mod cache; mod config; mod docker; mod failure; mod format; mod runner; mod schedule; mod spinner; mod tar; mod toastfile; use { crate::{failure::Failure, format::CodeStr}, atty::Stream, clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg}, env_logger::{fmt::Color, Builder}, log::{Level, LevelFilter}, std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, convert::AsRef, default::Default, env, env::current_dir, fs, io::{stdout, Write}, mem::drop, path::Path, path::PathBuf, process::exit, str::FromStr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, Mutex, }, }, toastfile::{default_task_mount_readonly, location, user, DEFAULT_USER}, typed_path::UnixPath, }; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate scopeguard; // The program version const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); // Defaults const TOASTFILE_DEFAULT_NAME: &str = "toast.yml"; const CONFIG_FILE_XDG_PATH: &str = "toast/toast.yml"; const DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL: LevelFilter = LevelFilter::Info; // Command-line argument and option names const TOASTFILE_OPTION: &str = "file"; const CONFIG_FILE_OPTION: &str = "config-file"; const READ_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION: &str = "read-local-cache"; const WRITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION: &str = "write-local-cache"; const READ_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION: &str = "read-remote-cache"; const WRITE_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION: &str = "write-remote-cache"; const DOCKER_CLI_OPTION: &str = "docker-cli"; const DOCKER_REPO_OPTION: &str = "docker-repo"; const LIST_OPTION: &str = "list"; const SHELL_OPTION: &str = "shell"; const TASKS_OPTION: &str = "tasks"; const FORCE_OPTION: &str = "force"; const FORCE_ALL_OPTION: &str = "force-all"; const OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION: &str = "output-dir"; // Set up the logger. fn set_up_logging() { Builder::new() .filter_module( module_path!(), LevelFilter::from_str( &env::var("LOG_LEVEL").unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL.to_string()), ) .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL), ) .format(|buf, record| { let mut style =; style.set_bold(true); match record.level() { Level::Error => { style.set_color(Color::Red); } Level::Warn => { style.set_color(Color::Yellow); } Level::Info => { style.set_color(Color::Green); } Level::Debug | Level::Trace => { style.set_color(Color::Blue); } } writeln!( buf, "{} {}", style.value(format!("[{}]", record.level())), record.args(), ) }) .init(); } // Set up the signal handlers. fn set_up_signal_handlers( docker_cli: String, interrupted: Arc, active_containers: Arc>>, ) -> Result<(), Failure> { // If Toast is in the foreground process group for some TTY, the process will receive a SIGINT // when the user types CTRL+C at the terminal. The default behavior is to crash when this signal // is received. However, we would rather clean up resources before terminating, so we trap the // signal here. This code also traps SIGTERM, because we compile the `ctrlc` crate with the // `termination` feature [ref:ctrlc_term]. ctrlc::set_handler(move || { // Let the rest of the program know the user wants to quit. if interrupted.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst) { // Stop any active containers. The `unwrap` will only fail if a panic already occurred. for container in &*active_containers.lock().unwrap() { if let Err(e) = docker::stop_container(&docker_cli, container, &interrupted) { error!("{}", e); } } // We may have been in the middle of printing a line of output. Here we print a newline // to prepare for further printing. drop(stdout().write(b"\n")); } }) .map_err(failure::system("Error installing signal handler.")) } // Convert a string (from a command-line argument) into a Boolean. fn parse_bool(s: &str) -> Result { let normalized = s.trim().to_lowercase(); match normalized.as_ref() { "true" | "yes" => Ok(true), "false" | "no" => Ok(false), _ => Err(Failure::User( format!("{} is not a Boolean.", s.code_str()), None, )), } } // This struct represents the command-line arguments. #[allow(clippy::struct_excessive_bools)] pub struct Settings { toastfile_path: PathBuf, docker_cli: String, docker_repo: String, read_local_cache: bool, write_local_cache: bool, read_remote_cache: bool, write_remote_cache: bool, list: bool, spawn_shell: bool, tasks: Option>, forced_tasks: Vec, force_all: bool, output_dir: PathBuf, } // Parse the command-line arguments. #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn settings() -> Result { let matches = App::new("Toast") .version(VERSION) .version_short("v") .author("Stephan Boyer ") .about("Toast is a containerized build system.") .setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp) .setting(AppSettings::NextLineHelp) .setting(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage) .arg( Arg::with_name(TOASTFILE_OPTION) .value_name("PATH") .short("f") .long(TOASTFILE_OPTION) .help("Sets the path to the toastfile"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(CONFIG_FILE_OPTION) .value_name("PATH") .short("c") .long(CONFIG_FILE_OPTION) .help("Sets