# Project Layout The project structure of the Rust CLI tool Tmplt can be explained as follows: ## src folder The `src` folder contains the source code for the `tmplt` CLI tool. It contains the following files: - ``cli.rs`: This file contains the code for defining the command line interface (CLI) using the `clap` crate. - `command.rs`: This file contains the code that implements the subcommands of the `tmplt` CLI tool. - `error_macro.rs`: This file contains a custom macro for generating error messages. - `main.rs`: This file contains the main function that is executed when `tmplt` is run. - `parser.rs`: This file contains the code for parsing template files. - `progress_bar.rs`: This file contains the code for displaying progress spinner while the template is running. - `utils.rs`: This file contains utility functions used throughout the project.