Section 1: Your Use of the Laptop as a Tool  1.1 About how often do you perform the following tasks using your laptop? More than once a week About once a week Less than once a week Never a) Conduct research that contributes to instruction (e.g., research for lesson plans and curriculum design) b) Develop materials and / or presentations for instruction or homework assignments c) Assess student work in or out of class d) Manage student information e) Communicate with colleagues inside and outside the school f) Use a TV or projector to display information from your or your students' laptops 1.2 Overall, how helpful is it to your schoolwork to have a computer for your own use? Very helpful Helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Unhelpful Very unhelpful Section 2: Uses of the Laptop for Teaching and Learning Math 2.1 How often do you ask that laptops be used by your students for each of the following math topics? More than once a week About once a week Less than once a week Never Not yet but planned for the future a) Numbers and operations b) Geometry c) Algebra d) Measurement e) Data analysis and probability f) Problem solving g) Reasoning and proofs h) Representation i) Communication 2.2 How often do you ask your students to use the following electronic materials for math? More than once a week About once a week Less than once a week Never Not yet but planned for the future a) The "virtual share" to access files b) Word processor c) Spreadsheet d) Larson's Algebra e) Geometer's SketchPad f) Math Insight g) h) Online tests (e.g., EduTest) i) Internet search engines j) Other Web sites k) Laptop-based calculator or graphing calculator 2.3 Select the ONE course (e.g., Algebra 1) that you have taught using laptops in which you believe the computers have had the most positive impact on students: Middle School Math Course 1 Middle School Math Course 1 Advanced Middle School Math Course 2 Middle School Math Course 2 Advanced Middle School Math Course 3 Middle School Math Course 3 Advanced Integrated Math 1 - Foundations to Algebra and Geometry Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry Integrated Math 2 - Focus on Algebra Math Analysis/Trigonometry Honors Integrated Math 3 - Focus on Geometry AP Calculus I Consumer Mathematics AP Calculus II Algebra I Computer Programming in BASIC Algebra II Computer Programming in PASCAL Algebra II Honors Statistics Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Coordinate) AP Statistics PSC Geometry Honors Discrete Topics 2.4 Name one mathematical topic or concept you teach for which the students' laptops have been most useful, in your experience: 2.5 Name the one piece of software, or the one Web site, that you believe has been most useful in helping your students learn math: 2.6 How much has the use of readily available laptops helped your students to learn math in your classes? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little Not at all or very little Section 3: Impacts of Laptop Use 3.1 Listed below are some areas that may have been impacted by laptop use. Please indicate your experience of the impact the laptop program has had in each area. Very positive Positive Neutral Negative Very negative a) Your interaction or collaboration with students b) Your interaction or collaboration with other teachers c) The cohesiveness of your department or team d) Your interaction with parents e) Classroom management f) Your use of high quality instructional tools g) Interaction between and among students h) What students learn about the subject you teach i) Students' engagement and interest levels j) Students' ability to work independently k) Students' attendance l) Students' organization 3.2 Overall, what has been the impact of the iBook Teaching and Learning Initiative on the following groups of students? Indicate your assessment of the impact the laptop program has had for each group: Very positive Positive Neutral Negative Very negative a) Average or typical students b) Students with learning difficulties c) Gifted or high achieving students d) Students whose first language is not English 3.3 What has been the impact of the iBooks on your use of textbooks and other printed materials? For each area, please indicate the impact, if any: Greatly increased Increased No change Reduced Greatly reduced a) The frequency with which I assign textbook use b) The total number of pages/chapters that students read in the textbooks I use c) The number of printed handouts (e.g. photocopies) that I use d) The number of student assignments completed and handed in on paper e) The use of graphing calculators (e.g., TI-83) in your class Section 4: Facilitators and Barriers to Laptop Use 4.1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree a) The student laptops are reliable and rugged b) The battery life of the laptops is a problem c) More and better electronic materials are needed to teach my classes using laptops d) I have all the computer equipment I need e) Teaching my students to use computers takes more time than I think it is worth f) In my school, support for computers and equipment is good g) In my school, support to help teachers integrate laptops into instruction is good h) My principal is supportive of the use of laptops i) The Internet connection in school is reliable Section 5: Professional Developmentt 5.1 How would you rate your overall skill level in using the laptop -- for example, email, searching the Internet, and word processing? Advanced (I can help teach others about these things) Intermediate (I am comfortable doing these things) Beginner (I am just beginning to do these things) No skills 5.2 During the past year, did you participate in or lead any of the following types of professional development activities related to using computers? Yes No a) Workshops or institutes focused on a specific topic, provided by or within the district during the academic year b) Workshops or institutes focused on a specific topic, provided by or within the district during the summer c) Workshops or conferences provided outside your district d) Informally worked with peers, family, or friends on skills related to technology in teaching 5.3 Estimate the number of hours you spent over the past year learning to use technology for education: _________ # of hours 5.4 What other educational technology-related support do you need? (check all that apply) Greater access to useful software or Web sites Information about the quality and effectiveness of software / Web sites More support from administrators to obtain software Pre-made activities that fit with the curriculum I teach Time to practice and learn An on-site support person to help me learn to incorporate technology into my teaching Other (Please specify_____________________) Section 6: Demographic Information 6.1 At which school do you mainly teach? 6.2 How many years have you been teaching? ________ # of years 6.3 Indicate all the math courses you teach (check all that apply) Middle School Math Course 1 Middle School Math Course 1 Advanced Middle School Math Course 2 Middle School Math Course 2 Advanced Middle School Math Course 3 Middle School Math Course 3 Advanced Integrated Math 1 - Foundations to Algebra and Geometry Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry Integrated Math 2 - Focus on Algebra Math Analysis/Trigonometry Honors Integrated Math 3 - Focus on Geometry AP Calculus I Consumer Mathematics AP Calculus II Algebra I Computer Programming in BASIC Algebra II Computer Programming in PASCAL Algebra II Honors Statistics Geometry (Plane, Solid, and Coordinate) AP Statistics PSC Geometry Honors Discrete Topics 6.4 What is your average class size? _______ # of students Feedback Is there anything else you would like to share with us about Henrico's laptop program? iBook Survey - Math Teacher