the path of the config file"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION) .value_name("PATH") .short("o") .long(OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION) .help("Sets the output directory"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(READ_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .value_name("BOOL") .long(READ_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .help("Sets whether local cache reading is enabled"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(WRITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .value_name("BOOL") .long(WRITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .help("Sets whether local cache writing is enabled"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(READ_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .value_name("BOOL") .long(READ_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .help("Sets whether remote cache reading is enabled"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(WRITE_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .value_name("BOOL") .long(WRITE_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .help("Sets whether remote cache writing is enabled"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(DOCKER_REPO_OPTION) .value_name("REPO") .short("r") .long(DOCKER_REPO_OPTION) .help("Sets the Docker repository for remote caching"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(DOCKER_CLI_OPTION) .value_name("CLI") .long(DOCKER_CLI_OPTION) .help("Sets the Docker CLI binary"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(LIST_OPTION) .short("l") .long(LIST_OPTION) .help("Lists the tasks that have a description"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(SHELL_OPTION) .short("s") .long(SHELL_OPTION) .help("Drops you into a containerized shell after the tasks are finished"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(FORCE_OPTION) .value_name("TASK") .long(FORCE_OPTION) .help("Runs a task unconditionally, even if it\u{2019}s cached") .multiple(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(FORCE_ALL_OPTION) .long(FORCE_ALL_OPTION) .help("Pulls the base image and runs all tasks unconditionally"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(TASKS_OPTION) .value_name("TASKS") .help("Sets the tasks to run") .multiple(true), ) .get_matches(); // Find the toastfile. let toastfile_path = matches.value_of(TOASTFILE_OPTION).map_or_else( || { let mut candidate_dir = current_dir().map_err(failure::system("Unable to determine working directory."))?; loop { let candidate_path = candidate_dir.join(TOASTFILE_DEFAULT_NAME); if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(&candidate_path) { if metadata.file_type().is_file() { return Ok(candidate_path); } } if !candidate_dir.pop() { return Err(Failure::User( format!( "Unable to locate file {}.", TOASTFILE_DEFAULT_NAME.code_str(), ), None, )); } } }, |x| Ok(Path::new(x).to_owned()), )?; // Read the config file path. let default_config_file_path = dirs::config_dir().map(|path| path.join(CONFIG_FILE_XDG_PATH)); let config_file_path = matches.value_of(CONFIG_FILE_OPTION).map_or_else( || default_config_file_path, |path| Some(PathBuf::from(path)), ); // Read the config file path. let output_dir = matches.value_of(OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION).map_or_else( || { let mut candidate_dir = toastfile_path.clone(); candidate_dir.pop(); candidate_dir }, |path| Path::new(path).to_owned(), ); // Parse the config file. let config_data = config_file_path .as_ref() .and_then(|path| { debug!( "Attempting to load configuration file {}\u{2026}", path.to_string_lossy().code_str(), ); fs::read_to_string(path).ok() }) .map_or_else( || { debug!("Configuration file not found. Using the default configuration."); config::EMPTY_CONFIG.to_owned() }, |data| { debug!("Found it."); data }, ); let config = config::parse(&config_data).map_err(failure::user(format!( "Unable to parse file {}.", config_file_path .as_ref() .unwrap() // Manually verified safe .to_string_lossy() .code_str(), )))?; // Read the local caching switches. let read_local_cache = matches .value_of(READ_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .map_or(Ok(config.read_local_cache), parse_bool)?; let write_local_cache = matches .value_of(WRITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION) .map_or(Ok(config.write_local_cache), parse_bool)?; // Read the remote caching switches. let read_remote_cache = matches .value_of(READ_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .map_or(Ok(config.read_remote_cache), parse_bool)?; let write_remote_cache = matches .value_of(WRITE_REMOTE_CACHE_OPTION) .map_or(Ok(config.write_remote_cache), parse_bool)?; // Read the Docker repo. let docker_repo = matches .value_of(DOCKER_REPO_OPTION) .unwrap_or(&config.docker_repo) .to_owned(); // Read the Docker CLI. let docker_cli = matches .value_of(DOCKER_CLI_OPTION) .unwrap_or(&config.docker_cli) .to_owned(); // Read the list switch. let list = matches.is_present(LIST_OPTION); // Read the shell switch. let spawn_shell = matches.is_present(SHELL_OPTION); // Read the list of tasks. let tasks = matches.values_of(TASKS_OPTION).map(|tasks| { tasks .