# tlrc
A [tldr](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr) client written in Rust.
[![github downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tldr-pages/tlrc/total?logo=github&color=94e2d5&logoColor=d9e0ee&labelColor=363a4f)][latest-release]
## Installation
### Linux/macOS using Homebrew
Install [tlrc](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/tlrc) with Homebrew:
brew install tlrc
### Linux/macOS using Nix
Install [tlrc](https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable&show=tlrc) from nixpkgs.
### Arch Linux
Install [tlrc](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tlrc) (from source) or [tlrc-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tlrc-bin) (prebuilt) from the AUR.
### openSUSE
Install [tlrc](https://software.opensuse.org/package/tlrc) with Zypper:
zypper install tlrc
### Windows using Winget
Install [tlrc](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/tree/master/manifests/t/tldr-pages/tlrc) with Winget:
winget install tldr-pages.tlrc
### Windows using Scoop
Install [tlrc](https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=tlrc&id=67f36cdb01b1573ed454af11605b7b8efc732dc7) with Scoop:
scoop install tlrc
### macOS using MacPorts
Install [tlrc](https://ports.macports.org/port/tlrc/details) with MacPorts:
port install tlrc
### NetBSD
Install [tlrc](https://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/pkgsrc/net/tlrc/index.html) with `pkgin`:
pkgin install tlrc
### From crates.io
To build [tlrc][crate] from a source tarball, run:
cargo install tlrc
> [!NOTE]
> Shell completion files and the man page will not be installed that way.
### From GitHub Releases
You can find prebuilt binaries [here][latest-release].
## Usage
See `man tldr` or the [online manpage](https://tldr.sh/tlrc). For a brief description, you can also run:
tldr --help
## Configuration
Tlrc can be customized with a [TOML](https://toml.io) configuration file. To get the default path for your system, run:
tldr --config-path
To generate a default config file, run:
tldr --gen-config > "$(tldr --config-path)"
or copy the below example.
### Configuration options
# Override the cache directory.
dir = "/path/to/cache"
# Override the base URL used for downloading tldr pages.
# The mirror must provide files with the same names as the official tldr pages repository:
# mirror/tldr.sha256sums must point to the SHA256 checksums of all assets
# mirror/tldr-pages.LANGUAGE.zip must point to a zip archive that contains platform directories with pages in LANGUAGE
mirror = "https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/releases/latest/download"
# Automatically update the cache if it's older than max_age hours.
auto_update = true
max_age = 336 # 336 hours = 2 weeks
# Specify a list of desired page languages. If it's empty, languages specified in
# the LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables are downloaded.
# English is implied and will always be downloaded.
# You can see a list of language codes here: https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr
# Example: ["de", "pl"]
languages = []
# Show the title in the rendered page.
show_title = true
# Show the platform name ('common', 'linux', etc.) in the title.
platform_title = false
# Prefix descriptions of examples with hyphens.
show_hyphens = false
# Use a custom string instead of a hyphen.
example_prefix = "- "
# Strip empty lines from output.
compact = false
# Print pages in raw markdown.
raw_markdown = false
# Number of spaces to put before each line of the page.
# Command name.
title = 2
# Command description.
description = 2
# Descriptions of examples.
bullet = 2
# Example command invocations.
example = 4
# Style for the title of the page (command name).
# Fixed colors: "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white", "default"
# 256color ANSI code: { color256 = 50 }
# RGB: { rgb = [0, 255, 255] }
color = "magenta"
background = "default"
bold = true
underline = false
italic = false
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for the description of the page.
color = "magenta"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = false
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for descriptions of examples.
color = "green"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = false
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for command examples.
color = "cyan"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = false
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for URLs inside the description.
color = "red"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = true
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for text surrounded by backticks (`).
color = "yellow"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = true
dim = false
strikethrough = false
# Style for placeholders inside command examples.
color = "red"
background = "default"
bold = false
underline = false
italic = true
dim = false
strikethrough = false
[latest-release]: https://github.com/tldr-pages/tlrc/releases/latest
[crate]: https://crates.io/crates/tlrc