[package] name = "tmledkey-hal-drv" version = "0.1.1" authors = ["Rumato Estorsky"] edition = "2018" description = "HAL based driver for Titan Micro 7 segment LED controllers and key scanners" repository = "https://github.com/rustrum/tmledkey-hal-drv" documentation = "https://docs.rs/tmledkey-hal-drv" license-file = "LICENSE" readme = "README.md" categories = ["embedded", "no-std"] keywords = ["tm1637", "tm1638", "led", "hal"] exclude = [ ".github/*", ".gitignore", ] [dependencies] embedded-hal = { version = "0.2.3", features = ["unproven"] } [features] # Features that require global_allocator are not enabled by default. # If you need smaller binary you can use flag `default-features = false` and manually choose features you need. default=["clkdio", "clkdiostb"] # Global allocator functions galloc=[] # Enable key scan functionality (reading data) keys=[] # Enable 2 wire inteface CLK + DIO clkdio=[] # Enable 3 wire inteface CLK + DIO + STB clkdiostb=[] # Add animation effects helpers fx=["galloc"] # Demo code that you probably would not be needeed for production code demo=["clkdio", "clkdiostb", "keys", "fx"]