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>() }); // Read the list of forced tasks. let forced_tasks = matches .values_of(FORCE_OPTION) .map_or_else(Vec::new, |tasks| { tasks .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>() }); // Read the force all switch. let force_all = matches.is_present(FORCE_ALL_OPTION); Ok(Settings { toastfile_path, docker_cli, docker_repo, read_local_cache, write_local_cache, read_remote_cache, write_remote_cache, list, spawn_shell, tasks, forced_tasks, force_all, output_dir, }) } // Parse a toastfile. fn parse_toastfile(toastfile_path: &Path) -> Result { // Read the file from disk. let toastfile_data = fs::read_to_string(toastfile_path).map_err(failure::user(format!( "Unable to read file {}.", toastfile_path.to_string_lossy().code_str(), )))?; // Parse it. toastfile::parse(&toastfile_data).map_err(failure::user(format!( "Unable to parse file {}.", toastfile_path.to_string_lossy().code_str(), ))) } // Determine which tasks the user wants to run. fn get_roots<'a>( settings: &'a Settings, toastfile: &'a toastfile::Toastfile, ) -> Result, Failure> { // Start with the tasks provided via positional arguments. let mut roots: Vec<&'a str> = settings .tasks .as_ref() .map_or_else(Vec::new, |tasks| tasks.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect()); // Add the tasks that were provided via the `--force` flag. roots.extend( settings .forced_tasks .iter() .map(AsRef::as_ref) .collect::>(), ); // For convenience, there is some special behavior for the empty case. if roots.is_empty() { // The user didn't provide any tasks. Check if there is a default task. if let Some(default) = &toastfile.default { // There is a default. Use it. Ok(vec![default.as_ref()]) } else { // There is no default. Run all the tasks. Ok(toastfile .tasks .keys() .map(AsRef::as_ref) .collect::>()) } } else { // The user provided some tasks. Check that they exist. for task in &roots { if !toastfile.tasks.contains_key(*task) { // [tag:tasks_valid] return Err(Failure::User( format!( "No task named {} in {}.", task.code_str(), settings.toastfile_path.to_string_lossy().code_str(), ), None, )); } } // Run the tasks that the user provided. Ok(roots) } } // Fetch all the environment variables used by the tasks in the schedule. fn fetch_environment( schedule: &[&str], tasks: &HashMap, ) -> Result, Failure> { let mut env = HashMap::new(); let mut violations = HashMap::new(); for task in schedule { match toastfile::environment(&tasks[*task]) { // [ref:tasks_valid] Ok(env_for_task) => { env.extend(env_for_task); } Err(vars) => { violations.insert((*task).to_owned(), vars); } } } if !violations.is_empty() { // [tag:environment_valid] return Err(Failure::User( format!( "The following tasks use variables which are missing from the environment: {}.", format::series( violations .iter() .map(|(task_name, vars)| { format!( "{} ({})", task_name.code_str(), format::series( vars.iter() .map(|var| format!("{}", var.code_str())) .collect::>() .as_ref(), ), ) }) .collect::>() .as_ref(), ), ), None, )); } Ok(env) } // Run some tasks and return the final context and the last attempted task. The returned context // should not be `None` if `need_context` is `true`. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn run_tasks( schedule: &[&str], settings: &Settings, toastfile: &toastfile::Toastfile, environment: &HashMap, need_context: bool, interrupted: &Arc, active_containers: &Arc>>, ) -> (Result<(), Failure>, Option, Option) { // This variable will be `true` as long as we're executing tasks that have `cache: true`. As // soon as we encounter a task with `cache: false`, this variable will be permanently set to // `false`. If the user provided the `--force-image-pull` flag, this variable will always be // `false`. let mut caching_enabled = !settings.force_all; // We start with the base image. let mut context = Some(runner::Context { image: toastfile.image.clone(), persist: true, interrupted: interrupted.clone(), docker_cli: settings.docker_cli.clone(), }); // Run each task in the schedule. for (i, task_name) in schedule.iter().enumerate() { // Fetch the data for the current task. let task_data = &toastfile.tasks[*task_name]; // [ref:tasks_valid] // If the current task is not cacheable, don't read or write to any form of cache from now // on. caching_enabled = caching_enabled && task_data.cache && !settings .forced_tasks .iter() .any(|forced_task| task_name == forced_task); // If the user wants to stop the schedule, quit now. if interrupted.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return ( Err(Failure::Interrupted), context, Some((*task_name).to_owned()), ); } // Run the task. info!