[package] name = "tl" version = "0.7.8" authors = ["y21"] edition = "2021" license = "MIT" description = "Fast HTML parser written in pure Rust" repository = "https://github.com/y21/tl" homepage = "https://github.com/y21/tl" readme = "README.md" documentation = "https://docs.rs/tl" keywords = ["html", "parser"] categories = ["parser-implementations", "parsing"] exclude = [".github/*"] [features] simd = [] # for fuzzing and benchmarking internals, we need to make them public so that they can be accessed from outside testing crates # users of the library should never use these directly __INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE = [] [dependencies] [dev-dependencies] criterion = { version = "0.3", features = ["html_reports"] } [[bench]] name = "tl" harness = false