tiny-timer == A simple and tiny CLI timer written in rust. You provide a duration in a humanized format (such as `1h35m`, `25m` or `10s` etc.) and (optionally) a command that you'd like to be executed after the duration is over. **Usage:** ```bash $ tiny-timer [duration] "[command to execute when done]" ``` Examples: ```bash $ tiny-timer 47m11s $ tiny-timer 10s $ tiny-timer 1d $ tiny-timer 1y $ tiny-timer 1h43m9s "notify-send hello" $ tiny-timer 1h43m9s "notify-send 'hello world'" ``` Nothing much to it. Install it through cargo running: ```bash cargo install tiny-timer ``` https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3255810/198414917-6e894cc4-719e-485d-acae-ecaa9ab4e032.mp4