// cargo run --example configuration_options use tk::*; use tk::cmd::*; fn main() -> TkResult<()> { let tk = make_tk!()?; let root = tk.root(); // create a button, passing two options: let b = root.add_ttk_button( "b" -text("Hello") -command("button_pressed") )?.grid(())?; // check the current value of the text option: assert_eq!( b.cget( text )?.to_string(), "Hello" ); // check the current value of the command option: assert_eq!( b.cget( command )?.to_string(), "button_pressed" ); // change the value of the text option: b.configure( -text("Goodbye") )?; // check the current value of the text option: assert_eq!( b.cget( text )?.to_string(), "Goodbye" ); Ok( main_loop() ) }