## Contributing Thanks for your interest in contributing to tmplt! Any form of contribution is accepted, be it bug fixes, implementing a new feature or even just fixing a small typo. The goal is to get the community involved as much as possible pull requests for bug fixes and features will only be accepted if the approach has been discussed in an issue and a community memeber has been given the go-ahead to work on it Please keep the following in mind at all times: * Check existing issues to verify that the [`bug`](https://github.com/humblepenguinn/tmplt/labels/bug) or [`feature request`](https://github.com/humblepenguinn/tmplt/labels/feature%20request) has not already been submitted. * Open an issue if things aren't working as expected. * Open an issue to propose a significant change. * Open a pull request to fix a bug. * Open a pull request for any issue labelled [`help wanted`](https://github.com/humblepenguinn/tmplt/labels/help%20wanted), [`good first issue`](https://github.com/humblepenguinn/tmplt/labels/good%20first%20issue) or [`community`](https://github.com/humblepenguinn/tmplt/labels/community). Please avoid: * Opening pull requests for issues marked `needs-triage`, `needs-investigation`, or `blocked`. * Opening pull requests for any issue marked `maintainers`. These issues require additional context from the maintainers/code owners and any external pull requests will not be accepted. ## Building the project See how to [build the editor from source here](./docs/build_from_source.md) See [project layout documentation](./docs/project_layout.md) for information on where to find specific source files. ## Tests Tests have not yet been written for `tmplt`, so maybe thats something you could create a pull request for? ## Submitting a pull request 1. Create a new branch: `git checkout -b my-branch-name` 2. Make your change 3. Run `cargo fmt --all --check` 4. Run `cargo clippy --fix --all-features` 5. Submit a pull request Contributions to this project are released to the public under the project's open source licenses, the [MIT License](LICENSE-MIT) and the [Apache License](LICENSE-APACHE) Please note that this project adheres to a [Contributor Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. ## Design guidelines Let your imagination run wild and suggest amazing ideas There isn't any strict design guidelines yet. I am still working on that, so for now the project is open to any kind of change ## Resources - [How to Contribute to Open Source][] - [Using Pull Requests][] - [GitHub Help][] [code-of-conduct]: ./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [How to Contribute to Open Source]: https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/ [Using Pull Requests]: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-pull-requests [GitHub Help]: https://docs.github.com/