# Contributing to `tiny-web` We're excited that you're interested in contributing to `tiny-web`! We use GitHub to manage our code and contributions. ## Before you begin: Please read our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/tryteex/tiny-web/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). Join our [community](https://discord.com/channels/1116858532491448332/1116858533061869742) to discuss the project and get help. ## How to contribute: - Fork the repository: Create your own copy of the project by clicking the "Fork" button on the project page. - Clone the repository: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git. - Create a branch: Create a new branch for your work using git branch . - Make changes: Make your changes to the code. - Commit your changes: Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages using git commit -m "". - Push your changes: Push your changes to your forked repository using git push origin . - Open a pull request: Create a pull request on GitHub comparing your branch to the project's default branch. - Review and merge: Once your pull request has been reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the project's codebase. ## Additional notes: We use semantic versioning for our project releases. Please follow the guidelines when making changes that affect the project's version. We use conventional commits for our commit messages. Please follow the format when writing your commit messages. We appreciate your contributions to `tiny-web`! ## Here are some specific examples of how you can contribute: - Fix bugs: Report and fix bugs in the project's issue tracker. Implement new features: Propose and implement new features for the project. - Improve documentation: Update and improve the project's documentation. Translate code: Translate the project's code into other languages. - Help with testing: Test the project's code and report any issues you find. Thank you for your interest in `tiny-web`! ## Here are some additional tips for writing your contributing text: - Be clear and concise. - Use easy-to-understand language. - Proofread your text carefully before submitting it. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.