use rusb; use std::error::Error; use tmc::list_instruments; // Find and connect to an attached Keysight U2000A power sensor // and stream power readings out. This will work on several other // devices as well, but figuring out the right subset of IDs to accept // is left as an exercise to the reader. const FREQ_HZ: f32 = 2.45e9; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let context = rusb::Context::new()?; let instruments = list_instruments(context)?; if instruments.len() == 0 { println!("no instruments found"); return Ok(()); } let mut power_sensor = None; for mut instrument in instruments { println!("Found instrument: {}", instrument.read_resource_string()?); let handle =; if let Some(id) = &handle.scpi_id { if id.starts_with("Keysight Technologies,U2000A") { println!("Found power sensor: {}", id); power_sensor = Some(handle); break; } else { println!("This is not the instrument I'm looking for: {}", id); } } else { println!("Sensor does not seem to support SCPI"); } } if let Some(mut handle) = power_sensor { handle.set_max_transfer_size(1024); handle.set_term_char(Some(b'\n'))?; handle.write(&format!("SENS1:FREQ {}\n", FREQ_HZ as u64))?; loop { let power_str = handle.ask("FETCH1?")?; let power = power_str.trim().parse::()?; println!("{:2.3} dBm", power); } } else { println!("Sorry, didn't find a U2000A sensor"); Ok(()) } }