A utility based on tmux hooks in order to track time attached to each session ## Install: 1. Clone the repository 2. Run `cargo build --release` 3 .Move `./target/release/tmux-time-tracker` into you $PATH 4. Add the following to your tmux.conf: ```bash set-hook -g client-attached 'run-shell "output=$(tmux-time-tracker geth #{session_name}); tmux-time-tracker attach #{session_name}; tmux display-message \"Total time: \$output\""' set-hook -g client-detached 'run-shell "tmux-time-tracker detach"' set-hook client-session-changed 'run-shell "tmux-time-tracker detach; tmux-time-tracker attach #{session_name}; output=$(tmux-time-tracker geth #{session_name}); tmux display-message \"Total time: \$output\""' ``` WARNING: does not work correctly if you attach to the same tmux instance from multiple clients