("Running task {}\u{2026}", task_name.code_str()); let (result, new_context) = runner::run( settings, environment, interrupted, active_containers, toastfile, task_data, caching_enabled, settings.force_all && i == 0, context.unwrap(), // Safe due to [ref:context_needed_if_not_final_task]. need_context || i != schedule.len() - 1, // [tag:context_needed_if_not_final_task] ); // Remember the context for the next task, if there is one. context = new_context; // Return an error if the task failed. if let Err(e) = result { return (Err(e), context, Some((*task_name).to_owned())); } } // Everything succeeded. ( Ok(()), context, schedule.last().map(|task_name| (*task_name).to_owned()), ) } // Program entrypoint #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn entry() -> Result<(), Failure> { // Determine whether to print colored output. colored::control::set_override(atty::is(Stream::Stderr)); // Set up the logger. set_up_logging(); // Set up global mutable state (yum!). let interrupted = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let active_containers = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::::new())); // Parse the command-line arguments; let settings = settings()?; // Set up the signal handlers. set_up_signal_handlers( settings.docker_cli.clone(), interrupted.clone(), active_containers.clone(), )?; // Parse the toastfile. let toastfile = parse_toastfile(&settings.toastfile_path)?; // If the user just wants to list all the tasks, do that and quit. if settings.list { info!("Here are the tasks that have a description:"); // Select the names of the tasks that have a description [tag:tasks_have_descriptions]. let mut task_names = toastfile .tasks .iter() .filter(|(_, t)| t.description.is_some()) .map(|(k, _)| k) .collect::>(); // Sort the names to avoid relying on the unpredictable order of the tasks in the map. task_names.sort(); // Print a summary of each task. for task_name in task_names { // Fetch the task data. let task_data = &toastfile.tasks[task_name]; // Print the task name and the description. The `unwrap` is safe due to // [ref:tasks_have_descriptions]. println!( "* {} \u{2014} {}", task_name.code_str(), task_data.description.as_ref().unwrap(), ); // Print the environment variables that can be passed to the task. for (variable, optional_default) in &task_data.environment { if let Some(default) = optional_default { println!(" {}: {}", variable.code_str(), default.code_str()); } else { println!(" {}: (no default provided)", variable.code_str()); } } } // The user just wanted to list the tasks. We're done. return Ok(()); } // Determine which tasks the user wants to run. let root_tasks = get_roots(&settings, &toastfile)?; // Compute a schedule of tasks to run. let schedule = schedule::compute(&toastfile, &root_tasks); if !schedule.is_empty() { info!( "Ready to run {}: {}.", format::number(schedule.len(), "task"), format::series( schedule .iter() .map(|task| task.code_str().to_string()) .collect::>() .as_ref(), ), ); } // Fetch all the environment variables used by the tasks in the schedule. let environment = fetch_environment(&schedule, &toastfile.tasks)?; // Execute the schedule. let (result, context, last_task) = run_tasks( &schedule, &settings, &toastfile, &environment, settings.spawn_shell, // [tag:spawn_shell_requires_context] &interrupted, &active_containers, ); // Return early if needed. match result { Ok(()) | Err(Failure::User(_, _)) => { // Proceed in case the user wants to drop into a shell. } Err(Failure::Interrupted | Failure::System(_, _)) => { // There was an error not caused by a regular task failure. Quit now. return result; } }; // Drop the user into a shell if requested. if settings.spawn_shell { // If one of the tasks failed, tell the user now before we drop into a shell. if let Err(e) = &result { error!("{}", e); } // Inform the user of what's about to happen. info!("Preparing a shell\u{2026}"); // Determine the environment, location, mount settings, ports, and user for the shell. let (task_environment, location, mount_paths, mount_readonly, ports, user, extra_args) = if let Some(last_task) = last_task { // Get the data for the last task. let last_task = &toastfile.tasks[&last_task]; // [ref:tasks_valid] // Prepare the environment. let mut task_environment = HashMap::::new(); for variable in last_task.environment.keys() { // [ref:environment_valid] task_environment.insert(variable.clone(), environment[variable].clone()); } // Use the settings from the last task. ( task_environment, location(&toastfile, last_task), last_task.mount_paths.clone(), last_task.mount_readonly, last_task.ports.clone(), user(&toastfile, last_task), last_task.extra_docker_arguments.clone(), ) } else { // There is no last task, so the context will be the base image. Use default // settings. ( HashMap::default(), // [ref:default_environment] UnixPath::new("/").to_owned(), // `toastfile::DEFAULT_LOCATION` might not exist. Vec::default(), // [ref:default_mount_paths] default_task_mount_readonly(), Vec::default(), // [ref:default_ports] DEFAULT_USER.to_owned(), Vec::default(), ) }; // All relative paths are relative to where the toastfile lives. let mut toastfile_dir = PathBuf::from(&settings.toastfile_path); toastfile_dir.pop(); // Spawn the shell. docker::spawn_shell( &settings.docker_cli, &context.unwrap().image, // Safe due to [ref:spawn_shell_requires_context]. &toastfile_dir, &task_environment, &location, &mount_paths, mount_readonly, &ports, &user, &extra_args, &interrupted, )?; } // Return the result to the user. result } // Let the fun begin! fn main() { // Jump to the entrypoint and handle any resulting errors. if let Err(e) = entry() { error!("{}", e); exit(1); } }