will be cut off. let mut buf = [0; 65_507]; use tiny_artnet::Art; loop { let (len, from_addr) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).unwrap(); // println!("{:?}", buf); match tiny_artnet::from_slice(&buf[..len]) { Ok(Art::Dmx(dmx)) => { println!( "RX: ArtDMX - These packets contain data for one DMX512 universe - use them to control your node's lighting, etc. Seq: {:?} Data: {:?}...", dmx.sequence, &[0..10], ); } Ok(Art::Sync) => { println!("RX: ArtSync - Use these to buffer DMX packets and then synchronize the rendering of multiple DMX universes."); } Ok(Art::Poll(poll)) => { println!("RX: ArtPoll - Someone is looking for ArtNet nodes. Let's respond to them to make this node discoverable! {:?}", poll); let poll_reply = tiny_artnet::PollReply { ip_address: &ip_address, port, firmware_version: 0x0001, short_name: "Example Node", long_name: "Tiny Artnet Example Node", mac_address: &mac_address_bytes, // This Node has one port num_ports: 1, // This node has one output channel port_types: &[0b10000000, 0, 0, 0], // Report that data is being output correctly good_output_a: &[0b10000000, 0, 0, 0], ..Default::default() }; let msg_len = poll_reply.serialize(&mut buf); socket.send_to(&buf[..msg_len], &from_addr).unwrap(); // let broadcast: UdpSocket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); // broadcast // .set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(5, 0))) // .unwrap(); // broadcast.set_broadcast(true).unwrap(); // broadcast // .send_to(&buf[..msg_len], "") // .unwrap(); println!("TX: Sent ArtPollReply to {:?}: {:?}", from_addr, poll_reply); } Err(err) => { println!("Error: {:?}", err); } msg => { println!("Something else! {:?}", msg); } }; } }