extern crate tiny_http; use std::io::{copy, Read, Write}; use std::net::{Shutdown, TcpStream}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread::{sleep, spawn}; use std::time::Duration; use tiny_http::{Response, Server}; /// Stream that produces bytes very slowly #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct SlowByteSrc { val: u8, len: usize, } impl<'b> Read for SlowByteSrc { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result { sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let l = self.len.min(buf.len()).min(1000); for v in buf[..l].iter_mut() { *v = self.val; } self.len -= l; Ok(l) } } /// crude impl of http `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` fn encode_chunked(data: &mut dyn Read, output: &mut dyn Write) { let mut buf = [0u8; 4096]; loop { let l = data.read(&mut buf).unwrap(); write!(output, "{:X}\r\n", l).unwrap(); output.write_all(&buf[..l]).unwrap(); write!(output, "\r\n").unwrap(); if l == 0 { break; } } } mod prompt_pipelining { use super::*; /// Check that pipelined requests on the same connection are received promptly. fn assert_requests_parsed_promptly( req_cnt: usize, req_body: &'static [u8], timeout: Duration, req_writer: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn Write) + Send + 'static, ) { let resp_body = SlowByteSrc { val: 42, len: 1000_000, }; // very slow response body let server = Server::http("").unwrap(); let mut client = TcpStream::connect(server.server_addr().to_ip().unwrap()).unwrap(); let (svr_send, svr_rcv) = channel(); spawn(move || { for _ in 0..req_cnt { let mut req = server.recv().unwrap(); // read the whole body of the request let mut body = Vec::new(); req.as_reader().read_to_end(&mut body).unwrap(); assert_eq!(req_body, body.as_slice()); // The next pipelined request should now be available for parsing, // while we send the (possibly slow) response in another thread spawn(move || { req.respond(Response::empty(200).with_data(resp_body, Some(resp_body.len))) }); } svr_send.send(()).unwrap(); }); spawn(move || req_writer(&mut client)); // requests must be sent and received quickly (before timeout expires) svr_rcv .recv_timeout(timeout) .expect("Server did not finish reading pipelined requests quickly enough"); } #[test] fn empty() { assert_requests_parsed_promptly(5, &[], Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { for _ in 0..5 { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n").unwrap(); } }); } #[test] fn content_length_short() { let body = &[65u8; 100]; // short but not trivial assert_requests_parsed_promptly(5, body, Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { for _ in 0..5 { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", body.len()).unwrap(); wr.write_all(body).unwrap(); } }); } #[test] fn content_length_long() { let body = &[65u8; 10000]; // long enough that it won't be buffered assert_requests_parsed_promptly(5, body, Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { for _ in 0..5 { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", body.len()).unwrap(); wr.write_all(body).unwrap(); } }); } #[test] fn chunked() { let body = &[65u8; 10000]; assert_requests_parsed_promptly(5, body, Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { for _ in 0..5 { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n").unwrap(); encode_chunked(&mut &body[..], wr); } }); } } mod prompt_responses { use super::*; /// Check that response is sent promptly without waiting for full request body. fn assert_responds_promptly( timeout: Duration, req_writer: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn Write) + Send + 'static, ) { let server = Server::http("").unwrap(); let client = TcpStream::connect(server.server_addr().to_ip().unwrap()).unwrap(); spawn(move || loop { // server attempts to respond immediately let req = server.recv().unwrap(); req.respond(Response::empty(400)).unwrap(); }); let client = Arc::new(client); let client_write = Arc::clone(&client); // request written (possibly very slowly) in another thread spawn(move || req_writer(&mut client_write.deref())); // response should arrive quickly (before timeout expires) client.set_read_timeout(Some(timeout)).unwrap(); let resp = client.deref().read(&mut [0u8; 4096]); client.shutdown(Shutdown::Both).unwrap(); assert!(resp.is_ok(), "Server response was not sent promptly"); } static SLOW_BODY: SlowByteSrc = SlowByteSrc { val: 65, len: 1000_000, }; #[test] fn content_length_http11() { assert_responds_promptly(Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", SLOW_BODY.len).unwrap(); copy(&mut SLOW_BODY.clone(), wr).unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn content_length_http10() { assert_responds_promptly(Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", SLOW_BODY.len).unwrap(); copy(&mut SLOW_BODY.clone(), wr).unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn expect_continue() { assert_responds_promptly(Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Expect: 100 continue\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", SLOW_BODY.len).unwrap(); copy(&mut SLOW_BODY.clone(), wr).unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn chunked() { assert_responds_promptly(Duration::from_millis(200), move |wr| { write!(wr, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n").unwrap(); write!(wr, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n").unwrap(); encode_chunked(&mut SLOW_BODY.clone(), wr); }); } }