.\" Generated by scdoc 1.5.2 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "tmplgen" "1" "2018-12-10" .P .SH NAME .P tmplgen - Void Linux template generator for language-specific package managers .P .SH SYNOPSIS .P \fBtmplgen\fR [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] .P .SH FLAGS .P \fB-d, --debug\fR .RS 4 Print debug info. Will overrule the verbose switch. .P .RE \fB-f, --force\fR .RS 4 Overwrite template if it already exists. .P .RE \fB-h, --help\fR .RS 4 Prints help information .P .RE \fB-n, --no-prefix\fR .RS 4 Don't use language-specific prefix when creating or updating packages .P .RE \fB-u, --update\fR .RS 4 Check if a new version for the package is available and if so, update \fIversion\fR and \fIchecksum\fR .P .RE \fB-U, --UpdateAll\fR .RS 4 Same as -u but also update \fIdistfiles\fR and \fIhomepage\fR .P .RE \fB-V, --version\fR .RS 4 Prints version information .P .RE \fB-v, --verbose\fR .RS 4 Be more verbose. Is ignored if debugging is enabled. .P .RE .SH OPTIONS .P \fB-t, --tmpltype \fR .RS 4 Explicitly sets what kind of template we want to generate .P .RE .SH ARGS .P \fB\fR .RS 4 Name of the package to be generated .P .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .P \fItmplgen\fR was created to fill the job of automatically generating xbps-src templates from language specific package managers like \fICPAN\fR, \fIcrate\fR and \fIrubygems\fR. .P \fItmplgen\fR makes uses of the APIs available in each language specific package manager to get information and fill out in a xbps-src compatible template. e.g. fields like \fIversion\fR, \fIdistfiles\fR, \fIhomepage\fR, \fIdepends\fR. .P \fItmplgen\fR also creates templates recursively, walking down the full dependency tree and creating templates for all required packages. .P Other fields like \fImaintainer\fR is automatically filled by information from GIT_AUTHOR_{NAME,EMAIL} and git config. .P XBPS_DISTDIR needs to be set for tmplgen to know where to write the templates .P .SH NOTES .P .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .IP \(bu 4 .\} When generating templates for the perldist tmpltype rewrite all occurrences of :: as -. e.g. Task::Kensho -> Task-Kensho .RE .P .SH MAGIC .P .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .IP \(bu 4 .\} If a \fIPKGNAME\fR is given without -t it will query all sources and if only one result is found it will use it .RE .P .SH TODO .P .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .IP \(bu 4 .\} Download progress bar .RE .P .SH EXAMPLES .P .nf .RS 4 # Generate template for ffi from rubygems $ tmplgen -t gem ffi # Generate template for travis from rubygems $ tmplgen -t gem travis # Generate template for tmplgen itself $ tmplgen -t crate tmplgen # Generate template for Perl's Task::Kensho $ tmplgen -t perldist Task-Kensho # Generate template for Rubygems's diff-lcs # since it is only available on rubygems it will default to that $ tmplgen diff-lcs .fi .RE