# toboggan [![Rust Report Card](https://rust-reportcard.xuri.me/badge/github.com/mcaveniathor/toboggan)](https://rust-reportcard.xuri.me/report/github.com/mcaveniathor/toboggan) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/toboggan)](https://crates.io/crates/toboggan) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/toboggan)](https://docs.rs/crate/toboggan/latest) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/toboggan)](https://lbesson.mit-license.org) ## Description Toboggan is an RPC-based key/value database client and server system built on Google's tarpc library and the sled embedded database. This crate contains client and server binaries using Bincode serialization over TCP, *as well as* a library with the traits, boilerplate, stubs, and utilities to integrate the transport and business logic of your choosing with the RPC interface and server functionality provided by the crate. ## Features At time of writing, the following operations are supported, with more to come soon. - NewTree - Insert - Get - GetTreeNames - GetID (returns a monotonically generated ID) - Remove ## Installation `cargo install toboggan` ## Binary Usage ### Server You can view the helptext for the server cli using the command `cargo run --bin server -- -h`. #### Example The command `cargo run --bin server -- -a -p 5050 -d ./db tcp` will create/open a database at /db and listen for RPC requests on ### Client The client helptext can similarly be viewed with `cargo run --bin client -- -h`. Helptext for a specific subcommand can be viewed using `cargo run --bin client -- -h` #### Example To insert the value "Thor M." into the "my_name" key of the "names" tree of the server above, use the following command: `cargo run --bin client -- -a -p 5050 insert -k my_name "Thor M." -t names`